
Beer etiquette

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Ok being new to the sport Ive noticed a few "firsts" that demand sacrifice to the beer gods. What are the general cases for sudden expendable of suds?

And just to keep the thread interesting, anyone got any "....and thats why I owed beer" stories?
~Bones Knit, blood clots, glory is forever, and chicks dig scars.~

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being a novice jumper, i miscalulated the winds on my pattern last week and landed just prior to the "beer line" (aka student landing area/experienced landing area border). luckily my coach understood and waived the beer fee, but on my log book he clearly wrote "honor the beer line" heh

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Never say the word 'first' at a drop zone. Its always your second jump, or your 101 or 201st jump. No i didnt chop it must have been that other guy...

I know one girl who didn't buy her beer. Eventually the karma caught up with her in the form of two broken wrists. After that she bought her beer and suffered no additional injuries.

More seriously, people are out at the drop-zone to have fun. Most people maximize fun by jumping with the same crowd that successfully builds formations and doesn't try to kill them. Your chances of being invited on loads with those people go up with the 23 introductions included in a case of beer.

Many skydivers have extra gear lying around. Sometimes it's great gear they've out grown; sometimes it's just airworthy and not worth the effort to sell; or maybe it's just something that doesn't see a lot of use. It's nice to have a canopy to jump while yours is out for a re-line or a Cypres to own for the cost of the 8 year. Your chances of getting those deals go up with the 23 introductions included in a case of beer.

Tunnel time is cheaper when bought in bulk. Your chances of getting 10 minutes out of some one's block plus free coaching gets better when you've used the 23 introductions in a case of beer.

If you have moral problems with beer (the under-aged can send some one to the store for them, and have 24 introductions) solid food products are a nice substitute. A pizza joint executive did as well with his za as the average jumper did with their beer. Boulder Bob's fish-fry (trout caught that morning) was more memorable than a case of beer.

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Never say the word 'first' at a drop zone. Its always your second jump, or ..

or the ever popular "presecond";)
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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Well, Sparky, not quite, but close.

To the OP: Be wary of those scamming you for beer whenever you say "first"....it's what it is...a beer-hound scam on the unknowing.

There are official Beer Rules:
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Well, Sparky, not quite, but close.

To the OP: Be wary of those scamming you for beer whenever you say "first"....it's what it is...a beer-hound scam on the unknowing.

There are official Beer Rules:

see this is exactly what i was looking for ;D
~Bones Knit, blood clots, glory is forever, and chicks dig scars.~

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Well, Sparky, not quite, but close.

To the OP: Be wary of those scamming you for beer whenever you say "first"....it's what it is...a beer-hound scam on the unknowing.

There are official Beer Rules:

see this is exactly what i was looking for ;D

Pay attention to the most important part.


-If more than one first is accomplished on a single jump, only one case of beer is required.

You should pay for the beer rules but dont over due it! Most of us would rather you jump more with your money that spend more money than you have to on some gready no beer buying fucksticks!;)
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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