
Flat packing

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Flat packing is the only authorized packing method for the parachutes our military unit jumps. Paraflite MC-4's, PD Military Tandem Mains, and PD Spectre and Navigators are all flat packed.

I flat pack my personal rig's main (Spectre/ Pulse) out of habit and I don't have anything bad to say about the technique other than it takes up a little more floor space when you lay it out.
We're not fucking flying airplanes are we, no we're flying a glorified kite with no power and it should be flown like one! - Stratostar

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One DZ I'm at teaches flat packing for students, with their F-111 student canopies. Later they learn from friends how to propack when they get their own gear. All student gear has to be flat packed (even by experienced packers). The Tandem Sigmas are flat packed too. Which takes time.

It is a bit of an anomaly, but the DZO clearly likes the traditional flat pack. Not that he's totally against propacking -- I've seen him propack his Parafoil 282. It's more that he sees propacking as something a bit newfangled that's too easy to mess up if done too quickly and wrong. (Counterargument: learn to do it right!)

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Yes, I always flat pack my main. Its easier on my arm as I have a bad shoulder and reaching down deep to clear the panels can be painful.

I make exception on my reserve which I pro pack, only because it splits easier for bagging.
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my P D Spectre came with packing tabs,, and my previous 7 cell mains did also...
So i use(d) 'em...:|

I carry a drag mat and a proper sized packing mat,,, and set up somewhere 'out of the way'... no problem..
It's just as fast.
i call the technique... "Pre -Pro" Packing :o:P;)

If it ain't broke,, don't fix it...have not had a main canopy related mal...,, in over 30 years...


scr scs nscr

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Sure. Mains over about 240, Foils and Mantas mostly. Just as fast as propacking them.

One of the clubs I call home teaches flatpacks for student mains, though you don't have to if you're not a student. The other one has packers and doesn't really teach packing student gear. :S

I am. I think.

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..."Pre -Pro" Packing...
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


I flat-pack the 'Cloud. After six years and nearly 80 jumps on the Triathalon I'm finally getting to the point where pro-packing the thing is not intimidating and can be effortless if I do everything right. Whatever that is.

Used to pro-pack my Star Trac (290.) Once flat-packed it but it was an awful lot of work for the same result. Nice trip down memory lane, though.


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I pro pack my PD, before I put it away for good I flat packed my cruise lite.
It seemed to have a longer snivel if I pro packed it.

When I first got my PD it was recommended to pro pack it, everyone I knew was still flat packing, So I'm pro packing my PD and someone walks by and says, packing a mally there.[:/]

Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward

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Darn flat packers use up too much space!!:) One that I know is a vegetarian too. We fondly call him the "vegetarian flat packing bastard":o:ph34r:

They both work - do what you are comfortable with.

"We saved your gear. Now you can sell it when you get out of the hospital and upsize!!" "K-Dub"


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I find that pro packing is faster too, if you do it correctly. You're using gravity to do half the work for you. But much of that is the smaller canopies we have, with the lower profile airfoils. I pro pack the tandem rigs too, but man, that's a lot of nylon I'm trying to hold up in the air.:D

Maybe we'll just move to West Plains and I'll have Mutley pack all my tandems for me forever.B|

Hey Doc, give Cindy a hug for us. ;):)

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does anyone flat pack anymore?

Only people who aren't "cool".

:) I know a guy who downsized from a F111 200ish main (after 20+ years jumping and 2000+ skydives) to a Sabre120, which he still flat packs. I also met a guy who has been jumping for 30+ years and still jumps an F111 and simply didn't care to learn how to propack (his words).

Yes, there still are people who flatpack their mains.

I flat pro-stack larger reserves and BASE canopies.

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My dad still flat packs. Its funny to watch the crown gather around him when he's packing. They all watch in fascination. :ph34r:

I only learned to pro pack when I started jumping again a year ago after a 15 year hiatus. I needed a refresher on packing and nobody knew how to flat pack so I had to learn to pro pack.

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does anyone flat pack anymore?

I still flat pack. (Currently jumping a Sabre-2 150) Notice the word "still" meaning that's the way I initially learned. Don't have any compelling reason to change other than to conform to the masses and/or take up less packing space. When (almost) everyone was using this method there wasn't a lot of whining about floor space and we all seemed to get along. :P

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