
Winter 2010 USPA BOD Meeting....

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Could this be another issue that's affected greatly by the big DZ, small DZ factor? Seems to me that on a smaller DZ, where people are less busy that direct hands on supervision by an AFFI is completely viable and preferable. When you're on a large DZ that's extremely busy, there just may not be time and you end up with AFFIs signing off on stuff without having enough time to really verify in great detail. I'm not saying this is the case or that this is a great situation, just seems to me that having an already busy AFFI sit through all the debriefs of the coaches working on the DZ just isn't practical depending on the load. Giving the AFFI the ability to say, ok Coach X, you can sign off these segments but we're going to sit down and discuss the student before I sign off the whole card makes sense in this scenario. In other cases, it may make sense for the AFFI to require an untested coach (like me!) to check with them on everything.

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Then change the regulations to not require a coach to be deemed to be working under the supervision of an instructor (which I think would be risky from a legal/liability standpoint).

I agree. :P Can't see why it would be risky from a legal/liability standpoint... If a coach is qualified to teach the A licence curriculum, to someone who has already been cleared for solo jumps from an AFFI, why would there be a liability issue???

But, I still don't think you have to remove the "working under" for the coach to have the privilege to sign the A card - as the final checkoff dives/quizzes are done by an instructor, and that instructor should be double checking all the coaching that has been done, thus they are "working under" an instructor....

I was chatting with another instructor today. We both laughed... Why would an instructor sign off an accuracy landing witnessed personally by someone else (the coach?)... And how many closing loop replacements does the instructor have to watch a coach teach before that coach is trusted to teach it??? Seems ridiculous to me... But our opinions may differ.

(I also seem to sense that some other DZs must have really crappy coaches or coaches that were not evaluated with high standards to get their rating... That would be the only reason why someone would advocate instructors sign most items on the A card instead of letting the coach do it with a final review by an instructor to get an "A"... As most of the instructors I work with would agree 90%+ of the coaches are able to work on their own with students and do a very good job, and the remaining 10% raise red flags to us when we see their signatures on cards and warrant re-training on subjects, but 10% of all people suck too, so it's not a coach thing.)

If you look at the 2 page A licence card, most of the items are simple procedures to teach and if someone doesn't have the knowledge of these items they should not have an "A", let alone a coach rating!

Just my opinion.

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