
What Can We Do About Skyride II

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I wonder where our resident "This has nothing to do with Skyride" guy is?

You kind of get use to having the handicapped around.

Right here Joe. Just nothing worth discussing with all you fine gentleman and your monotonous inconsequential prate. I appreciate you thinking of me in such a respectful manner as well as making my point for me.

still lurking,

So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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what sucks is that the local military jumpers and free fall team that use the airport for train ups suffer. No place to go now
"Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"...

Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT

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Because before you can load and jump at the same location. Now you cant even do military related jumps at the Clarksville dz
"Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"...

Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT

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Oh, I was thinking the new location. That sux, and these people will burn one airport after another.

Yup, keep pointing fingers everywhere but your own angry mob, flaming everything you touch that doesn't fit your personal moral compass... no matter the cost to those outside your clique.

Sometimes the ends don't justify the means.
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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First off: where did that come from captain left field?

Next: I've never said I'm not associated with the DZ, I said I have never worked for any DZ or skyride. I'm associated with a bunch of DZs. ASC happens to be on of my favorites so I'll post the site where and whenever I feel. Www.ascskydiving.Com

Third: how is my fun jumper status relevant to the current discussion?
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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First off: where did that come from captain left field?

Next: I've never said I'm not associated with the DZ, I said I have never worked for any DZ or skyride. I'm associated with a bunch of DZs. ASC happens to be on of my favorites so I'll post the site where and whenever I feel. Www.ascskydiving.Com

Third: how is my fun jumper status relevant to the current discussion?

Don't you mean; www.ascskydiving.net

Made it a clicky for you. Enjoy!
There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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Yawn... You guys are boring. Wake me up after you finish your circle jerk and contribute something of value and/or original to the thread/society vs your standard useless flatulence.
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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Yawn... You guys are boring. Wake me up after you finish your circle jerk and contribute something of value and/or original to the thread/society vs your standard useless flatulence.

I'd say pointing out the continuing fraud of skyride and it's owners is something of value.

Obviously, you disagree.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Because before you can load and jump at the same location. Now you cant even do military related jumps at the Clarksville dz

This just goes to show how all of you are misinformed about everything and are just billy vances lackeys. The military is DOD. DOD is a federal entity. Outlaw field is a federal funded airport. See where i'm going with this?... Ok i figured you wouldnt because you are all just brain dead and cant think on your own.

The HALO jumpers as well as the DEMO team will not be affected. There are many reasons for us not jumping at Outlaw. Many of those reasons could and maybe will someday affect ALL OF YOU!

And no 1-800-skyride is not burning DZs. Jeff Napier and that crowd of idiots who think skyride and AST are the same (even though they are actually our competitor) are the ones who started the fire in TN because they got their feelings hurt because we provide a better service than they do.

In the words of my good friend Tandem Cowboy "See you in hell bitches!" Cuz thats where I will see all of you eventually...

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and that crowd of idiots who think skyride and AST are the same (even though they are actually our competitor)

Yea because the owner ('s) of both of them company's are always fighting over buisiness:S
Get a clue! Ignorance is bliss
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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crowd of idiots who think skyride and AST are the same

Okay, how about I put this in a context even you can't argue:

AST and ASC are under the Skyride umbrella.

Think again who the idiots are.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Many of those reasons could and maybe will someday affect ALL OF YOU!

Well your so educated in how federal funding & the FAA works, please bless us all with your wisdom as to the many reasons you say could/maybe will affect all jumpers in the USA, this I would like to hear.

So how is your guys part 13 or part 16 case moving along? Must not be going to good if the dz has had to moved down the road.
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Because before you can load and jump at the same location. Now you cant even do military related jumps at the Clarksville dz

This just goes to show how all of you are misinformed about everything and are just billy vances lackeys. The military is DOD. DOD is a federal entity. Outlaw field is a federal funded airport. See where i'm going with this?... Ok i figured you wouldnt because you are all just brain dead and cant think on your own.

The HALO jumpers as well as the DEMO team will not be affected. There are many reasons for us not jumping at Outlaw. Many of those reasons could and maybe will someday affect ALL OF YOU!

And no 1-800-skyride is not burning DZs. Jeff Napier and that crowd of idiots who think skyride and AST are the same (even though they are actually our competitor) are the ones who started the fire in TN because they got their feelings hurt because we provide a better service than they do.

In the words of my good friend Tandem Cowboy "See you in hell bitches!" Cuz thats where I will see all of you eventually...

Our Freefall train up was cancelled cause jumping wasnt not allowed at the airport. DOD or not
"Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"...

Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT

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Why was it cancelled? Was it for any of the same reasons we couldnt jump? Like a actual DZ not being certified? I KNOW that couldnt be it because...oh yeah thats right every time a military airborne operation is conducted a pathfinder qualified individual will certify it. So. Insurance maybe? I dont think so. Your S-3 air guy who is a long tabber is already hating life so much from sitting in an office all day most likely seen the articles in the paper and cancelled it himself without even really thinking about it.

And the part 13 and 16? Well its the government. So i'm sure you can figure out how well its going. The reason a buisness would move down the road to an airport that we cant jump at well........let me see.......this is a hard one......oh duh, TO MAKE MONEY, its a buisness. Would you let your buisness stop becuase you cant jump anymore or would you be a good buisness minded manager and try and keep making money for the company?

As for the AST/Skyride thing. They are two different buisnesses Billy. Just like the rest of the people on here who dont like the fact that they dont get all the money from SR GC, we dont either. Like I said, they are our competitor. When we do our own advertising we get more money out of it...however. I have seen a lot of people bitch about this. They want DZOs to stop taking those GC so they can make more money per tandem. Well guess what guys. The reason those customers used skyride is because they seen SR advertising, not the actuall DZs advertising. So you wouldnt of even had that buisness come in if it wasnt for SR investing a lot of money into there advertising.

Here is a perfect example of how skyride brought us buisness one time at outlaw: An 18 year old female lived right across the street from the terminal. Even though every weekend we had a turbine aircraft flying she didnt even know that we existed. She happened to run across a SR website and she signed up. She then walked across the street the next weekend and did her FJC and her first AFF jump. Without SR she could have moved before she realized we were there (which happened not to long after she completed her AFF) Or maybe she would have noticed canopys in the air and she would have walked over. Who knows. The point is SR brings buisness to DZs that they normally wouldnt get. Even if we are owned by the same persons they are STILL a competitor. Get this through your thick skulls people!

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Nice skirt there Carol. Now how about you fill us all in with your insight and wisdom on the question asked.


There are many reasons for us not jumping at Outlaw. Many of those reasons could and maybe will someday affect ALL OF YOU

As for


The reason a buisness would move down the road to an airport that we cant jump at well........let me see.......this is a hard one......oh duh, TO MAKE MONEY, its a buisness. Would you let your buisness stop becuase you cant jump anymore or would you be a good buisness minded manager and try and keep making money for the company?

Nope I think I would stay put and keep my aircaft and SASO right there on the field and track each and every dime lost due to the illegal actions of Henry County and wait on the FAA to complete their Safety Study. Based on past history it should be an easy win and open up the door to sue the living shit out of the county for violating my rights and harming my business instead of running down the road like a coward with my tail tucked.

Oh course I also wouldn't be doing all the crooked shit your company has a long history of doing and also causing waves with the airport auth. and violating the Minimum Standards and giving the airport auth. legal cause to shut me down in the first place. You might want read the part 16 win by USPA in Yazoo MS. You might learn a thing or two about why your DZ may not ever be back on Outlaw while another DZ might be able set up shop with no problems. The only bridge your guys have burned is your own, yet again.
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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You're suggesting the owners of your DZ make less money when someone books through skyride for a higher price than when they book directly through the DZ? That's ridiculous. That's how it works for most dropzones. That's not how it works when skyride owns the dropzone though! Sure, less money actually comes into the DZ, but the DZO's profits are higher. That was the entire original point of skyride... to funnel extra business into their own dropzones at higher prices by using deception and lies to confuse customers. Why would a skyride DZ waste money on their own advertising when their crooked big brother is going to funnel as much business to them as possible?


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