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Jumpdude 0
I think I'm going to Wally World and getting a couple of pairs of big floppy shoes and red rubber noses for Lance and Fincher,,, Anyone care to contribute???
so, skyride represents the devil to you, but walmart is is your shopping venue of choice?
i bet you live in some shitty little town that walmart has dislodged all the local retailers from.
that's voting with you wallet!
Ok then, I'll redirect and go to Ambercrombie so I can get you the shoes and noses with a higher level of style

Failure is NOT an option!
Jumpdude 0
i'd estimate 95% of america fits this qualification, but hey, thanks for taking time from all YOUR efforts to combat injustices in the world to drop in...
Yes, I'd estimate that those who are included in the percentage would drastically over-estimate that percentage to make themselves feel better about being part of the problem.
They trained you well....deny, deny, deny.
Well said!!

Failure is NOT an option!
More than you'll ever know Skippy.
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
Johndh1 has chosen just to start attacking people again and take this thread back to a irrational place. A place where multiple view points cant be discussed. NO! its all satan skyride. If you dont agree 100 percent then you are wrong in every aspect. Very narrow minded johndh1.....
I am interested in this beaver creek though? sounds fun. Is that like the bunny ranch? I'd like to shred that!!!
slaver is a word, it means what it sounds like.
you make a logical, organized argument. well done.
i don't begrudge you your position on drug trafficking, or skyride for that matter.
johndh1 0
I think I'm going to Wally World and getting a couple of pairs of big floppy shoes and red rubber noses for Lance and Fincher,,, Anyone care to contribute???
so, skyride represents the devil to you, but walmart is is your shopping venue of choice?
i bet you live in some shitty little town that walmart has dislodged all the local retailers from.
that's voting with you wallet!
In your toxic and histrionic state, you've mixed responses to posts - I was the one who referred to Butler-hole/Cockroachy as Santa/Satan earlier on, in jest; however, I do live in a shitty little town where the only chain-stores here are a Subway, a Starbuck's, and a ColdStoneCreameries. We do, however, have a couple thousand acres of good ski terrain. You'd be fortunate to relocate here, and leave the Nashville/Cedartown/Phoenix area behind...since they are in such close proximity.Roll Tide Roll
QuoteLance, you haven't "shown me what it's all about," thanks for agreeing with me with "absolutely correct."
Your certainty that I "know what it's all about" concerning drug funded dz's is duly noted - an incorrect presumption on your part, and a gossip-based presumption on mine as to what really went on - however, I know what I have heard for a long time, and I know what I would testify to in court as first-hand knowledge are two different things. MY team didn't bring it up (why must we always pick sides?!) - and you misread my italics. All I was saying is that those guys supposedly did what they did (acquitted, or deceased, or whatever), and I was not part of the jury on that; lets keep on topic as to what YOUR guys are doing without remorse, even to this day.
Gift certificates these days usually are refundable in the same time-zone as which they were purchased, usually the company that would redeem was located there, anyway. N'est Pas?
"trust me buddy boy..."
Did you pull me over in the dog-car on "Dumb and Dumber?" Drink it, Buddy-Boy. The Kool-Aid, would you like grape or cherry?Quote"For once, I am at a loss for words... "
-ggod, get some sleep!
I will. And tomorrow I will shred Beaver Creek. Thanks for the Sweet Dreams. One day, you'll probably be saying to me around the fire, "I just didn't realize what all was going on?" and I'll say, "There, there - you were young and dumb..."
Been there, done that.
sure thing, john...
i'd estimate 95% of america fits this qualification, but hey, thanks for taking time from all YOUR efforts to combat injustices in the world to drop in...
Yes, I'd estimate that those who are included in the percentage would drastically over-estimate that percentage to make themselves feel better about being part of the problem.
They trained you well....deny, deny, deny.
who trained me, andy? do you think there's a skyride indoc process or something. geez... are quite a card. very fun!
as for some comment
I guess im going to maintain my position on the fence. When it comes to skydiving immorality...I'd say skyride got it honest. lol
Quotei could care less what people know about me, i'm a pretty open book.
More than you'll ever know Skippy.
fairly cryptic, should i worry?
I think I'm going to Wally World and getting a couple of pairs of big floppy shoes and red rubber noses for Lance and Fincher,,, Anyone care to contribute???
so, skyride represents the devil to you, but walmart is is your shopping venue of choice?
i bet you live in some shitty little town that walmart has dislodged all the local retailers from.
that's voting with you wallet!
In your toxic and histrionic state, you've mixed responses to posts - I was the one who referred to Butler-hole/Cockroachy as Santa/Satan earlier on, in jest; however, I do live in a shitty little town where the only chain-stores here are a Subway, a Starbuck's, and a ColdStoneCreameries. We do, however, have a couple thousand acres of good ski terrain. You'd be fortunate to relocate here, and leave the Nashville/Cedartown/Phoenix area behind...since they are in such close proximity.
john, put the bong down, broooooo.
Yes, I'd estimate that those who are included in the percentage would drastically over-estimate that percentage to make themselves feel better about being part of the problem.
They trained you well....deny, deny, deny.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239
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