
Finished AFF, now what?

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Hello to all. I finished my AFF jumps about 3 weeks ago and want to start working on my A-license. I have the A-license card and i'm assuming that I have to pay for someone to jump with me and get my A-license card signed off correct?

Is this what they refer to as coach jumps? New to the sport, bare with me. And thanks for all the advice.
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It might depend on where you jump. I jump with people working on their A license and pay my own way. There are others who do the same thing. Hopefully you can find some people where you jump. Ask around. You will probably need to pay the instructor for the check jump. There are plenty of coaches who will gladly fly on your dime, but lots of us just like to jump with students. I remember those who jumped with me and want to return the favor.
POPS #10623; SOS #1672

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It might depend on where you jump. I jump with people working on their A license and pay my own way. There are others who do the same thing. Hopefully you can find some people where you jump. Ask around. You will probably need to pay the instructor for the check jump. There are plenty of coaches who will gladly fly on your dime, but lots of us just like to jump with students. I remember those who jumped with me and want to return the favor.

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Wait, you didn't get your A-license upon completion of your AFF?

Maybe it's changed since I got mine, I don't know.

I believe he is referring to AFF as being the initial 7 or 8 jumps you do in your training, which is correct. After the AFF jumps are complete then you become a self supervised solo student jumper(or coach jumps). You still must do several solo and coach jumps before receiving your A license.

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