
Google Earth Drop Zone Project -- Ideas and Discussion

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On a Mac system;

Help > Add / Edit a Business Listing

This takes you to a Google sign in page.

There -must- be another way to do more detailed stuff, but I haven't looked into it. I think it probably falls under the category of "Enterprise Solutions" on the Google Earth web site - which is marketing speak for "this is gonna cost ya".
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Sucks that the Google Earth imagery isn't high-res for our area. It would be great to do a few data points (pond, main landing area, new hanger, etc.) but with that image, it just ain't gonna happen
It wouldn't hurt you to think like a fucking serial killer every once in a while - just for the sake of prevention

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I have a few co-hosted windows servers, and would be willing to donate the hosting space nessisary to help make a collaborative project like this happen, however I don't have the time to organize it. If somebody wants to take me up on this feel free to drop me a message.
Matt Christenson

http://www.RealDropzone.com - A new breed of dropzone manifest software.

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The Temple of Artemis (Artemision) - A few columns and scanty fragments strewn on the ground are all that remains of the Seventh Wonder of the World. Picture attached...

During the frefall and canopy ride you can see all the antique city.

It might be the only DZ which is so near to an antique city.

you can find info at ;


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Netheravon, UK

Wow that brings back memories..... I did some static line jumps there when I was a student, nearly 10 years ago.... (gave up because I was a poor student and couldn't afford it) but is really cool now that I'm back in the sport to look back and remember how petrified I was of that view! Looking down on Nethers..... gulp!!!!!

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Unfortunately, our dz's location is pretty low-res on Google Earth...but here is Prairie Skymasters Parachute Club's dz location: Wakaw Saskatchewan Canada.

(I hope I did this right)

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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The version of Google Earth for Linux that I downloaded back in August didn't quite work. I just downloaded a newer version and it works fairly well.

Here's one for OSC in Cushing, OK.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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I grabbed all the placemarks posted in this thread so far and put them here. I don't yet have the Australian ones that bob.dino linked to; those are next.

Edit: I got the Australian ones added. For a couple of them I couldn't figure out the DZ or club name and just have the location.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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I like the Idea, here's Skydive Palatka:)

34 down, 800+ to go! :)

I added Palatka to the site. I have also put up a file that contains all of the individual dropzones, so you can get all of the DZs at once if you want.

In many parts of the US and Canada, the weather is getting worse... a rainy, cloudy Saturday is a great time to spend 15 minutes creating an entry for your dropzone!

Even if your DZ is in a "low resolution" part of the world, create an entry for it anyway. The low-res pictures are usually good enough for some basic landmarks, like the DZ's hangar, the runway, and the landing area. Because of the way Google Earth works, if Google later gets some better imagery for your area, the new images will _automatically_ appear underneath the points you've created - you don't have to do anything.

A question for Quade or other greenies: would it be acceptable/worthwhile to post a pointer to this thread over in "Events and Places to Jump"? It might help get some more dropzones added to the list. Just one post that was immediately locked would probably do it.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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