
rookie needs help in Lodi!

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Hi there,

I'm Marcell form austria i arrive on 17 of Juli in San Francisco an plan to make my parachute lizenz in Lodi. Therefor i need some infos!

- How to get to the base?
- Where is the best place to stay?
- Where is the best school?
- Need i a reservation or can i start when ever i want?

I hope somebody can help me.

greetings from Mexcio, Marcell

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The website has the address and driving directions. The cheapest place to stay is right on the dropzone with a tent. If you mean skydiving school, there are several instructors at the dz, talk with some and pick one for yourself.
AFF jumps are made during week days, you can start whenever you like.

The website has an email address, write the dz, they will give you all the info you need.

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If you plan on doing your AFF in Lodi, give Ed a call. He works independently but does all of his training out at Lodi. He is very thorough with his training and u will learn a lot.

Click here:
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