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QuoteHas anyone ever laid out a grid like when you play cow-patty bingo? Get a bunch of white engineer tape and lay out a huge grid on the dropzone, number each one and then place bets on where said jumper will hit the ground first.
How many threads get posted here like this? It amazes me how folks are dumb enough to post crap like this. Also amazed at the overwhelming number of responses are submitted trying to talk these folks out of doing something stupid. On the flip side, someone asks a good, sensible question, gets hammered and is promptly told to use the search function.
So, we encourage folks to post shit like this by giving it two pages of responses and discourage folks from posting good, solid questions by shutting them down with directions to the search block at the top of the page.
As much as I hate to see anyone get hurt, the OP is going to do what everyone at his DZ is saying would be OK for him to do regardless of what is being discussed here. Let's stop badgering the guy so he won't be embarrassed to post what happens in the incidents forum if something goes wrong.
Try the search function

Someone's going to be spanked! Hopefully, it will be me. Skymama
Cudos to the offer on the 170. But JM, please realize that the downsize from the 200+sf canopy to a Sabre 170 will be dramatic. I would still suggest a progression maybe to a docile 190 to get some experience before you try a 170. I waited some extra jumps on rentals before I jumped my own gear and am thankful I did. I still own that Sabre 170 and remember that first jump on it was sooo much faster then the 190 I had been jumping prior.
Went from student 260 to my own Sabre2 210ft at jump 21. 23 jumps later it still makes me nervous and will for a long time yet.
This guy should get one of those small new cameras and throw that into the mix as well.
LoadUp DZ Management App
Andy0689 0

I'll believe it when I see it on YouTube!
This guy should get one of those small new cameras and throw that into the mix as well.
GoPro's usually do survive the terminal impact, so yeah why not

I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.
You were likely flying something like a Navigator while on AFF. Those fly very slow and descend slow without much or any forward glide to the ground. With these canopies and on AFF they usually tell you to wait until you are at approx 15' above ground and then FULL flare.
As others have mentioned, you will definitely have to know how to perform a 2 stage flare with that Heatwave. You can't simply full flare at 15' as it will either collapse or bring you another 20' higher, both likely ending with a hard landing to say the least. And also as previously mentioned you will be coming in for your landings much much faster.
I also started down-sizing, using Spectres and Sabre2s right off AFF and the 2 stage flare was with out a doubt the most important thing I learned with the landings. If one of your toggles is even a few inches lower than the other (especially with an elliptical) you can dive and hit hard, even if your only a foot off the ground.
At the very least you may want to rent or borrow something like a Spectre 210 to get a feel for a canopy with more forward glide on landings.
----Disclaimer: I don't know shit about skydiving.----
Enjoy your skydives, have fun and be safe
tsisson 0
That said...I know of a very progressive dropzone in the midwest that put all AFF students out on Sabre's...and did so safely. I personally saw some students transition to Stilleto's for a few jumps...and many bought and jumped ellipticals for their first canopy's. This was all done with alot of coaching, mentoring, attention,and constant reminder that you will likely die if you screw up close to the ground.
Remember that low turns will kill you, no matter what sort of canopy you are flying, and fly this one conservatively knowing that it will put you in the hurt locker more efficiently if you screw up close to the ground.
Use your head when flying the gear you conservative...stay ahead of the jump...head on a swivel...don't try to get cute with swooping at this to learn.
My 2 cents.
tsisson 0
QuoteOr a flat turn? Might be a handy skill to have when flying an elliptical at any wingloading.
What about a loop de loop?
I have full faith in this kid..

..therefore I'll put $10 in..
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