
Piper PA-18 skydiving

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I have. Its tight. Remove the cushion from the front seat. Practice the exit on the ground with your gear on. Much safer than a J3.
Replying to: Re: Stall On Jump Run Emergency Procedure? by billvon

If the plane is unrecoverable then exiting is a very very good idea.

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Hi e nev,
One thing about jumping from a plane like that is the "awkardness" of the exit! Getting in and out on the ground is one thing but in the air with a rig on?? Take note of things that can cause really big problems like door stops on the wing strut, the foot step, and I don't know about the PA-18 but does the aileron cable exit the lower fuselage and go up the strut or is it enclosed in the wing?? (when you exit if something on your rig snags that cable..then!!!!) Remember,"Safe Skydiving is no accident!!"
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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I've done a 172 and a Luscombe with the doors and seats. The thing I remember the most about the Luscombe was that I opened the door and put a foot out way too soon. I had to close the door and wait for the spot. Too used to spotting a 182.


On climbout, watch your handles.

What he said and maybe a little right rudder.

"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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Yesterday we heard a cautionary tale about jumping from float-equipped aircraft.
It seems that - many years ago - three skydivers planned an exhibition jump from a Cessna 180 on floats, in Northern British Columbia.
The first guy thought it would be cool to do a back-flip off the float. He slid the length of the float until he hung up on a mooring cleat. The cleat snagged the yoke of his harness.
When the second jumper climber down to untangle him, they shifted the center of gravity so far aft that the airplane stalled and lost almost 2,000 feet of altitude.
The pilot only regained control after they dragged the clumbsy skydiver to the door.
He was disappointed when they cancelled the exhibition jump!

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