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I made jump #284 yesterday. Jump #283 was March 28, 1976. Since it has been so long, I took a first jump course and made a static line jump. The current plan is to do a prcp on my next jump. If all goes well, perhaps a short freefall after that.
This was my first jump on a square. I'm sure this will sound funny to most of you, but that was what worried me the most. Naturally my worries were unfounded.
After the jump I was pretty spent. I was kind of uncomfortable under canopy - especially in turns. I think I was a little dehydrated and I hadn't eaten for several hours, so I'm hoping that helps explain it.
I really expected everything to feel totally familiar and comfortable. I am a little disappointed that I was actually just a little disoriented and uncomfortable under canopy. I was grateful that there was someone guiding me by radio.
What I learned is that I'm not as young as I used to be, and I think I need to work on conditioning in general and in the upper body in particular.

General observations:
The average age of skydivers seems to be several years older than in the "olden days", when an old jumper was anyone over 30. We had one REAL OLD jumper at our DZ. He was 41.
I am impressed by the friendliness and helpfulness toward students by the regulars.
We seem to be jumping from the same aircraft as in the mid '70s.
A radio to give the student instructions under canopy! Beat's the heck out of dragging a panel around the pea gravel pit to tell the student which way to turn.
AAD's - Great idea! Expensive, but great!
Kroops goggles are still popular - cool!

I really hope the physical discomfort goes away quickly. Any suggestions?

SCR 4927
Static Line Student

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Surprised you didn't say anything about the noise.;)

It's a whole lot louder under a ram air at 25 mph than a 35 TU at 5 mph.B| And the ground is moving a whole lot faster too.

But, the Earth still sucks, and gravity works.

And everything happens a whole lot faster under canopy than you can drag a panel around.:S

Welcome back

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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