
organizing a boogie

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It's not *that* bad.
Get yourself a big kettle. Fill it with cool water. Put it on the stove. Jump in.
Gradually turn up the heat until it boils.
That way you won't feel the pain coming.:P

Seriously, get help. Find people that excel in the various aspects of producing ANYTHING.

Are you bringing in outside aircraft? If so, ask about tach time, starts, ferry fees. Remember that even if it's a skydiver-owned aircraft, it's a business, so the owner/leasing agent is out for the most profit they can achieve, and in that...you might find yourself hosed.
Weather insurance?what happens with outside aircraft if the plane doesn't fly?
Do they require you to use their aircraft as the primary?

What sorts of events are you wanting to offer? Got organizers in the various disciplines? You can't do it yourself, after all...

Videographers for the event?


Promotional attendance ie; PD, Aerodyne, or other large manufacturer gonna be there as a draw?

Plan on working with local businesses to promote good prices on lodging, maybe food, etc.

Can people get to you easily? If you're in Podunk and the nearest large airport is 300 miles away, you''ll likely not attract many non-locals. Are there enough locals to support what you're wanting to achieve?

Will you be running tandems during the boogie? If not, where do the profits for the event come from? Will you charge a registration fee to help offset lost tandem profits?
What do folks get for those fees? Hopefully more than a wrist band.

Security? Toilets? secure area for gear? Packing area? Activities outside of skydiving in case weather is crap, or for after jumping? Beer license required? Airport permission required?
This is the quick list. There's a lot more...

Scared yet?:D

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Get a signed contract for aircraft for your dates, BEFORE you announce or advertise anything.

For non-regular dz locations, USPA can designate the area a dropzone so the USPA 3rd party insurance will apply. Contact your regional director to get that done.

Manifest - who's going to do it?

If it's an off-airport location, you'll need vehicles to transport people. Don't forget to figure in cost of gas, use of vehicles and someone to drive them.

Expect jumpers to whine about the registration fee, and expect that some of them will show up, enjoy the facilities and people, never make a jump and never pay registration.

And like Spot said, there's a lot more...

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NOTAMS for specialty jumps, clearances for any areas you'll overfly (especially if you've got wing weinies),
Clean up crews
preps for the landing areas such as mowing, watering in advance
Paying organizers? Giving slots? How many for how many?
Manifest....mentioned, but needs to be mentioned more. If you have a hot chick, make sure she can think too. Make sure that manifest won't be overloaded. I actually make up special manifest sheets for the groups, it's helpful, even if it's just a 4-6 way with org.
Even if it's an on-airport location, you'll prolly end up ferrying some folks from the local commercial airport to the DZ. 22 miles round trip from SLC International to Skydive Utah adds up fast.
Special safetyrules for the event? Special/designated landing areas for the event if the loads are large enough or multiplane?
Ramper who knows skydiving safety to help check folks as they board and helps make the process go more smoothly?
Relief pilot?
Marketing? Advertising? Local support/donations for prizes? Manufacturer support for any prizes/awards?
Get Starbucks...I hear they love skydivers now.
Sony sure does, but they require a 4 month lead time.

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Thanks for all the great info guys. Let me fill in some blanks. The event will be at a dropzone. There will be an outside airplane as well as the dropzone's normal plane. We have a full staff, large landing area and super anal s&ta. We are close to major airports. I have absolutely no money for advertising yet as this was just put in my lap. I have a lot to look at now but still appreciate more info. Thanks again.

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