
Wing Suit

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Thanks a lot everybody to refer me to the SIM. It has helped me a lot to understand so many things that I had never imagined. I am goin going to read it in details whenever I get a chance.

I read in the SIM that if you jump at 13500 and you open at 3000, you will have length of freefall as 10500. If you are falling horizontal you fall at 120m/h which will give you a total of 63 seconds of freefall. I also read that if you wear a Wing suit you will ge 146 seconds of freefall.

Is that a mistake or it that true? What exactlty is a wing suit? How much does that cost? Don't you guys recommend that everybody should wear it to have a longer time of freefall? esp. students like me so that we can have longer time and hence longer time.


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Is that a mistake or it that true?

Depends on which wingsuit and who's flying it.


What exactlty is a wing suit?

A jumpsuit with wings between the arms and upper body and between the legs from the crotch down.


Don't you guys recommend that everybody should wear it to have a longer time of freefall? esp. students like me so that we can have longer time and hence longer time.

Wingsuits are more complex than "regular" jumpsuits. These complexities can create interesting malfunction situations. Thus flying one requires a certain level of skydiving experience.

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Jig, there is no problem asking questions like this on the S+T forum. However, in the past few days you have asked ten really basic questions about skydiving, and that indicates to me that you aren't getting information from any other source than the Internet. And that can be bad. I would STRONGLY suggest you ask the instructors at a local DZ the same questions, and then ask here if you have any further questions or something is still unclear to you. I think you will get a lot more out of this website (and get a much more accurate picture of skydiving overall) if you do that.

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