
USPA Board Appeal

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Mark, this paragraph is cut from you response in post #16-

No pilot wants to be subjected to a federal background check. Some will just say nevermind. Why don't you get somebody else. One respondent to this thread has written exactly what FAA said to me on the phone about the pilot high above the restricted airspace. "Yeah. But if he's going to drop something into the TFR ..."

I fly business jets for a living. I also do some part time jump flying for a local DZ. I don't mind having a background check. I have had many of them over the years. TSA, Homeland Security (US Customs), new employers and who knows what else. They check to see if you have a criminal record or serious driving violations. It’s just another small pain in the ass in our everyday life. As long as the pilot doesn’t have outstanding warrants or belong to a terrorist organization it’s really no big deal.

So what’s the big deal about a pilot having a background check Mark?

As far as USPA removing your membership, that’s pretty damn serious. I look forward to hearing each side of this issue clearly explan what the reason is.

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you have every right as a citizen to speak your mind. Your ratings should have nothing to do your opinion of FAA policy. "Conduct unbecoming of a skydiver" ? What the hell is this the military?
The USPA has become way to comfortable with overstepping thier bounds lately. Its like USPA run amuck. The good old boys club of DZO's that are just looking out for thier buddies and thier own interest. I think to be on the board you shouldnt be allowed to be a DZO. HUge conflict of interest. This is how they burned all of us with that skyride crap. The USPA should stick with lobbying to help its members instead of running around trying to pull ratings and making rules that EVERYONE of those BOD's have broken several times themselves.
I say SUE them. YOu have a freedom of speech and have been hugely discriminated against.

The USPA is our association. Not the BOD's!!!!
It should be here to assist us, not rule over us like Dried up angry nazis

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What I did to get thrown out was write more than 70 emails complaining with increasing audacity and ferocity about the behavior of the USPA headquarters staff, beginning with the new Director of Government Relations. Government Realtions is a service of importance to skydiving entertainers because we have allowed USPA to become recognized as the experts in the field and worthy of respect from the aviation industry in general and FAA in particular. Today I'm ashamed of that reality.

I don't know what you did, or how this issue really played out, but I gotta go to bat for USPA Government Relations. I've been dealing with that office for a while, and the jumper/pilot who is in the position now is awesome! He does have a lot on his plate, and he may need to triage a bit, but he is working tirelessly to build relationships with the FAA and to represent our issues. If he didn't jump on your problem as soon as 'yesterday' you need to chill. And I'd suggest you make a secondary contact with AOPA, since pilots fall in their domain.
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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>I say SUE them. YOu have a freedom of speech and have been
>hugely discriminated against.

?? As he seems perfectly free to vent here, I can't see how he has been denied "freedom of speech."

I'd have to see what the issues are. If his letters included threats of violence against other USPA members, or threats to blackmail people in USPA by fabricating stuff and sending it to the FAA, I could see how USPA would not want any part of that. (We have a similar policy here on DZ.com.) If his letters were just objecting to policy decisions USPA made, then USPA is way out of line.

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The emails were sequential and incremental for the most part. Here's the text from an early message sent to the full board. Several we sent to the full board and a few board members replied that they are restrained by the Bylaws from being involved with headquarters staff decisions. So then I turned my focus upon the Executive Director who has made this choice I find so weak at Gov't. Rel.

First, here's a sample of working com that preceded this explosion:

From: Mark Schlatter
To: Randy Ottinger
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 9:50 AM
Subject: FYI Giving 'em Hell

Mornin Randy,

I referred Reno FSDO to you in the attached letter faxed 1 hour ago.
I doubt if you will hear from them, but just in case.

I got the "my-guidance-says-you-gotta-give-us-45-days" spiel from a hostile and low quality Fed by phone yesterday.

In touch,

NEXT: Here's where the problem started:
REMEMBER: TSA had already agreed with me THREE times before on the issue of pilots who don't penetrate.

From: Mark Schlatter
To: Randy Ottinger
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 12:07 PM
Subject: Screaming Pissed

Kerry Flemming at FAA 202-267-8185 is breaking the law and refuses to correct the matter.

I'm on a fuggin rampage starting this minute.

A pilot who will NOT penetrate a TFR does NOT need a waiver.

A SKYDIVER is obviously BENEATH citizenship because he CANNOT get a TFR waiver unless his pilot gets one too!


AND next:

Work seems to be getting accomplished on other matters the same day:

From: Mark Schlatter
To: Randy Ottinger
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 3:27 PM
Subject: Re: NPRM??

Ah ha!
I obviously misinterpreted his repeated use of "above twelve five" in that call.
He hasn't yet responded to my request for more info.
----- Original Message -----
From: Randy Ottinger
To: Mark Schlatter
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: NPRM??


On 11/13/08 1:31 PM, "Mark Schlatter" wrote:

Will do.
Stand by for more on TSA Waiver issue.

----- Original Message -----

From: Randy Ottinger

To: Mark Schlatter

Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 12:28 PM

Subject: Re: NPRM??

Never heard of it. My friend the AOPA airspace analyst has never heard of either.
No search results found at the Federal Register.

Please have your FSDO contact send a link.


Randy Ottinger
Director of Government Relations

United States Parachute Association
5401 Southpoint Centre Boulevard
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
540-645-1129 C

On 11/13/08 1:13 PM, "Mark Schlatter" wrote:

Ft Lauderdale FSDO guy just mentioned a standing NPRM regarding positive control for GA flights above 12,5?

Know anything about that?
Says comment period ends soon with implementation by year's end.
Also said AOPA and / or EAA are working for extension of comment peroid.


From: Mark Schlatter
To: Randy Ottinger
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:11 AM
Subject: Axed.

Your silence on the TSA discrimination issue has you axed from cc's on daily writings.
Your silence indicates you don't give a flying fuck.
That's OK Randy. I'm sure you're busy ... least I hope so.
But your silence will eventually be worth mentioning to the entire board in writing.
Still angry.
It feels like discrimination.
It feels like an unwarranted power grab by FAA.
It feels like something that warrants at least the courtesy of a response from my so called Washington representatives.
It feels like nobody sees what I see clearly.
They will. When such an easy fix seems available - tweak the beta site - it's sad that this will waste so much time.

From: Randy Ottinger
To: Mark Schlatter
Cc: Ed Scott
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: Axed.

If you'll send me a letter, detailing this issue and requesting my help, I will reply. Please include specifics, so that I might begin to understand this issue from your perspective.


Randy Ottinger
Director of Government Relations

WHAT'S IMPORTANT: I had been detailing the issue and requesting help daily since the 13th via cc's on correspondence with FAA. SEVEN days earlier. He has responded professionally to matters he understood but simply ignored matters he could not comprehend. Rather than call, like he had done on three occasions to ask about things he knew I would understand, he elected to ignore this one completely.

HERE'S an example of cc'd correspondence to several individuals in FAA, TSA and USPA. Note the date 7-days BEFORE the curt impersonal letter of Nov 20.

From: Mark Schlatter [mailto:mschlatter@msn.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 12:44 PM
To: Ada Johnson
Cc: Randy Ottinger; Ed Scott; Paul McCowan; Tony Baumgard
Subject: Skydivers Substandard Citizens

The person most sure at this moment we skydivers are not deserving of equal consideration under the law is:

Kerry Flemming 202-267-8185 - FAA guy

----- Original Message -----
A Peace Prize within minutes of Bombing the Moon. Coincidence? "Beware the Military Industrial Complex." You GO Ike!

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Oops got side tracked and left out the first message to the board:

Ain't time an odd thing?
Today I complain to you. Tomorrow I cast my ballot.
This is a complaint about our new employee Randy Ottinger.
I am sorry I cannot be brief. But I will try my best.

I first met Randy in 1979 when we partied like kooks off Ottley's kranium; all three as members of Pelican Skydivers.
Each encounter with Randy - say 10 or so - since that time has had the warmth and feel of reunion you might expect.

I was delighted when I learned Randy had assumed Ed's position. I was flattered if not flabbergasted when Randy told me by phone just days after assuming the post a story of his first briefing on the job wherein Ed began with something like: "Now I gotta warn you about this guy in Texas ... "
"Don't you worry about a thing ... " Randy said Randy said. He said this during the first of THREE times Randy has called me during business hours as Director of Government Relations to seek my opinions on FAA matters. That too is flattering.

Last week TWO very important FAA matters were brought to my attention from the field. The first, an issue that will seem so trivial as to be laughable, seems to me - AND PERHAPS to me alone a VERY clear discrimination by FAA against lowly, pesky skydivers. I was "screaming pissed." I wrote to my ... uh, friend Randy instantly.
The second matter - later that same day - had to do with an NPRM I had not heard about. I wrote again and received a very quick and very competent reply from Randy within minutes.
Turned out the Fed named De Silva from Ft Lauderdale who told me about the NPRM had said "above twelve five" when he should have said "over 12 thousand 5 hundred pounds."
Case closed. Randy and the industry were already all over it. All I needed to know.

But by the end of that day I heard not so much as a peep out of Randy on my first issue. Not a peep. The issue, I must add, is one that I believe can be fixed in a flash by a simple change of 1 tiny parameter on the BETA site all aviators are forced to use in obtaining TSA Sporting Event waivers. To make matters worse, more infuriating, the issue is one about which I have challenged TSA on my own many times since 9/11 with satisfactory results. It is ONLY NOW that FAA has assumed the final vetting of applications for Sporting Event waivers that I can no longer win my point. I'm omitting the details for now. It will save your time I hope.

So I waited.

After some time as my heart sank and my blood boiled I wrote again to Randy and voiced my disappointment at being ignored after all. Here is his curt reply:
If you'll send me a letter, detailing this issue and requesting my help, I will reply. Please include specifics, so that I might begin to understand this issue from your perspective.
Randy Ottinger
Director of Government Relations
United States Parachute Association
5401 Southpoint Centre Boulevard
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
540-645-1129 C
OK. Now I get it. Thanks a lot pal. Call me anytime. I'll be glad to share my feelings.
Ladies and gentlemen, if those feelings don't show through here, I have failed.

The times, they are a bear for some. But y'all are free for the foreseeable to consider me a bull in Randy's china shop.
If this is the way my horn shall be tooted by my organization in Washington then I will blow this sax loud and hard till the snow flies on the equator.

May I be more crystalline?

"I don't shit where I eat." RO, 1980
Mark Schlatter today begs to differ.
A Peace Prize within minutes of Bombing the Moon. Coincidence? "Beware the Military Industrial Complex." You GO Ike!

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Subject: Screaming Pissed


I'm on a fuggin rampage starting this minute.


Your silence on the TSA discrimination issue has you axed from cc's on daily writings.
Your silence indicates you don't give a flying fuck.

Your diplomacy skills might need some improvement.

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Just curious to how far along this matter would have made it if the OP would have put as much energy into going about things "politically" instead of through rants and tantrums. I really do not know, just thinking......

DJ Marvin
AFF I/E, Coach/E, USPA/UPT Tandem I/E

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If you'll send me a letter, detailing this issue and requesting my help, I will reply. Please include specifics, so that I might begin to understand this issue from your perspective.
Randy Ottinger
Director of Government Relations
United States Parachute Association
5401 Southpoint Centre Boulevard
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
540-645-1129 C

You never said exactly what the first issue was but it sounds like a technical glitch in the website..?? Also I fail to see any problem with this reply. He is simply asking for more info. From reading what you've written so far the real issue seems to be your lack of respectful communication skills. I'm sure USPA has more going on than just dealing with your issues.

I still haven't been able to figure out real issue here and USPA's response nor why you are banned. Perhaps someone else with knowledge of what happened can explain?

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Okay I reread of these posts and it sounds like your issue is back ground checks for pilots. You complained to the USPA and expected an immediate reaction correcting this. It didn't happen right away because USPA was perhaps busy. I'm sure they have other duties besides responding only to you:P Then you got pissed and sent some inflammatory emails and then stated they banned you. I still don't see the whole picture. I find it hard to believe that's all you did to get banned.

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You are correct TK. It is the same Mark Schlatter who hand made your giant flag for the Florida Department of tourism and the same who trained your long-time staff rigger Kerry Smith and your long time staff videographer Tony Hathaway.

And you were paid for the banner (quite well I remember), and I expect Kerry and Tony both paid you for your instruction. And I am CERTAIN you were paid as an expert witness.

So are you interested in right and wrong, or just money?:P

My 'Uncle Fred' is a nice guy too. He would give you the last $20 in his pocket. Help you build that shed. Put his kids through college and never complained a day in his life.....But he has this problem with groping young kids..... it kinda undoes all the good stuff.

All I am saying is as long as you are happy with your decisions, then fine - I would not expect a lot of support for your cause here in the forums.

As a DZO, the lawsuits become tiring and all-encompassing. People who help those lawsuits along do nothing for the sport and they generally wear out their welcomes pretty quickly.

-that in your life you have made money from SunPath and their related products through the services that you offer.
- that you have made money from Strong Enterprises and their related products through the services that you offer.

Yet you found it OK to stand in court and try to hang the business that helps to pay your salary and in some way DIRECTLY affects your own income.

Strong is in the same boat - it ain't about right and wrong, it is only about the money. I wonder what dickhead 'expert witness' will stand up for their plaintiff and say the gear was/is defective?

At least we know where you stand. Good luck on your cause. no sympathy from me.

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Look brother, I read (or tried to read) your e-mails, and the story in general, and it really looks like you didn't get the response you wanted -


But by the end of that day I heard not so much as a peep out of Randy on my first issue. Not a peep. The issue, I must add, is one that I believe can be fixed in a flash by a simple change of 1 tiny parameter on the BETA site all aviators are forced to use in obtaining TSA Sporting Event waivers.

-as quickly as you wanted, and got pissed. Got pissed, and didn't handle it that well at all.

Also, isn't the online application for a waiver set up by the TSA or FAA (or somebody besides the USPA)? Assuming that it is, why is it that you believe the USPA can just 'have one tiny paramter changed' on a website they do not own or operate?

I really think you're a little off base here. It sounds like you think this issue is an intentional shot at the skydiving community, or even if the issue is not, the lack of willingness to address the issue is the shot at skydivers.

Let me ask this - exactly how many times per year would you guess that a waiver is needed to over-fly a sporting event for the purposes of dropping a skydiver? 100? 200? I think 200 is high, but even if that was the case, I'm sure that number pales in comaprison to the number of other requests that the TSA or the FAA deals with on an annual basis.

In a similar situation, how many skydivers do you think are invovled in demos where they would need such a waiver? 10? 20? I think 20 is high, but even if that was the case, that number pales in comparison to the number of skydivers the USPA is working for on an annual basis.

The moral of the story, you're in the minority of the minority, and as such your issue has taken a back seat to the throngs of other people that your 'adversaries' are in place to serve.

As far as your membership goes, you must have said some fucked-up shit about some people or the USPA to some other, important people to have your membership yanked. Was it right? Who knows...

Sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease, sometimes it gets tossed into the dumpster.

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Telling from your post(s), you have some serious issues to work thru. Maybe that's best done as a member of the Texas Parachute Association (TPA); independent of the United States.

Honestly, I begin to see the rationale why USPA stripped you of membership.


Oops got side tracked and left out the first message to the board:

Ain't time an odd thing?
Today I complain to you. Tomorrow I cast my ballot.
This is a complaint about our new employee Randy Ottinger.
I am sorry I cannot be brief. But I will try my best.

I first met Randy in 1979 when we partied like kooks off Ottley's kranium; all three as members of Pelican Skydivers.
Each encounter with Randy - say 10 or so - since that time has had the warmth and feel of reunion you might expect.

I was delighted when I learned Randy had assumed Ed's position. I was flattered if not flabbergasted when Randy told me by phone just days after assuming the post a story of his first briefing on the job wherein Ed began with something like: "Now I gotta warn you about this guy in Texas ... "
"Don't you worry about a thing ... " Randy said Randy said. He said this during the first of THREE times Randy has called me during business hours as Director of Government Relations to seek my opinions on FAA matters. That too is flattering.

Last week TWO very important FAA matters were brought to my attention from the field. The first, an issue that will seem so trivial as to be laughable, seems to me - AND PERHAPS to me alone a VERY clear discrimination by FAA against lowly, pesky skydivers. I was "screaming pissed." I wrote to my ... uh, friend Randy instantly.
The second matter - later that same day - had to do with an NPRM I had not heard about. I wrote again and received a very quick and very competent reply from Randy within minutes.
Turned out the Fed named De Silva from Ft Lauderdale who told me about the NPRM had said "above twelve five" when he should have said "over 12 thousand 5 hundred pounds."
Case closed. Randy and the industry were already all over it. All I needed to know.

But by the end of that day I heard not so much as a peep out of Randy on my first issue. Not a peep. The issue, I must add, is one that I believe can be fixed in a flash by a simple change of 1 tiny parameter on the BETA site all aviators are forced to use in obtaining TSA Sporting Event waivers. To make matters worse, more infuriating, the issue is one about which I have challenged TSA on my own many times since 9/11 with satisfactory results. It is ONLY NOW that FAA has assumed the final vetting of applications for Sporting Event waivers that I can no longer win my point. I'm omitting the details for now. It will save your time I hope.

So I waited.

After some time as my heart sank and my blood boiled I wrote again to Randy and voiced my disappointment at being ignored after all. Here is his curt reply:
If you'll send me a letter, detailing this issue and requesting my help, I will reply. Please include specifics, so that I might begin to understand this issue from your perspective.
Randy Ottinger
Director of Government Relations
United States Parachute Association
5401 Southpoint Centre Boulevard
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
540-645-1129 C
OK. Now I get it. Thanks a lot pal. Call me anytime. I'll be glad to share my feelings.
Ladies and gentlemen, if those feelings don't show through here, I have failed.

The times, they are a bear for some. But y'all are free for the foreseeable to consider me a bull in Randy's china shop.
If this is the way my horn shall be tooted by my organization in Washington then I will blow this sax loud and hard till the snow flies on the equator.

May I be more crystalline?

"I don't shit where I eat." RO, 1980
Mark Schlatter today begs to differ.

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Thanks Jack,
Your question is a popular one. "What's wroung with background checks?" I don't mind a background check either. But many, many folks do not wish to be scrutinized by Uncle Sam. Unnecessary government intervention in our aviation activities SHOULD be avoided at every opportunity. Tweaking a tiny parameter on a website for that purpose AND thereby removin the bias against skydivers - whether intentional or inadvertent is a WORTHY cause. And it could be an easy fix.
A Peace Prize within minutes of Bombing the Moon. Coincidence? "Beware the Military Industrial Complex." You GO Ike!

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It's good to read that somebody is getting satisfactory service.
Your chill suggestion would make sense except that this issue was simply ignored. I waited 7 days before voicing my anger. The timing and obvious insult is a difficult interpersonal reality to describe effectively.

But my friend, when any friend or collegue writes to me 'I'm screaming pissed.' According to my golden rule book, that friend or collegue deserves a phone call regardless of whether his 29 yrs. of dues is putting food on my table.
A Peace Prize within minutes of Bombing the Moon. Coincidence? "Beware the Military Industrial Complex." You GO Ike!

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> But many, many folks do not wish to be scrutinized by Uncle Sam.

Jefe: I have put many beautiful pinatas in the storeroom, each of them filled with little suprises.

El Guapo: Many pinatas?

Jefe: Oh yes, many!

El Guapo: Would you say I have a plethora of pinatas?

Jefe: A what?

El Guapo: A *plethora*.

Jefe: Oh yes, you have a plethora.

El Guapo: Jefe, what is a plethora?

Jefe: Why, El Guapo?

El Guapo: Well, you told me I have a plethora. And I just would like to know if you know what a plethora is. I would not like to think that a person would tell someone he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has *no idea* what it means to have a plethora.

Jefe: Forgive me, El Guapo. I know that I, Jefe, do not have your superior intellect and education. But could it be that once again, you are angry at something else, and are looking to take it out on me?

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Calm down Bill, I flamed out with harmless back ally absurdities and arcane streams of consciousness from the good old bad old days when sex was safe and skydivers were dangerous. When the Directors continued to ignore me I taunted them and sent dozens of arcane challenges to goad any sort of reaction. They remained silent. Yes. very much of those emails will not make sense to younger readers, and readers who don't share much of the background.
We are a tiny community and many have been through a lot together. It would take hours to reconstruct the thoughts and or inspirations behing all the silly emails.

We take ourselves WAY too seriously, sometimes.

If "come out and fight like a man Bambi boy, you peck-of-pickled-pepper-picking-peter-piping-pussy" strikes you as threatening, then maybe you don't like VietNam era hayseeds from the corn belt.

I quoted lots of song lyrics like "the little faggot with the earing and the make-up."

I don't mind such insanity among friends. When you're pissed, say so, for cryin' out loud. We're all dogs and we gotta bark, figuratively speaking.

When you go to Washington and get a brass plaque on your desk, don't forget where you came from.
Somebody will remind you.

Like TK
A Peace Prize within minutes of Bombing the Moon. Coincidence? "Beware the Military Industrial Complex." You GO Ike!

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So are you interested in right and wrong, or just money?:P
Right, TK.

It is pleasant to be paid to answer questions.
As an expert for a plaintiff, that is all we should do. As an expert for the defense of our bretheren, we can get into the game and be creative.

There will always be experts for both sides. Pray they are honest.

This is off topic. Sorry.

A Peace Prize within minutes of Bombing the Moon. Coincidence? "Beware the Military Industrial Complex." You GO Ike!

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Not sure I understand your complaint yet, in part because you seem to add lots of hyperbole and angry rant with many communications. What I do know however is that insults, taunting, arcane challenges, flaming e-mails and acting infantile is not a good way to get anything accomplished in the real world. :S

Personally, I don't mind background checks and have gone through many in my profession. Not sure the purpose in this case so am interested in more detail however.

I'm also interested to hear more detail about your USPA expulsion because I'm not convinced acting obnoxious should be grounds for USPA disciplinary action. In fact, that could describe the average weekend at many drop zones...

Finally, don't expect to make many friends participating in lawsuits against the skydiving industry...


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Your diplomacy skills might need some improvement.

That's hard to argue. I'm no politician.

And yet you expect sympathy.

He has mine:|

The punishment B|(banned from jumping at 99% of DZ's in US for life) doesn't fit the crime (being a PIA)[:/].

If this is payback for something else like TK & others suggest :o:S.

FWIW I 'm not jumping anymore and so don't have to be a USPA member.
One Jump Wonder

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Your diplomacy skills might need some improvement.

That's hard to argue. I'm no politician.

And yet you expect sympathy.

The dude has my sympathy.

The punishment B|B|B|(being banned from jumping at 99% of the DZ's in the US for life) doesn't fit the crime (being a PIA)[:/].

Hopefully this isn't a backdoor payback by USPA for testifying as a expert witness, as some folks suggest.

FWIW since I'm not jumping anymore after careful consideration I decided a couple yrs ago not to renew my USPA membership.

If USPA needs to ban someone:S ban me :) and reinstate this guy.
One Jump Wonder

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There will always be experts for both sides. Pray they are honest.

This is off topic. Sorry.

Jaw dropped, completely floored, me.

Didn't your expert testimony go something like this:

Lawyer: "Did you ever ask anyone how to maximize your income as an expert witness?"

You: "No"

Lawyer: "Did you send this email?"

You: "Yes"

Lawyer: "Did you ask the recipient of this email how to maximize your income as an expert witness?"

You: "Yes"

I think, if I am not mistaken, that there is an honesty issue here.... In fact, is it not perjury? Whom are we to pray to so you will be honest?

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