
International Gear Sales

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I have my Katana 107 listed on Dropzone.com and I'm getting a lot of inquiries from people outside of the US, such as Canada, Ireland, England, etc. I live in Florida.

Any advice? What would be the safest way to approach an international sale?

I'm interested in hearing especially from people who have sold gear internationally.

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i have, and i live in switzerland; but i bought stuff from the czech republic, and i didnt get fucked over..

just make sure you ask enough questions to make the deal seem to be legit; its a small community, and if someone knows more stuff than you might expect from someone considered to be a whuffo, it might be very likely, that someone DOES in fact kno the person.. :)
dont be afraid, if YOU're a a legit jumper, the chances that the other person is one as well, will make it clear; if they dont, chances are in your favor, that someone WILL know that person.

and its alll good again! B|

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-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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I have my Katana 107 listed on Dropzone.com and I'm getting a lot of inquiries from people outside of the US, such as Canada, Ireland, England, etc. I live in Florida.

Any advice? What would be the safest way to approach an international sale?

I'm interested in hearing especially from people who have sold gear internationally.

safest way to approach an international gear sael is to get paid via wire transfer or Western Union. If they are questioning the gear itself, you can have one of the big gear dealers in your area mediate for a fee. It's not like Florida is not full of well known shops/Dropzones :)

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safest way to approach an international gear sael is to get paid via wire transfer or Western Union.

That has got to be the first time I have seen Western Union referred to as a safe way to transfer money in these forums. From what I have seen here, Western Union is usually identified as one of the ways to spot a scam.

See this from the Security and Scams forum http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3461406#3461406

No matter what payment process is selected, it wouldn't hurt to ask a prospective buyer what DZ they frequent the most and then contact that DZ to see if they know the buyer.
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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get them to pay via paypal, very safe and easy. i would recommend that u tell them you are not sending the item without fully insuring it as well which doesnt cost that much. Otherwise if it gets lost they may try and say that u didnt send it. cheers

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I have my Katana 107 listed on Dropzone.com and I'm getting a lot of inquiries from people outside of the US, such as Canada, Ireland, England, etc. I live in Florida.

Any advice? What would be the safest way to approach an international sale?

I'm interested in hearing especially from people who have sold gear internationally.

Get paid with paypal.

Ship via USPS global express. They charge for actual weight while Fed-Ex will charge more based on dimensions. They'll provide a tracking number so you can verify delivery (but you need to check if the postal system in the country its going to will) and not have a bogus paypal non-delivery claim.

List full value on the shipping and customs forms so thats what you get when your package goes missing after it leaves America (you get the insured value plus shipping charges, although it does take close to two months for your package to go from missing to having an investigation run its course).

A little looking on the web will turn up what sort of requirements the destination country has for documentation; like two copies of an invoice to go with the customs forms.

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I wouldnpt touch Western Union et al.. with a fucking shitty stick. I'd ignore any advert that ever mentioned it [Full-Stop].

and that is the most ignorant statement of the year.

WU is a bulletproof service - if you use it right. And obviously it's only bulletproof for the person receiving the money. I bet those of you saying that it's a scam don't even know how it works.

Imagine that Encreedy is the seller and Europeanjumper is the buyer. Now Europeanjumper sends Encreedy $1400USD via WU. Gives Encreedy the MTCN (money transfer control number). Encreedy goes to a WU office, and gets the cash. AFTERWARDS he sends the gear to Europeanjumper.

For those of you still in the dark, the way WU scams work is by either sending you fake WU money orders and asking to ship the product, or by sending you a fake money order and asking to WU the amount overpaid. As a buyer, you can just get scammed by sending the $$$ to an unknown entity and not getting anything back and having no recourse.

Fuck the ignorance.

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Couldn't agree more, and Likestojump is someone who have sold gear overseas

Either way, the Seller always has the upper hand, he will only ship when he gets the cash in his hands.

Its harder for the overseas buyer, who has no guarantee and a lot of times suffers from prejudice of people that think that all international buyers are scammers

A scrow service is only helpful with you sell within the U.S.

I bought all my gear using dropzone.com, all of them the seller gets the cash and ships to me, never had a problem.

W.U is just as safe as PayPal, PayPal is just more pratical.

Blue ones

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I wanted to ad that I personally like paypal as it's instant and affords protection to both the buyer and the seller. I never insist on Wire transfer or Western Union, but if the buyer offers it, I am happy to accept.

Being diverse and amicable to solutions goes a long way when you are peddling things that only .000000000001% of the world wants :)

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Paypal hold info on sellers credit card, his address, etc. while WU does not. If buyer does get screwed over WU there is nothing you can do. Money is gone and you have no way of tracing it (perfect for "seller", innit?).
With Paypal seller will still get the money before (s)he send the items, but buyer will also get a chance to track him(her) down if it turned to be a scam. Also law enforcement do appreciate if you give them the address or ID numbers and not just say "WU payment".
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We are talking here using the seller´s perspective, not the buyer!

The point here is that is just as safe for the Seller to get the money via PayPal or W.U

If you use the Buyer´s perspective its safer if he uses PayPal, because once he sends the money via W.U is gone, PayPal there is a way to protest!

Blue ones!

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