
When & where was this?

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Apparently the DVD's are available now.

This was posted on you tube;

Classic Carl Boenish films are available on a complete 2
DVD set, with all this copyrighted material digitally
remastered and color corrected by the original producer,
Photo-Chuting Enterprises, Hawthorne, California 65279; USA.
Here is your chance to suggest insert information,
packaging, order method, and value of receiving Carls
wonderful films directly from their true source.

But will it be delivered in time for Christmas?

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Thanks for posting that account of what happened. It's good to hear that the Herd guys got their due. I had a lot of fun at the last of the herd boogies, although, as I understand it, in the late 90's it was the "kinder, gentler Herd." If that was kinder and gentler, I can't even imagine what the old days were like. I definitely never met a skygod there, tho. Those ditch guys would jump with anyone.

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That is the 50 way attempts at Elsinore in 77 or 78. It was never completed. It was produced by Carl Boenish and filmed by many. It is a cut from Masters of the Sky. The pilot chute was a regular hand deploy of the day and was Bud Kruger throwing it. He was part of Capt. Hook and the Sky Pirates 10 way team. The 3 stack landing at the end was at the 78 Nationals in Richmond, IN.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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I'm rainbowplacer on YouTube and I posted the video. YouTube insight showed me that the majority of views to that video were coming from this website. I thought I would pass this information along. I have never met Jean and I'm not profiting from the videos, I just thought some of you might like to know about this.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm. The final duplication masters are expected by January 9, 2010, just after this holiday. That is why suggestions for packaging, pricing, and ordering preferences are being solicited at this time. Those seriously wishing to be inspired by classic sky diving and hang gliding as quickly as possible can place advance orders by sending their mailing information and suggestions to BASEfederation@mac.com (or BASEfederation@me.com). Please put Photo-Chuting Enterprises as the subject."

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