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At what age did you make your first jump?

Im eighteen and less than a week away from my first AFF.
Ive saved and set off enough $$$$$$ to get me to my A liscense and then some (in case i need to repeat an AFF jump)

Thanks ahead of time for the input,

Why not?
My direction in life is up...then down again REALLY REALLY FAST!!!
Never take life too seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
D.S. #55

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just past 19 years old
when i did 5 static lines and freefall # 1, all within 2 weeks time.
just kept jumping, from there...B|;)

in a few months, i'll start my 38th year of active skydiving.

at that point. i will have been jumping for 66% of my lifetime...
unless one starts before 20... it's not easy to have skydived for 2/3rds of ones life...
even jumping for Half of ones' life is rare...i think....
...OR is it more common than i realize???
There sure ARE jumpers in their 60s, 70s and 80s,,, but many of those started later on in life...
and many MANY who started, decades ago, have gradually gotten away from active jumping...though every ONE of them is still a skydiver...

scr scs nscr
A 3914
D 12122

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