slj678 0 #1 April 28, 2009 Looking to start back up the A&M skydiving club. Any student or licensed skydivers that would be interested in joining? PM me if so. Hoping to get it up and going by next semester."I didn't know they gave out rings at the holocaust" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
regulator 0 #2 April 28, 2009 Nah they're all at UT!! Hook Em Horns! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slj678 0 #3 April 28, 2009 I was actually in austin this past weekend and lets just say... well its good to be back Austin is cool but way to many ghetto parts. Plus here the town is centered around the school, in austin nobody gives a rats ass if you go to school or not Home sweet home college station "I didn't know they gave out rings at the holocaust" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrewwhyte 1 #4 April 28, 2009 They used to have a static line program at A&M. Seems they had a problem with the undergrads hanging on with one hand and dragging the other on the ground. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BillyVance 34 #5 April 28, 2009 I would check with AggieDave. He's an A&M alumni."Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slj678 0 #6 April 28, 2009 Yeah I talk with Dave pretty frequently but I need current students to join. I've been at the dropzone and haven't seen many students working on aff or license, mainly just tandems"I didn't know they gave out rings at the holocaust" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIGUN 1,345 #7 April 28, 2009 You might try this forum: In the "Other Sports" forum.Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beachbum 0 #8 April 28, 2009 I haven't been up there much yet this year since they didn't have a plane midweek until they got Daffy back in the air recently, so not up on who all is around right now. AggieDave, or Todd (dzo at Aggieland) would be the best bets to know who all is still a student and jumping. I know that they tried to get the club going again a couple of years ago, but it never worked out. I don't know details, but think they couldn't collect enough participants. You can always recruit student jumpers ... I know Todd would appreciate it ... LOL!! The folks who tried it last time were talking with Kay about being the sponsor, and she might still be willing to do it if you can come up with the students to make it happen. She and I may meet out there to jump one afternoon this week if the weather cooperates, if you would like to show up and talk to her about it.As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #9 April 29, 2009 The short answer that I know of is that there are only a handful of students that are active jumpers. The last of the hey-day of the TAMU Skydiving Club was back in 2000.Maybe a new club can be cranked up. Its been tried a couple of times over the past few years and it has gone no where, but its good to try again, since it would definitely not happen with out trying to make it happen. --"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slj678 0 #10 April 29, 2009 Yeah it is definitely worth a shot in my mind, I know a ton of people that want to do a tandem, and I figure if I can get between 50-100 tandems then 1 or 2 of them atleast would pursue aff... Maybe with an outside shot of there being a freshmen or 2 that have already started towards their license."I didn't know they gave out rings at the holocaust" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
talon1206 0 #11 April 29, 2009 That club is dead, it was dead when I was a member (2002-2004), it was dead when I was the president(2005), and it will never be revived until the university supports "High Risk" activities. Good luck getting it started again but I would be happy if there were 4 active university jumpers. "Pilots without Maintainers are just pedestrians with cool jackets and sunglasses" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slj678 0 #12 April 29, 2009 What do you mean supports high risk activities? It was an established club right? I could care less if the university funded it, although that would be nice in some aspects because I have a few friends parents who I'm sure would gladly give some money, plus there are always aggies that are willing to give as long as you make it legit. Really all I want out of it is to introduce some people into the sport and have a good time, and if we got to compete then great, if not then we gave it a shot you know?"I didn't know they gave out rings at the holocaust" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
talon1206 0 #13 April 29, 2009 Back in 2004-2005 the director of student activities was not in touch with reality and told me that the TAMU Skydiving club was to "high risk" to be supported by the university. This was the same guy that brought hazing charges against the Aggie Wranglers. After fighting tooth and nail with some help from Kay they recognized the club. As for the club the hardest part is bringing back students. Todd has a great incentive for them with the $99 for your second tandem. But I still think that college students are more concerned with hanging out on North Gate and getting smashed then getting up early on the weekends and jumping. Hell if it wasn’t for the Corps, Aggie Dave and Beth Trehan, I probably would have done the same. When I took my senior year off because I jumped with a sinus infection and fucked my head up I partied my ass off too. Your best bet is to get a table at MSC open house and build awareness of the DZ. After that just have fun and have club activities. Keeping the students will be the hardest part. -Bailey '06 "Pilots without Maintainers are just pedestrians with cool jackets and sunglasses" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slj678 0 #14 April 30, 2009 Eh well if they stay they stay, if not atleast they got the experience of a lifetime. Even if some people get to experience my enjoyment only once or twice atleast they will not go wondering what its like. Like I said I'm just in it for fun, meet some new people, drink some beer and just live life to the fullest. If people wanna join cool, if they just wanna try it cool, if not then they can suck it If you have any other ideas on how to promote it let me know! Thanks "I didn't know they gave out rings at the holocaust" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CPrince09 0 #15 May 8, 2009 I just did my first jump here in houston but will be a freshman at A&M next semester and would love to join and help with a skydiving club. I am goin to start working on my license pretty soon just need to know all the details about what is needed to get it and all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slj678 0 #16 May 10, 2009 Awesome I PM'd you."I didn't know they gave out rings at the holocaust" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flighty 0 #17 June 8, 2009 My husband and I were officers in the club in the late 90s. The trick to getting the club going is getting the word out to the population of students at A&M who want to skydive but don't know about the club or DZ yet. Our best success was simple fliers with tear off tags with an officers phone number and email. The fliers should say skydive very prominently to catch the eye and have a bit of info about getting into the sport. You are looking to inform the people who already are inclined to skydive, not convince people. The phone # should go to someone friendly and enthusiastic about the sport who can answer the basic whuffo questions over and over. When people do come out to skydive make an effort to make them feel part of a tradition rather than just a rider in a tandem amusement park ride. Let them know in advance that people hang out at sunset and share a beverage. Students don't know what to expect and will by default assume that they do the jump and are done with skydiving. We did NSTIWITIWGD first jump stories almost every weekend and the more you make it a welcoming culture, the more students catch the bug. They just need a little exposure to the DZ to see the potential future past a thrill ride. Feel free to contact Eliot and I if you want more info about how we did it in the olden days :) (and say hi to Kay for me) ~Cindy~ Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari? Spelling and grammar errors are left as an exercise for the reader. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites