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Zenister 0
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
You haven't done it have you? Try it and get back to us with exactly how it is similar or different than a track or flock.
eventually we'll run out of corners in the hanger to segregate 'all new disciplines'
It is just freeflying and only slightly different in terms of speed. You ( people ) don't get uptight when someone mentions Hybrid which is a little a different than both FF or RW. Tracking is tracking, everyone should be able to do some. Flocking is just HD with a push to move in a direction. Whether you want to go forward in unison or race around a pylon, ever done that?
Atmonauti is again a little different, not much just a little, try it and get back to us and you won't sweat the name of the game just the skills required to play.
Zenister 0
btw... 'Flocking' is simply motion as a group... belly, sit, stand, wingsuit.... all the same... it differs from 'normal' RW in that it has forward motion as its primary focus and not turning points...
we dont need 10,000 names for every angle of flight... but then no one can claim 'invention' and 'revolution'

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
Quoteuh already been there thanks..its quite fun and i look forward to doing more, but i still dont see it as "completely different" from tracking or flocking.... dont assume just because someone disagrees with your opinion they have no basis for their own..
QuoteMy reply>
Sorry didn't mean to dis but I've done the pylon race thing =HD with a serious push and the tracking thing to include from breakoff tracking near pull time all the way to combat tracking ie tag you are it, smear the queer in the sky. And the Atmonauti does require it own unique body position to play.My peply>Quotebtw... 'Flocking' is simply motion as a group... belly, sit, stand, wingsuit.... all the same... it differs from 'normal' RW in that it has forward motion as its primary focus and not turning points...
I've never heard that. Flocking lately is what we do in wingsuits and Its a borrowed term from big HD ( they were first ) loose formations moving together. And I have a couple of hours of video of atmonauts turning points. Going from a star with stingers to a formation with stacks. In some cases multiple levels ( hybrids?).
If we are tracking we simply call it.... tracking even if it is the whole otter load. If you want you can call it mass tracking. But its basically tracking.
You wroteMy reply>Quote
we dont need 10,000 names for every angle of flight... but then no one can claim 'invention' and 'revolution'
New names aren't a bad thing as long as someone isn't trying to sell you a license, patch or rating for what you have already been doing all along. When someone mentions Atmonauti to me it just means a FF HD with ( a slight change in body position ) to regulate speed and heading in relation to the base. That sentence is common to everything in skydiving and CReW yet the body position for the atmonauti only applies while on an atmonauti jump. I Have never held that body position in any other facet of jumping from wingsuits, CreW, FF or mass tracking.
QuoteEdited to make a correction: anything other than flying efficiently feet-first.
Ooooooo, haven't tried that in a wing suit yet. Hmmmm.... me thinks it might be done.....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.
quade 4
Edited to make a correction: anything other than flying efficiently feet-first.
Ooooooo, haven't tried that in a wing suit yet. Hmmmm.... me thinks it might be done.....
Now . . . if you want to talk about "inventing" something. I actually see some potential in a feet first wing suit. Totally radical design departure and would actually solve one particular problem if the pilot was flexible enough to allow for something akin to Chinese splits. Like I said, totally radical departure from the norm and never been done before.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
Stumpy 284
Quote'Flocking' is simply motion as a group... belly, sit, stand, wingsuit.... all the same... it differs from 'normal' RW in that it has forward motion as its primary focus and not turning points...
That's a perfect definition, Rans.
QuoteQuote'Flocking' is simply motion as a group... belly, sit, stand, wingsuit.... all the same... it differs from 'normal' RW in that it has forward motion as its primary focus and not turning points...
That's a perfect definition, Rans.
Got this great idea for a new discipline!![]()
Feet first, wing suit flocking while turning hybrid,
big way, style series points!![]()
Complete a few of THOSE dives and sell
the weight vest...![]()
The PATCH alone will go an easy 10 lbs!
~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~
quade 4
don't look at it... F E E L I T ! ! !
Maybe we have a language issue here . . . I don't know.
How is it possible to "feel it" if the only way "it" can be defined is "feel it"?
I used to teach people how to fly airplanes. There are times where feeling something is valuable, but you have to define and tell the student what "it" is that he's supposed to be feeling.
Simply saying "feel it" is meaningless.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
Its been done although I doubt there is any video of it. The flyer was wearing my old classic and filming two other flockers and stayed in the position for a long time. I'm glad he wasn't wearing one of my S3s as I don't think the butt flap could take being in a tailslide for very long without excessive wear. Its something to explore if your suit doesn't have the skyflyer/vampire leg wing vent system.
Avion 0
My question is who can get more horizontal distance, an atmonaut or a tracker? If the atmonaut can get equal or greater horizontal distance than a tracker during an equivalent dive that would prove that the atmonauti technique indeed generates lift like a wing that augments the dive.
In a track the relative wind is comming at the side of the body ,belly of back, that is facing the ground. On an atmonauti jump the relative wind should be comming at your body like it is in a head down but your lower body is tilted way over causing a flight path with a trajectory different from just straight down and much more aggressive than a head down with a push like what is used in pylon races, dare I say flock.
If you go low on an atmonauti you can track back up to it. The nice thing about these jumps is that they are flown slower than a fast head down, safer for newbees. And they provide more time total for everyone to do more points.
Avion 0

I see it as, dare I say, a tracking technique that allows one to do relative work, similar to head down or head up for that matter, ordinarily impossible in a normal track.
If you can get more horizontal distance in a regular track, then the extra lift claim might be false.
You get more lift than you would in a head down with a push, or any other flocking FF type jump. We have covered some serious distance on the jumps that we have done. More impressive is that these jumps have been bigger ways of eight or more so Relative was the name of the game not maximum lift, maximum distance type atmonauti. If there is such a thing.
The controversy is counter productive. Its just a fun kind of jump to do. The friction created by comparisons to other techniques are kind of silly. I don't care if Frick wants to call it the chineese down hill, I would just play along and do the chineese down hill...... or, if the name bugged me that much, not.
About Atmonauti, I'd like to show you a post appeared in the Italian Skydiving Forum...
The most debating point is about the post #30 (i report you the entire link so you can paste it on the Babelfish to translate it from Italian)
I have read to all the thread carefully and have found optimal cues of reflection.
I ask practicing of our sport and life philosophy, to serenely put to comparison our ideas and experiences, to remove the preconcepts, to have the curiosity and it wants to know one new human attitude in continuation evolution. The man today is the sum of its experiences passages, without evolution not is future. The diversity and the variety favor the evolution, the homologation svilisce, appiattisce. I would want in this center to increase the horizons and to exit from the idea of an only container that all contains.
E' only for my particular and personal experience, for this intimate and visceral knowledge to fly, than I am about myself to discuss and to be confronted with my sky companions, in order to share my dream materialized, fruit of my personal experience, and therefore opinabile, accepting to enter in contrast with someone. Not me of you want, I pray to you.
I think that the Atmonauti represents a discipline to if being, not circoscrivibile in others, for a fundamental reason: the key of time in order to comprise this difference is the "carrying capacity".
Me it has been already illustrated that it is not an exclusive prerogative of the Atmonauti but, without null removing to the value of other disciplines, I by far think that the topic is still open and far away the comprised being be dealt and in exaustive way. This topic implies the acquisition of new concepts and the revaluation of our references. In order to begin I would immediately eliminate from the list of the topics the flight with the Wing Suit, decidedly the much most effective one in terms than carrying capacity, but after all an accessory. I mean to discuss about the natural ability to the man to fly with the single body, without wings crafts them.
One three-dimensional formation. In track the depression of the below elements would be endured. In this case that does not happen because the formation is flying really, not is air under the body, the figure is held from the high one from the depression that shape on the upper wing surface of the members and is slipped in ahead along the flow
It is not alone issue of angles
The flock it is an angle tending to the vertical one, the parachutist with this type of angle deflects the air, that is it pushes the air and it receives one pushed from the same air that allows it to move themselves towards the opposite side. Not carrying capacity draft, deflects the air and one pushed is obtained. I do not find in this technique the phenomena and the typical characteristics of the carrying capacity which lower surface, upper wing surface and depression, coming from flow from a direction in which a wing profile it can slip to acquire the ability to fly. I do not find signs characteristic that they indicate a depression over the body, what that we find in the flight atmo and that I will try to illustrate more ahead. Naturally with "I do not find" I do not mean to say that "not there is". Bringing back only that that my senses record, for this I would want to be confronted with other experiences and points of view and to deepen the topic "carrying capacity", topic that fascinates me therefore a lot. In drift the angle is much plate, plus plate of the Atmonauta, but also in this case the air deflects. In fact who goes in track still feels the air to come gives under, moreover rigid one must hold a postura the entire time much and stiff otherwise it loses the effect. Impossible as an example to lower a foot in order to put it on the bag of who it is a meter under. Speaking about carrying capacity then already the temine drift sottintende a movement without control. True E' that in track they can be carried out of taken but the varieties of movement is much limiting, it has little mobility and little visibility. One will say to me that in track it can be gone faster of the Atmonauti. Of accordissimo but always because it deflects the air and one pushed is obtained, once again not is carrying capacity, we do not find distinguibili signs of the phenomenon (example an appreciable lessening of the vertical rate or the bag on the shoulders that is detached as to precede the parachutist) and ne' the horizontal speed can be a data symbol when it is obtained from one pushed. In the flight in atmo the vertical rate remarkablly the depression generated from the carrying capacity is reduced because of, a lot that to parity of horizontal movement the Atmonauta will be found decidedly more up than whichever angle. The Atmonauta moves every time for some km on the horizontal plan without some push but it slips along the flow that comes while it is withheld from the high one from the depression that shape on its upper wing surface, moreover does not perceive some pressure under of if, it is felt without lost, literally suspended, for this can move the limbs many liberations.
For Track after a jump atmo ours decidedly inferior a vertical rate to the human body in free fall. The depression, effect of the carrying capacity, sucks the Atmonauta on its upper wing surface and it withholds it. From the absence of "impact" and the lacked perception coming from flow they give here under, therefore the possibility to move legs and arms, remaining "heads to you" in the diagonal flow. Mobility that concurs as an example of carvare round to a base (tests to execute such maneuver in drift):
The Atmonauta to put the foot on the bag or the chest of the below Atmonauta, to second if it is front or in back without creating or enduring depressions. That is possible because the flow comes:
The secret is the postura
The Atmonauta has an angle around to the 30-40 degrees but that that ago truly the difference is the postura, this is the innovation. In fact to parity of angles, other posture will have completely different effects with the flight in atmo. With its characteristic order, raised river basin, aimed legs flesse, shoulders and head china, the Atmonauta assumes the shape of the wing profile. E' for that it flies. The open arms act as from stabilizers, the busto are the body of the aircraft and the triangle head-hands, with the busto like axis of reference, the rudder. Sure this type of flight is not effective as that one of flying them or an aircraft and the Atmonauta has still need of its device of landing in order to replace the feet to the ground. It could even be gone back. To who it would not appeal to that the sail could go back on in the sky, instead its characteristics they do not allow that to head towards the ground. But it flies. Therefore also the atmonauta it flies, like whichever creature or what in a position to being carrying. During the flight the Atmonauta, lacking in a motor that can push it in ahead, ridiscende. The human wing takes advantage of the force of gravity like motor transforming in part the vertical speed in necessary kinetic energy for the movement on the horizontal plan, allowing to execute with semplicità , with an instinct that surprises the reason, of the apparently complex maneuvers also for who does not have many knows to you, because it is just the carrying capacity to allow them, impossible maneuvers in free fall and whichever angle that one uses unsuitable postura. It is considered that the man in free fall falls more to a vertical speed between the 200 and 300 km/h or, the Atmonauta instead can arrive to a vertical rate of approximately 150-160 km/h, to the times also less. A body in sky or falls or flies, therefore the speed of a decidedly inferior man to that one of free fall indicates that it flies less (than does not have a postura or an accessory that opposes resistance to the vertical flow, what that the Atmonauta does not make). Once comprised this concept turns out impossible the comparison with other disciplines, independently from the angle or the speed of advance.
In this famous photo the bag that is detached from the shoulders, sucked in ahead. That happens because the material comes sucked from the depression and slips in ahead along the flow. Much Atmonauti to first knows to you, even if explained in phase of briefing, they are impreparati to such event and they have the feeling to lose the material. Moreover it is observed like the T-shirt, little before last under the cosciali, hour comes sucked in ahead:
A particular phenomenon: the T-shirt of the Atmonauta in back goes apparently against hand! It is raised and it is moved in the direction of flight, sucked from the depression is moved in the direction of the flow:
The tandem in atmo flies the entire time without drog. It does not need of the stabilizer ne' of a brake, not is coming from flow give under, the depression generated from the carrying capacity supports the tandem gives over offering great stability and in last not slowing down of remarkablly the vertical rate. The drog it will be only extracted to 2000 meters, shortly before opening (tests not to execute such technique in drift...):
I make excuses myself if I have given the impression to have try to teach something. I am not nobody and here I have not taught null. I have only exposed my personal experiences, considerations, studies, notes, my per diem staff, aware of having to still study and to work a lot in order to overwhelm my innumerevoli gaps. I augur myself of being able to me to confront seriously and to increase my cultural baggage and of experience.
Some people are saying the Atmonauti are flying generating lift from their angled body position, while aother are saying they are not generating lift but they're flying by deflection...
What is your opinion?
BASE #1075 / BMI #I-002 / PFI #042 / EGI #104
piisfish 140
it depends on the angle ...Quote
What is your opinion?
>45 degrees lift generation
you can feel when you fly through 45 degrees the switch from lift generation to deflection.

alexjump 0
Hello . I have the pleasure and the luck to fly atmo with Gigliola and Marco Tiezzi all of the weekend to motionless in Italy. I began for curiosity except for of 2 years it does, I am remained charmed of it. us easily it amuses in air with heterogeneous groups of atmonauti. and' incredible how many varied types of flight carry out in this discipline. In the same forum of the previous post you will be able to find also the information that check the novelties regulate expected in SOUTH AFRICA where from the next year the discipline ATMONAUTI will do part of the national competitions.
ATP 28
Vins 0
Hello everybody,
first of all, forgive me my poor english that is very italianized...
I am the author of that post taken from
I practis every weekend Atmonauti in Italy, in the home DZ of the inventors and for me is a real discipline because it permits relative work and various types of games as any other discipline...
and it's easy!
Theese days in South Africa they are organizing to put Atmonauti in the next SA Nationals Championships.
Most people think about Atmonauti as a separate discipline and promote it as so.
Others think that is only a tracking jump...
You can have an idea about it, visiting my Channel on Youtube:
and you will see people realy fly.
Whit this technique you can feel something strange...
I'm not able to explane well in English but I think that some images can explane better than I do.
Look at the rig that appeares to obtain lift and the depression behind it:
Look at the t-shirt in which direction goes end the depression below the left arm:
Check the atmo-tandem whithout drog (in any case the vertical speed is about 160-170 kmph):
Look at the Atmonaut that put his foot on the rig and not fall in the depression:
Atmo stand-up:
Raltive Work:
Human Airplane:
It's only a tracking jump?
I'm not sure.
I know this is slightly off topic but, I really want to learn how to fly a wingsuit. How many jumps should I have under my belt before trying wingsuits? I don't want to rush it but damn it looks like so much fun.
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