loflyer 0 #1 April 26, 2005 I was reading some posts & they were discussing the age limit for AFF Students. The reason I am asking about this, is recently we had an elderly gentleman (about 70 yrs old) stopped by the DZ & was wanting to go through the AFF Program! I think it is awesome that he wants to Skydive, but I am just a little concerned! Do other DZ's have age limits or is it just left up to the AFF Instructors to make sure they are able to perform all requirements in a acceptable manner before they take them up??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
koz2000 1 #2 April 26, 2005 We don't have an age limit, but if I'm about to take a student up and I think they're going to have a hard time PLFing, I'll bring it to the attention of the DZO. Some people at 75 are more agile than others at 55. It all depends on the person. Look at the SOS & POPS.______________________________________________ - Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gemini 0 #3 April 26, 2005 Some people over 70 are in better shape than a lot of us in our 50s. I recently had the opportunity to see Lew Sanborn run across the landing area smiling the whole way. I don't believe there should be an age limit. Each dz should make a decision based on the individuals condition both physically and mentally. We have sent far more younger people than older folks bowling because the younger students did not seem to be mentally aware on the ground or in the air. Blue skies, Jim Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loflyer 0 #4 April 26, 2005 I totally agree with you! But I was wondering "If" there were DZ's that had a set age limit... The post that I read in the General Discussion forum, one person stated that there "DZ" had age limits for beginning the AFF Program and I had never heard this before & was just wondering... Thanks ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflygirlz 0 #5 April 27, 2005 Our school has set an age limit of 60, but we are open to take older students, if they are in good conditions. We would talk to them and make sure, they are aware of the the physical and mental stress and the risks of getting hurt. But in fact, since I'm AFF-I in this school, which is 4 years now, our oldest students were in ther 40ies... I definitely do not want an offical age limit (FAA, USPA), as it depends on the individual student. But as an AFF-I I personally keep the right not to jump with a student, if I am of the opinion, that he is not capable of managing it. Just my opinion blue skies Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites