
Glider Pilots... We love em !!!!!

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First of all as a pilot and rigger I know that not ALL gliders have full 3-axis control. As far as ratios they are just that, some more some less. And as for hanging under or riding in, this is merely semantics because you hang under a powered parachute, lighter than air airship and a balloon, but they are aircraft. You also have more flight control over a balloon.
Time and pressure will always show you who a person really is!

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Parachutes aren't aircraft for only a single reason.

okay, then tell me what the other reasons are? Because if i change just one thing (add an engine) now they are. Some of today’s canopies clearly have the same flight characteristics gliders.

It doesn't have to make sense, it's a government regulation.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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ok this seems to be going on at another or other D.Z's this is a grob twin 103C acro and lol ;););););) I just love the military look of the pilot but still a dam nice ship too fly and been a glider pilot here in Michigin I really want to bring a glider to one of the D.Z's in the area and do some REALLY fun jumps lol in fact if your in the area give me a yell if your interested adidasboy734@yahoo.com ok Im done.

I don't care about fame I just want people to know my name qote ( Andrew Cebuhar)

the thread is dead

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"ok this seems to be going on at another or other D.Z's "

hey--- those pix were cool, but they were taken on different days. or, not a fluke at least. it's totally different when planned. yeah- you still have to share air space but at least the jumper/pilot is aware... and a good thing too... did you see those clouds!? :o
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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Yeah... no way they were jumping through those huh? :S

By the looks of your pic Heidi, it looks like some dropzones even take students through a little bit of industrial haze. :P

Maybe we should just invite the gliders to fly formation with us so we know where they are.

On a serious note, if you haven't ever had the chance to fly in a glider and you get one, take it. They are absolutely gorgeous machines. Perhaps you will have a new found respect for glider pilots and why they do what they do.


In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Yeah... no way they were jumping through those huh?

Clouds?? In Ireland we would call that a good day.
Did you see all the holes?;)

"be honest with yourself. Why do I want to go smaller? It is not going to make my penis longer." ~Brian Germain, on downsizing

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