
Jump Ticket prices going up at Perris

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I have known Ben and Diane since they bought the airport in the late 70's. Jump prices were $9.50 or $10.00. When they started they had substantial holdings in rental property in So. Cal. There was no grass, concrete, plowed landing area and the only services was a porta potty. Slowly they started adding things from flush toilets to otters. Its not a bad place to jump now. Now go ask Ben & Diane how much of that rental property they have left.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Are you bashing them for personally owning land and selling it? Hey, that is there personal business. Does it really have anything to do with the DZ? Should they put every penny that they have personally into the DZ and then have nothing for themselves? Do they owe us something that would make them put every penny they have into the DZ? How many people start a buiness to go broke? Not me and I'm sure not the Conatsers. If a McDonalds bathroom is broke does the owner pay for it to get fixed out of his own pockets? Why should they pay out of there personal pockets for the DZ? I wouldn't. Would you?

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I like Elsinore too! Hammo and the crew does a great job over there.

Most dropzones seem to have something interesting and unique about them, so, they're all pretty much worth a trip or two every once in awhile.

I like whatever DZ I happen to be at -- most of the time, that's Perris.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Are you bashing them for personally owning land and selling it? Hey, that is there personal business. Does it really have anything to do with the DZ? Should they put every penny that they have personally into the DZ and then have nothing for themselves? Do they owe us something that would make them put every penny they have into the DZ? How many people start a buiness to go broke? Not me and I'm sure not the Conatsers. If a McDonalds bathroom is broke does the owner pay for it to get fixed out of his own pockets? Why should they pay out of there personal pockets for the DZ? I wouldn't. Would you?

Chill out. What I was saying is that most of what they had when they started they don't have now because they put it into the DZ for the jumpers.
What do you do if you really get hit?
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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On Saturday, Perris had over 100...yes! 100 tandem
students! in one day!

How does this apply to the price of your jump ticket? Do you expect the tandems to buy your jumps for you? When it comes down to it $20 is pretty cheap for what you are getting.

never pull low......unless you are

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i have no idea quade why people are so loyal to perris...but of all the DZ that i have been too across the states, it seems that the loyalty here is the strongest. not sure why...yeah its nice that they have food, pool, and such...but personally the view from the sky is average, and the dust is hell. i think since many people learn there..they stay there...which is too bad...you can learn infinate amounts about the sport by jumping at every dropzone you can.

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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Well, I wouldn't mind paying the extra money
if I was getting a little somthing extra.

Maybe they could get us up to 13.5K instead of
12.5K that would be worth the extra 3 bucks.

Sometimes Perris takes us up to 13.5K if there is
some important RW or CRW team on our load.

I miss Air Adventures West in Taft, because we would get 14K!

As far as Perris being a home....I disagree....
the place is so big! You get lost in the mix over there. I do like it for other reasons though.


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There was no grass, concrete, plowed landing area and the only services was a porta potty. Slowly they started adding things from flush toilets to otters.

I remember the first time I went to Perris, in '78. Manifest was a tiny weather worn shack by the runway and I don't remember much else, but they had a DC-3 running. I remember how nice it was when the bath house went up in '79 - no roof, you could actually sit on the can and watch canopies descending (cool). There was the old Bomb Shelter, the pool, the main building went up, they put in a lawn and these big shelters made of logs. They added a second and then a third DC-3. Skip ahead 22 years and I hardly knew the place when I returned. The Bomb Shelter looks like a beautiful chalet, ther's big tent shelters with misters, TV monitors, and a fleet of turbos. It's a totally world class place, and apparently has to charge world class prices if we want to keep it that way.

As for Elsinore, it's a fine place too, though I wouldn't put it in quite the same class as Perris. Perris and Elsinore have always had this symbiotic yang-yin relationship anyway, with people moving back and forth, following their friends, getting bored, pissed off or kicked out of one place or another. The competition's good for both of them, it keeps either place from getting lazy or taking their jumpers for granted. It's practically unheard of to have two such excellent DZ's only 15 miles apart. Maybe So. Cal. skydivers should keep that in mind as it's easy for us to get spoiled.

It is unfortunate that the city of Perris is such an armpit town. On the bright side though, look at the beautiful job the Conatser family's done with the airport. It's not scenically beautiful the way Elsinore is, but air is air and that's all that matters.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I miss Air Adventures West in Taft, because we would get 14K!

And AA west is now closed. Wounder why?

I do not think that I know you, but AAW was my original DZ and closed when I was just beginning. (At the time, I had passed all levels and was beginning my solos.) Anyway, I was speaking to George (instructor/pilot) the other day about it. He is an instructor about once a month at Elsinore, my new home DZ.

AAW WILL REOPEN. B| Nobody really knows in what time frame, though. I can let you or anyone else know what little I do know in a confidential PM.

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Where I jump I pay credit card surcharge as well. I have gotten used to it. The planes are just expensive to maintain and experienced loads are hard to make money off of. The sport is just expensive and prices aren't going down in this economy. Hopefully the money I absorb in paying those credit card fees goto the DZ. At my DZ we got new showers, more planes, a swoop pond, and still free pizza on Saturdays. So I feel I get moneys' worth. My $0.02

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Thank you, Sparky. Actually, I know that Will is at Cal City. That is not what I was referring to. He has his plans of which I am also aware. (Go Will!) I was talking about the property that AAW was operating from...the new plans for THAT piece of property. I heard from the "horse's mouth", so to speak.

Edited to add: I meant to write to the guy that missed AAW. Also, I am still new, but I love Elsinore and Otay the best, although I may go to Perris tomorrow for a change. It's not my fav place, but still...:)

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Why did Air Adventures West close?.....

BECAUSE WE GOT 14K AGL!!!! Will was just providing
us will a better service than Perris or Elsinore period!

I've heard reasons why from both Will Renfoe
(Air Adventures West DZ owner).

As well as Dave Chrouch (DZ owner of Skydive Taft)
who is good friends w/ the land owners who kicked
Will off the land.

I really don't want to get into reasons why the DZ got shut down because I don't know the hard facts.

I've heard a lot of rumors from both sides in this dispute....I don't know who is lying!!


Hope AAwest reopens sooooon!!!!

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