
Otter Tail-Passenger?

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It's not that the aircraft itself is unsafe. I think what is being said is that the aircraft in those conditions is less safe in a takeoff emergency than one that uses less runway. It's really more about the runway conditions available, rather than the airplane.

Thank you John, you were able to articulate what I was trying to get out much better then I did.
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It might be safe to fly a NEW airplane, at gross weight, to the red-line, on a hot day, etc.
As airplanes age, they get heavier and slower, metal fatigues, engines no longer produce book-value power, etc.

Ya, but new TO's didn't have -27 or -34 engines either.


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If a jumpship appears to be having trouble clearing the fence, a jumper would be wise to say "gee, that plane sure is using a lot of runway. Maybe I should go ask someone..."

Where do you usually jump? What type of response would you expect from the DZ?

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