johndh1 0 #501 February 13, 2009 QuoteQuoteQuote Hey everybody, I'm here, let's all get the helmets and crayons out! Not all of us need the helmets and crayons... but thank you for contributing. You're such a special boy! You get a gold star! (Just ask any 1st grade teacher for it. Tell them I said its ok.) How 'bout some play dough? Anybody got any? No, but I have some indisputable facts, a baker's dozen rose-colored glasses, a pound of misguided newbie camaraderie, and a whole lot of selfishly-driven enthusiasm...add to that a dessert of "forgiveness is easier than permission..."Roll Tide Roll Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumpdude 0 #502 February 13, 2009 Quote Quote Quote Quote Hey everybody, I'm here, let's all get the helmets and crayons out! Not all of us need the helmets and crayons... but thank you for contributing. You're such a special boy! You get a gold star! (Just ask any 1st grade teacher for it. Tell them I said its ok.) How 'bout some play dough? Anybody got any? No, but I have some indisputable facts, a baker's dozen rose-colored glasses, a pound of misguided newbie camaraderie, and a whole lot of selfishly-driven enthusiasm...add to that a dessert of "forgiveness is easier than permission..." At least I can poke fun at myself as well as they can. Ya think?Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bolas 5 #503 February 13, 2009 Quoteunfortunately the adage "you are part of the solution, or part of the problem" doesn't bear out in real life. people aren't compelled to be either. I disagree. Apathy is not neutral. It can be, but it's not "on purpose." In this case true neutral would be not jumping at any DZ on top of not taking a side.Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndh1 0 #504 February 13, 2009 QuoteQuoteunfortunately the adage "you are part of the solution, or part of the problem" doesn't bear out in real life. people aren't compelled to be either. I disagree. Apathy is not neutral. It can be, but it's not "on purpose." In this case true neutral would be not jumping at any DZ on top of not taking a side. I, for one, would say that if I knew that any dollar I paid in a lift ticket went to that organization, I would get my jollies elsewhere. Besides, all it takes to leave an aircraft at altitude is a few bucks and an open door...Roll Tide Roll Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumpdude 0 #505 February 13, 2009 I'm off, I'll put my helmet and crayons away now...... Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lancefrazier 0 #506 February 13, 2009 "Apathy is not neutral. It can be, but it's not "on purpose." right you are, sir! neutral means finding yourself midway between extremes. think ph balance. apathy implies not even being involved. apathy, breaks down to "without emotion",... modern usage tends to bend the prefix "a" to a meaning more akin to "contra". one who is apolitical is without politics, while atheism has been appropriated to mean refuting religion, or even god, it really means simple without religion. most skydivers are in fact apathetic to skyride, and the allegations made against it. only some have made it into a moral campaign, a fixation so strong it tends to even replaces skydiving as a passion...well im not a skyride fan by any means, but this sport is and always has been rich in moraly questionable behavior. -parabuteo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #507 February 14, 2009 Court order in the Skydive Arizona vs Skyride case has been unsealed. News in the other thread. "Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baronn 111 #508 February 14, 2009 And won.Now. I'm not a real fan of Skyride, but at what point is the USPA ever gonna wake up? Here's an organization that has a very effective marketing system that gets people to come out and jump. As much as you might disagree with their methods(many are deplorable) it can't be denied that it's also effective. Instead of suing Skyride, why not build an alliance and use their marketing to benefit every DZ in the USPA? It would certainly be a stretch and require a whole lot of people that hate each other to get along, but it might save the sport. There is no unity in this organization and if it continues as it has in the past, never will. History has proven this to be a disaster. It's time to evolve and move forward. As long as we have these selfish, I'm gonna keep it my way or the highway attitude, we as a sport and an organization are doomed to repeat the mistakes that have been so ineffective in the past. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
labrys 0 #509 February 14, 2009 QuoteHere's an organization that has a very effective marketing system that gets people to come out and jump. How in hells name is a system that cheats people an "effective marketing system" Skyride has been involved in all sorts of investigations and complaints. They lie and they misrepresent themselves and their facilities.Owned by Remi #? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumpdude 0 #510 February 14, 2009 QuoteAnd won.Now. I'm not a real fan of Skyride, but at what point is the USPA ever gonna wake up? Here's an organization that has a very effective marketing system that gets people to come out and jump. As much as you might disagree with their methods(many are deplorable) it can't be denied that it's also effective. Instead of suing Skyride, why not build an alliance and use their marketing to benefit every DZ in the USPA? It would certainly be a stretch and require a whole lot of people that hate each other to get along, but it might save the sport. There is no unity in this organization and if it continues as it has in the past, never will. History has proven this to be a disaster. It's time to evolve and move forward. As long as we have these selfish, I'm gonna keep it my way or the highway attitude, we as a sport and an organization are doomed to repeat the mistakes that have been so ineffective in the past. As I have said more than once in these threads, the marketing concept was great idea, but being that sLyride is such a criminal organization, well,, we see how it came out. Now make no mistake, I am not in anyway saying that there's anything good about sLyride because they used the marketing plan, I am only saying that the idea was good as long as it was kept honest. Just think of how much more money they would have if they had kept it honest and only marketed in the areas where they actually had a DZ who actually accepted their gift certificates and only increased their marketing in new areas as they signed on new DZ's in those areas. Instead, they chose to become a scam, resulting in them being forced to spend millions on defending themselves from all the lawsuits and all the other legal stuff that has come at them over the last few years only to loose. It looks to me like they've been on a path to self destruction for a long time. That don't sound like a very good business plan...Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #511 February 14, 2009 QuoteAnd won.Now. I'm not a real fan of Skyride, but at what point is the USPA ever gonna wake up? Here's an organization that has a very effective marketing system that gets people to come out and jump. As much as you might disagree with their methods(many are deplorable) it can't be denied that it's also effective. Instead of suing Skyride, why not build an alliance and use their marketing to benefit every DZ in the USPA? Because then USPA would be as unethical as Skyride. I do not wish to be associated with an organization that uses lies and deceit to gain a commercial advantage, thank you.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
labrys 0 #512 February 14, 2009 Quote I am only saying that the idea was good as long as it was kept honest. The idea would not have worked if it was kept honest. That's the point.Owned by Remi #? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumpdude 0 #513 February 14, 2009 QuoteQuote I am only saying that the idea was good as long as it was kept honest. The idea would not have worked if it was kept honest. That's the point. Good point,,,,,,Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #514 February 14, 2009 >It would certainly be a stretch and require a whole lot of people that >hate each other to get along, but it might save the sport. Why does the sport need saving? Over the past two years, jumps are up and USPA membership is up. Do we need to go in the other direction? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capt.Slog 0 #515 February 15, 2009 QuoteQuoteok class, extra credit time! i'll buy anyone a lift ticket at their home dz if they can tell me what my point is... the answer "defending skyride" will get you after school detention! Lance I think I see your point. A crime commited 200 years ago and a crime commited today have a pretty big thing in common. THEY ARE BOTH CRIMES. Rescuing a bunch of marble sculptures from destruction by Venetian cannon fire hardly constitutes a crime. Had Elgin not rescued them, they would no longer exist at all, since the Ottomans were using them for barricades. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LoneFlyer 0 #516 February 20, 2009 Re: Cat AIDS “fundraiser”. Everyone knows it wasn’t a fundraiser. The reps at the OL airfield seemed to be scared of this club for some reason. They ought to be afraid of the fallout if the citizens get wind of some of the questionable activities out there, on a tax-payer supported facility. What people will tell you when they get behind “closed doors.” TC and the skyride gang get their jollies trying to offend people and don’t have enough backbone to own up to being jerks just for the sake of being jerks at their parties. To rationalize all the fuss, they try to make it acceptable by claiming it raised money variously for cat AIDs research, the local HS or the local shelter; or claiming it was a joke. They can’t keep their lies straight. Neither of the two local organizations received a penny. It’s up to them to pursue fraud charges. The Friskies cat food company wasn’t too thrilled either about the copyright infringement involved with the “ads” for the “event.” My girlfriend likes to joke about TC’s internet site: TC is so “manly”, pointing his gun at the camera for his wannabe macho shot, picking up road kill and tossing out helpless little animals while diving. If he ever tried to hang with some of my old SF buddies, they’d grind him up and use him for cat litter. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumpdude 0 #517 February 21, 2009 Quote Re: Cat AIDS “fundraiser”. Everyone knows it wasn’t a fundraiser. The reps at the OL airfield seemed to be scared of this club for some reason. They ought to be afraid of the fallout if the citizens get wind of some of the questionable activities out there, on a tax-payer supported facility. What people will tell you when they get behind “closed doors.” TC and the skyride gang get their jollies trying to offend people and don’t have enough backbone to own up to being jerks just for the sake of being jerks at their parties. To rationalize all the fuss, they try to make it acceptable by claiming it raised money variously for cat AIDs research, the local HS or the local shelter; or claiming it was a joke. They can’t keep their lies straight. Neither of the two local organizations received a penny. It’s up to them to pursue fraud charges. The Friskies cat food company wasn’t too thrilled either about the copyright infringement involved with the “ads” for the “event.” My girlfriend likes to joke about TC’s internet site: TC is so “manly”, pointing his gun at the camera for his wannabe macho shot, picking up road kill and tossing out helpless little animals while diving. If he ever tried to hang with some of my old SF buddies, they’d grind him up and use him for cat litter. As long as Mike Paiser is over there attempting to put up his BS Smoke screen, they are not going to see the whole truth. I've heard from multiple people who have said that the Airport BOD and the Clarksville City Administration are not real happy about their presence and behavior. I've also heard that the pilots are really uncomfortable with the way they behave when they come in for fuel or whatever business is. All the evidence is available for public viewing, it's only a matter of the right person to take heed and they will be gone from Clarksville, which would probably, almost definitely make it all but impossible for them to set up camp in Tennessee again. I'm getting the popcorn ready, this is going to be good...Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumpdude 0 #518 February 21, 2009 What happened to Loneflyer's post? It was here and now it's not. That was good stuff.... Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #519 February 21, 2009 Quote What happened to Loneflyer's post? It was here and now it's not. That was good stuff.... It's still here, just marked as hidden. Check the post numbers, you'll see a number skipped over."Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumpdude 0 #520 February 21, 2009 AAAHHHHH! I see says the blind man! Why would they do that? I wonder if that was "Irrelevant" like Lance said your accomplishments are?Refuse to Lose!!! Failure is NOT an option! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MakeItHappen 15 #521 February 21, 2009 As many of you know I am no longer on the USPA BOD. It has been 15 months since the agreement between 1800SkyRide et. al. and USPA was struck. As reported in SNM #321, I was personally named in a cut-out clause. I do not know who leaked that confidential info and other confidential terms of the agreement to SNM, but it was not me. I still do not have a copy of the agreement to get legal counsel on. USPA would not even let me call my attorney to ask what the sentence with my name in it means. The sentence is a long and winding legalese type. Well, after been under the bus, driven over, backed up on, driven over a second time and then a third time when the bus drove forward again, and the bus is in reverse again to back over me again and then drive over me again in the forward direction, I said enough is enough. I put together the contract and other details as best as I can remember it for your perusal. There is also information on what certain USPA-types said or did to kick me in the face, release confidential info to others and still claim I could not cry out for help. I couldn’t even use a callout to 911, aka my attorney. For the full text on this please go to 1800Skyride v. USPA Agreement .. Make It Happen Parachute History DiveMaker Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baronn 111 #522 February 22, 2009 Seems like any time you mention anything about Skyride that is positive, you're automatically going to stir the pot and generate a lot of negative response. Not very pragmatic. The case that went to fed. court didn't take a judge any longer than a half an hr. to rule in favor of Skyride. Like it or not, those are facts. If USPA had been on the ball, they could have developed their own version of Skyride and distributed the leads to the membership. They didn't and haven't. Doug from CSC is developing his own version. The idea is sound and effective. As usual, it takes sharp people like him to take this to the next level. Yeah, the #'s were up last year after having been down for a number of yrs. Set the bar low enough and it's easy to increase. Eventually, Skyride's reputation will kill them, it's only a matter of time. They're trying to squeeze everything they can at this point, but it won't matter. Just seems like all this hate towards the idea just hurts the organization. Less than 10% of the people in this country who can make a jump, have done it. As more exposure happens, that # will go up. This is marketing 101. I don't see the downside here, but I could be wrong. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #523 February 22, 2009 QuoteSeems like any time you mention anything about Skyride that is positive, you're automatically going to stir the pot and generate a lot of negative response. Not very pragmatic. The case that went to fed. court didn't take a judge any longer than a half an hr. to rule in favor of Skyride. Like it or not, those are facts. If USPA had been on the ball, they could have developed their own version of Skyride and distributed the leads to the membership. They didn't and haven't. Doug from CSC is developing his own version. The idea is sound and effective. As usual, it takes sharp people like him to take this to the next level. Yeah, the #'s were up last year after having been down for a number of yrs. Set the bar low enough and it's easy to increase. Eventually, Skyride's reputation will kill them, it's only a matter of time. They're trying to squeeze everything they can at this point, but it won't matter. Just seems like all this hate towards the idea just hurts the organization. Less than 10% of the people in this country who can make a jump, have done it. As more exposure happens, that # will go up. This is marketing 101. I don't see the downside here, but I could be wrong. Doug at CSC is a good guy, I hope his version of the "Skyride model" doesn't involve lying and cheating.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JUDYJ 0 #524 February 22, 2009 your link goes to YOUTUBE IF you are going to be Stupid - you better be tough! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #525 February 22, 2009 Quote your link goes to YOUTUBE Woosh! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites