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Capitalism: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition

You left out a few definitions....

Fraud - 1 a : deceit, trickery; specifically : intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right b : an act of deceiving or misrepresenting : trick

thievery - : the act or practice or an instance of stealing : theft

deception - 1 a : the act of deceiving b : the fact or condition of being deceived
2 : something that deceives : trick

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This further exonerates Jan Meyer. :)
I'm I the only one that notices ?

I noticed. Her uncommon valor and unbreakable fortitude in the face of unfair criticism through public lashings from the presumptive ignorant, and attempts at Machiavellian machinations by would-be bullies and connivers are something that not everyone would have the strength and courage to endure. She is a brave and admirable woman, and I am privileged to call her my friend.
Roll Tide Roll

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DZO's, in my opinion are accomplices because they are redeeming certificates that they know to be fraudulently marketed.

In my opinion, your opinion sucks.

Capitalism: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition

The days when capitalism meant unlimited license to cheat and deceive have long since passed in this country, thank goodness.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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This further exonerates Jan Meyer. :)
I'm I the only one that notices ?

I noticed. Her uncommon valor and unbreakable fortitude in the face of unfair criticism through public lashings from the presumptive ignorant, and attempts at Machiavellian machinations by would-be bullies and connivers are something that not everyone would have the strength and courage to endure. She is a brave and admirable woman, and I am privileged to call her my friend.

TIMES 2!!!!
Refuse to Lose!!!
Failure is NOT an option!

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I noticed. Her uncommon valor and unbreakable fortitude in the face of unfair criticism through public lashings from the presumptive ignorant, and attempts at Machiavellian machinations by would-be bullies and connivers are something that not everyone would have the strength and courage to endure. She is a brave and admirable woman, and I am privileged to call her my friend.

Maybe it's time for Jan to run for the Board again...

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*** My family has phone numbers in one state but lives in another state, to most people their phone number may seem remote but its normal for cell phone only users.

My blackberry's phone number has a different area code than the one I live in. Just an example...
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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My opinion of the DZs that accept Skyride gift certificates. Is the particular DZ being an enabler. By accepting the GCs, the DZ enables and perpetuates the deceitful practices of the Skyride business model.

Best description I've read yet.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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So if I understood the court documents correctly, the total amount awarded to Skydive Arizona jumps from $6.6 million to about $9.5 or 9.6 million?
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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So if I understood the court documents correctly, the total amount awarded to Skydive Arizona jumps from $6.6 million to about $9.5 or 9.6 million?

I thought it was doubled which would be 13.2m. If I understood it correctly, but I didn't do the math on all those numbers in the court document..

I think either amount is still lunch money to Cary since he "Has more money than God".:S
Refuse to Lose!!!
Failure is NOT an option!

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So how does this really work? You always hear about these court orders awarding huge sums of money but the actual payout never makes the news. Is there a time limit on SR to pay?

I do know that at least three news networks in Arizona, Connecticut and Georgia, have reported on the original $6.6m amount, but at the time, all they could really say at the time was that the case was ongoing and they elaborated on the possibility of the judgment getting increased, so maybe they will do a follow story. I have personally spoke with Eric Parker at WFSB Connecticut and Randy Travis at MyFOX Atlanta and they both plan to continue to follow the story.
I guess we will have to get the popcorn and see how this one turns out.
Refuse to Lose!!!
Failure is NOT an option!

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So how does this really work? You always hear about these court orders awarding huge sums of money but the actual payout never makes the news. Is there a time limit on SR to pay?

That's why I asked if there were tangible assets they could attach. Not sure anybody knows, or if they know, are willing to answer the question.

Getting a judgment is one thing, collecting is another.
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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So how does this really work? You always hear about these court orders awarding huge sums of money but the actual payout never makes the news. Is there a time limit on SR to pay?

That's why I asked if there were tangible assets they could attach. Not sure anybody knows, or if they know, are willing to answer the question.

Getting a judgment is one thing, collecting is another.

My money is on Cary either making, or has already made the assets go away so he looks like he is flat broke. "Shell game"????
Refuse to Lose!!!
Failure is NOT an option!

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My money is on Cary either making, or has already made the assets go away so he looks like he is flat broke. "Shell game"????

That doesn't so much happen anymore like it used to, the loopholes have mostly been closed. If it did in fact boast something about having "more money than God," then either it isn't as smart as it thinks it is, or it must have some other much larger source too, because by today's standards, that's quite an assertion based on the numbers I've seen. I'd bet on the former, because crooked and conniving thievery do not demonstrate smart, regardless of profit boasted.
Roll Tide Roll

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So if I understood the court documents correctly, the total amount awarded to Skydive Arizona jumps from $6.6 million to about $9.5 or 9.6 million?

I thought it was doubled which would be 13.2m. If I understood it correctly, but I didn't do the math on all those numbers in the court document..

I think either amount is still lunch money to Cary since he "Has more money than God".:S

The way I read it, the $6.6m judgement is a total aggregate from several charges or categories, and not all of them were doubled.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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My hat is off to all who pursued right. My respect to Jan for standing in the face of opposition.

I would love to see Skydive AZ host the "Honest Skies" Boogie in celebration.

Would be nice to see a effort to again persuade others to not accept business with this dishonest oraganization. The court has upheald that this compnay conducts dishonest practices. We knew this. It's official-lets demand with our dollars that other DZO's terminate their association with this bad apple amongst us.

So much good about this sport and our community. It's time to expell this bad stuuf. The ultimate in self policing is doing the right thing, merely because it's the right thing to do. We bitch about regualtions, well here is a chance for us to show all that we do not always need big brother-we can do it because our community will not tolerate these things that hurt us.

I would love to see our industry lead by example. Just no reason to be on the wrong side of this and so much to gain by being right-of course some knew that early and fought this fight-thank you for demonstrating the good that i wish we all had.

My daughter is new to this sport and there are some signatures i'm going to encourage her to get in her logbook. This sport still has pioneers.

"You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"

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