
Fundraiser boogie a scam at Adventure Skydiving Tn."

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First, I have neer stated AST and skyride are unaffiliated. However what I have stated in detail while citing multiple parallel examples so that I could try to provide some clarity to someone as jaded as yourself could understand- is that the ONLY connection to skyride AST has is that the funding to start the DZ came from the owners of skyride.

so cash was provided, however operations are completely independant- again their operations interact as much as competing hotel chains, or competing airlines.

Ok, credit due, you admitted to the set up affiliation, but about the DZ's current and ongoing affiliation, Need I post this link again? It clearly shows a picture of an ASC Gift Certificate. http://www.astskydiving.com/gift_certificates.html

Again, you are trying to deflect, divert, and distract the attention to try to make it look like I am the one on the hot-seat, so your company can continue to decieve,,,,, EVERYONE! You may be able to tell some wuffo that stuff, but everyone here knows what I stand for. And quit wasting everyone's time inviting us out, I don't see any takers!

Refuse to Lose!!!
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This is awesome!
You guys should keep in mind that participants at that boogie included military officers and a general gathering of good people.

Let's just face it, we're scummy liars, worthless humans, etc. etc.

Oh and by the way, JumpDude, I wouldnt tell anyone what kind of equipment I jump if it's old garbage like that... pretty much display's your inability to keep up with the sport.

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Sort of what I'm hoping for with these-someone thinking about trying skydiving will scroll this and think


and even if they give Skyride and it's affiliates the benefit of the doubt, the prospective jumper would more than likely follow the smoke/fire rule and choose another alternative. If i can in some small way stop someone from being ripped off my day is a little brighter. But, just because, on this subject, I'm petty and small minded does not make me wrong.
Back to the faux fundraiser-my take was-Let's throw a party, this is a funny idea. A lot of people didn't see the humor and using a copyrighted logo (Humane Society) opened up another can of worms. Now that was silly-if anyone should know that people get upset about unauthorized use of copyrighted images it should be people under the skyride umbrella. Not being smart enough to issue an apology and admit that, yep-tasteless joke, our bad-AST or their representatives, or their associates attempted to either buy the problem off or, may have just been pushing the joke one step more. If it was the former, you guys are just too cheap to believe. A hundred bucks!? Really, not much good will is going to come out of that paltry amount. If it was the latter and you were trying to push the joke-you don't make a car wreck better by driving a train in to it.
You are only as strong as the prey you devour

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WOW! You guys really have nothing better to do with your time, huh. I jumped at this dz this past weekend. I will tell you it was an amazing breath of fresh air! As you may not like the sense of humor, this drop zone and the staff it has, create an amazing atmosphere! Outlaw crew, I thank you for such a great weekend!!!!! Spence, Jumpdude... quit hating and find something to do with your time!

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credit due that I admitted? as if this is the first time I've said this? Really? take your shades off buddy, or go to an alzheimer's clininc.

Second, this is not my company, nor do I work for any dropzone or skyride. I work for a company that does $30 billion annually, I go to ASC and AST to spend some cash and visit good people and friends.

Look, like i've said before, I understand everyone's problems with skyride. Personally I dont care because they were in a grey area of the law, and if you have the balls to go there, then go right ahead. I wouldn't do it, i understand why they did, and I understand why you disagree with it. Additionally, Ben and Cary have been nothing but good to me over the years. Why would I bother em about somethign that can be considered legal and doesn't really matter to me anyway?

Next, I am not diverting or deceiving anyone about anything. I step in to let you know when you begin to do exactly that. Your problem is you've lost sight of what you stand for. And listen close cuz this is where you and i have some squabbles. Youre so proud of yourself for standing up for skydivers and whuffos everywhere (you can identify readily with both given your currency), youre so content with your little D^4 saying that any opportunity, chicken little, you get to say sLyride and announce the sky is falling you take it.

When you start to say some innaccurate and at times wildly slanderous things about my friends that i know to be so far off base that you fall victim to youre own D^4 saying; and then threaten my fun, thier fun and livelyhood, I'll step in and slap you on the wrist. If I was enough of an @$$hole I could come after you with a legal team claiming libel with regards to the dropzones themselves. You'd potentially have me with skyride, but the DZs are where you're wandering in uncharted territory Mr. self-righteous...

I'm not going to spend time or money doing that, so I'll just keep stating the facts about the DZs themselves from my moral ground, while you continue to spin yourself up so much eventually you'll have an aneurism and i suppose skyride wins then, though at a tragic cost by your own hand.

I think (and chuck feel free to cancel my theory here) but I think the boogie started as fun, then they added the philanthropic aspect which you guys couldn't handle so immediately began to say was a scam. Chuck defended it because they were actually raising money, he thought they would raise more than they did (though still not much) based on initial indicators prior to and just after the boogie, so he would step up defend his stance as any of you would. When factors out of his control with the shirts fell through, the amount shrank, and gave you all the inspiration you needed to spread the word without having the first clue of what actually transpired.

Now you ask me, why do I/we keep inviting you out to jump with us? First off I could teach you a thing or two about skydiving, so I'm sure it'd be fun for you to gain some skills. Also because we'd like you to see the dropzone side of things. Given that you want to make a difference, a visit may actually allow you to "divert" and narrow your efforts to something that may actually help your initial endeavors vs. the wild goose chase that you are currently on. It also beats working yourself up towards an early grave (not a threat mods!!! just noting self destruction) and spoiling the fun for the innocent and regular ASC/ASTers as well as the dozens or hundreds more that will undoubtedly be around in the future.

edited for a couple grammer issues, prob still some around in there...
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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WOW! You guys really have nothing better to do with your time, huh. I jumped at this dz this past weekend. I will tell you it was an amazing breath of fresh air! As you may not like the sense of humor, this drop zone and the staff it has, create an amazing atmosphere! Outlaw crew, I thank you for such a great weekend!!!!! Spence, Jumpdude... quit hating and find something to do with your time!

:D I love posts like this.

Translation: "Find something to do with your time instead of......oh wait, the same thing I'm doing right now...hmm"

"Are you coming to the party?
Oh I'm coming, but I won't be there!"
Flying Hellfish #828
Dudist #52

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Brent, You seem to be one of the more rational ones that post here. It is however too bad that you are grouped in with the likes of foolareyou and the many other one post wonder user names that come from the ASC /AST camp. Those dilute what it is you're trying to do. On the brighter side if you guys keep creating usernames you will eventually be able to sku the poll in your favor.

My last post is as friendly and positive as I can get on this subject. If that didn't make any sense to you,you're a lost cause.

As for the multiple invites to the boogie.Setting aside all other issues I don't know a single person that would go out of their way to attend "The Cat AIDS Boogie". It was poorly thought of,poorly planned,poorly advertised,poorly implemented and poorly finished.

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A large portion of this is a prime example of what I mean when I say "deflect, divert, distract, decieve", The topic here is whether or not the Cat Aids Boogie was or was not a scam, and whether or not AST is or is not affiliated with ASC/sLyride. You guys (And girl) are trying to divert the attent to everyone else so the issue will go away. You AND your buddies there have tried to slam my and others ability as skydiver, my or other's equipment, everyone mental capacity, and on and on.

This is exactly why I keep saying "deflect, divert, distract, decieve", Look back through the threads, you will NEVER see a post from me that slams someone's skydiving abilities, equipment and not even their currency.
I'll be willing to bet you have no idea how current I am, do you?

So that being said, I say again, "deflect, divert, distract, decieve"!
Refuse to Lose!!!
Failure is NOT an option!

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I suppose we're all lost causes in that regard, since your team can't seem to understand where my team comes from. I am not skyride, we are not skyride. If you diagree with the boogie in poor taste, fine. If you try to direct business away from it because of a fictitious scam, you're a bad person.

The invite is open ended, anytime, boogie or no boogie. I'd be willing to red eye in from across the country for a weekend to jump with you guys @ AST if you were to make an attempt to experience first hand the things you hate so much from the first person perspective vs. through the bias outsiders' kaleidoscope of rumors and hearsay that you thrive.

And it is Brett with 2 T's :-)
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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In no way did my comments about your currency distract from the point of my post. Look chicken little, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Just poking a little fun based on observations, feel free to poke back a little of course. I think saying that I/we slammed you is overstated, maybe we just touched a sensative subject.... Obviously i dont like you very much because of who you choose to be. though now you've gotten me off topic... However your currency and knowledge of modern day skydiving does have some weight on whether you know about the relevance of your statements being accurate to the current skydiving community of which is being discussed right here in this very thread!

additionally, i absolutely address the affiliation of skyride, as well as whether or not the boogie was a scam in my posts, as well as respond to your comments that are not in line with the thread topics that you started which are now suddenly important to you. I'm not sure what planet youre on, but clearly youre beyond rational debate if you opt to completely neglect and ignore much of what I have said over this thread and several others.

Good day Mr. Little.

edited- added some clarity.
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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I suppose we're all lost causes in that regard, since your team can't seem to understand where my team comes from. I am not skyride, we are not skyride. If you diagree with the boogie in poor taste, fine. If you try to direct business away from it because of a fictitious scam, you're a bad person.

The invite is open ended, anytime, boogie or no boogie. I'd be willing to red eye in from across the country for a weekend to jump with you guys @ AST if you were to make an attempt to experience first hand the things you hate so much from the first person perspective vs. through the bias outsiders' kaleidoscope of rumors and hearsay that you thrive.

And it is Brett with 2 T's :-)

We'll just have to agree we are in two different "camps" I guess. While jumping at a Skyride DZ (like it or not you jump at a Skyride DZ)doesn't in my book make someone a bad person, I have been in the sport long enough to know that being a skydiver doesn't make someone my friend.

Coming up with and finding humor in something like The Cat AIDS Boogie does put someone in the questionable catagory and into a group I probably would not fit into. And lets be honest you could really give a fuck if I ever visited your DZ.

I feel that the attitude that is portrayed in the photo of everyone in their Cat AIDS shirts flipping the finger is probably close to the attitude I could look forward to if I visited your DZ. If not,you all made that my perception and like it or not perception is most peoples reality.

I go though life every day not knowing or hanging out with billions of people so it seems silly to me to go out of my way to hang with someone who supports something that I despise. Ben,Cary,Skyride and anything they have ever done are a cancer on our sport. The only good they have done has been to their bank accounts and that may very well be coming to an end.

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Spence, Jumpdude... quit hating and find something to do with your time!

Katie, I'll stand tall next to what I have done here. It is afterall hating a concept not people. Let me ask you something since you insist on poking me. Are you going to teach your children that the Skyride way is the way to treat people? Do you want Ben and Cary to be role models to your kids? I'll ask this question to all of you. Are you going to teach your kids that the end justifies the means? That is a quote from Cary. Are you going to teach them that it is ok to take money from people that you didn't earn? That if you can get someones money by any means that you earned it? If you answer yes to any of these questions you sicken me.

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A lot of people didn't see the humor and using a copyrighted logo (Humane Society) opened up another can of worms.

Get your facts straight lady, No logo was used in any advertising, nor was the Humane Society's name.
You should read their letter of rejection, then you'll have a clue.

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did anyone even read my explanation of the event? What was the scam? I wouldnt say it was poorly planned. It was an impromptu boogie. I think it went well for two weeks of preparation. The movie is hillarious!! I assure that all negativity from this event was indeed caused by jumpdude and friends. Anyone that was actually there knows how ridiculous this is, and can see the lies that jumpdude and friends told the HS.

Seriously....what was the scam again? to make 100 bucks to split among 7 people? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

"all that evidence cant Be wrong"

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A hundred bucks!? Really, not much good will is going to come out of that paltry amount.

$100, not much good will....?
I think the Humane Society would beg to differ.

Per the Humane Society's web site the $100 donation would have made us Silver Guardian Angel Supporters...


You guys once again have no idea what you're talking about....

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As for the multiple invites to the boogie.Setting aside all other issues I don't know a single person that would go out of their way to attend "The Cat AIDS Boogie". It was poorly thought of,poorly planned,poorly advertised,poorly implemented and poorly finished.

HA! - It was expert in all respects actually....
We made front page news and you guys are talking about it seven months later... What exactly was poorly planned?
And you're kidding yourself if you think no one would go out of their way to go to a fun boogie. We had a guy get a real Cat Aids tattoo!
I mean, the only reason they go to your boogie is because everyone you know is gravitationally attracted to you - ;)

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I dont want to get into this mess as i dont care one way or the other but i do have a sincere question.

If you are so adamant that nothing wrong was done then i dont understand the need for an annonymous user id?

Not trying to dig, just understand.
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A lot of people didn't see the humor and using a copyrighted logo (Humane Society) opened up another can of worms.

Get your facts straight lady, No logo was used in any advertising, nor was the Humane Society's name.
You should read their letter of rejection, then you'll have a clue.

For once, he's right, AFAIK. I reviewed the copies of the advertisements that I have, and none of them included the Humane Society's name or logo. I may have not seen all of them though.

We'll just have to accept that the boogie was a joke done in extremely poor taste with no intentions of donating any proceeds until called out on it.

If you guys want to survive and keep your DZ open, do yourselves a favor and rename the boogie to something more politically correct. You might need a permit to hold a fundraiser if what I read earlier is correct, and you will need permission from the beneficiary. I can see how last year's boogie was hastily done and poorly planned. However, the attitudes you all have displayed since leaves much to be desired.

I think we're about ready to close this discussion out and re-focus back on Skyride in the other thread.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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A large portion of this is a prime example of what I mean when I say "deflect, divert, distract, decieve", The topic here is whether or not the Cat AidsBoogie was or was not a scam, and whether or not AST is or is not affiliated with ASC/sLyride. You guys (And girl) are trying to divert the attent to everyone else so the issue will go away. You AND your buddies there have tried to slam my and others ability as skydiver, my or other's equipment, everyone mental capacity, and on and on.

This is exactly why I keep saying "deflect, divert, distract, decieve", Look back through the threads, you will NEVER see a post from me that slams someone's skydiving abilities, equipment and not even their currency.
I'll be willing to bet you have no idea how current I am, do you?

So that being said, I say again, "deflect, divert, distract, decieve"!

a "scam", by definition, requires a victim. who suffered? the poor souls in the attached photos?
we had 25 fun jumpers, 20 or so tandem students and 10 staff members that had a wonderful time. the mike paiser space laser appreciation boogie on april 25/26, 2008 will be even more tastless, insensitive and awesome.

the recurring assertion on your part that we are somehow lying to/scamming/or providing a disservice to our fun jumpers and students cannot be substantiated, period. sorry jeff, but a real dz has opened in "your" market. modern equipment, qualified instructors, well maintained safe aircraft and esprit will outweigh your lies, anonymous tips, muckraking and dumbassery.

from the ntsb report of the plane crash that your funjmpers and students nearly suffered:

"The pilot owned and operated the airplane since he purchased it in 2003. The airplane had not received an annual or 100-hour
inspection subsequent to the pilot purchasing it. In addition, the pilot did not hold an airframe or powerplant certificate; however, he
performed all of the maintenance on his airplane."

that is a scam, pal. thank goodness it was not a tragedy. at every turn you are a disgrace to this sport. offering a prospective aff student advice like this:

"Why pay $150 up to $250+ for a jump when you can do the Static Line First Jump Training course for $195 which includes your first jump, then the Static Line jumps for $65, then, when you come off the Static Line, the price drops to $45, then when you come off Student Status, the price is $23?
Why pay an average of $200+ per jump when you can get 2 to 4 jumps for the price of 1 AFF jump.

You may notice that the other user here who is advertising for a certain DZ is attempting to dazzle you with some really killer prices and packages. Then you will notice that he goes on to mention that you will have to pay $150 for any jumps you "Need to repeat". Hence, "Failed" a jump?? How can you fail a jump? You jumped, You landed, You lived, You passed! The reason the AFF DZ's mention that is because there is a high percent chance that you will have to "Repeat" (?) a jump or two. They do that so they can get you back for another jump or two. But They will never admit that.
The most that should happen if you missed something on a jump is that it should be logged in your logbook and attention would be given to that area on the next jump or before your "A" License check dive. And if an Instructor says you can't log a jump for one reason or another, they are lying. YOU JUMPED! YOU CAN LOG IT! Even if you didn't get a passing score.
Also, here's a couple of really good references that will help you to make an educated decision about where to jump. http://funjumper.com/skyride/ and http://www.1800skyrideripoff.com.
After reviewing those two references as well as the suggestion that the other user earlier in this thread offered you, you will see that the user that is offering you all those dazzling prices and packages works for and is advertising for the company which is the same one you asked about at first in this thread, is the company that all that evidence is warning you not to do business with."

is not helpful to him or the sport. (btw, kermie is doing his level 4 aff at asc as soon as the weather breaks.)

I'm amazed that cspence, andy, billy vance and the others tolerate your presence in their camp. chris has done great things for the sport from videographer to boogie organizer, andy is a professional instructor who takes great pride in teaching people how to skydive. billy has a list of accomplishments as long as my arm. they have a rational postion to boot. what are you bringing to the game, joe dirt?

Divert attention so the issue will go away? are you fucking kidding? the cat aids boogie will become an institution! have you seen these sweet t-shirts? thanks for the advertising. all this publicity and controversy over a silly name for a weekend of jumping and fun has provided much promise for the next cat aids boogie!


AST is owned by cary quattrocchi, who also owns asc and skyride! gasp, who would have guessed? unfortunately for your argument, there is no skyride party line. there is no modus operandi. we're just a bunch of retards livin it up and having fun. we had fun. you should to, sometime.

"Look back through the threads, you will NEVER see a post from me that slams someone's skydiving abilities, equipment and not even their currency."

because you are in no position to, jeff. we are!
well im not a skyride fan by any means, but this sport is and always has been rich in moraly questionable behavior. -parabuteo

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A lot of people didn't see the humor and using a copyrighted logo (Humane Society) opened up another can of worms.

Get your facts straight lady, No logo was used in any advertising, nor was the Humane Society's name.
You should read their letter of rejection, then you'll have a clue.

For once, he's right, AFAIK. I reviewed the copies of the advertisements that I have, and none of them included the Humane Society's name or logo. I may have not seen all of them though.

We'll just have to accept that the boogie was a joke done in extremely poor taste with no intentions of donating any proceeds until called out on it.

If you guys want to survive and keep your DZ open, do yourselves a favor and rename the boogie to something more politically correct. You might need a permit to hold a fundraiser if what I read earlier is correct, and you will need permission from the beneficiary. I can see how last year's boogie was hastily done and poorly planned. However, the attitudes you all have displayed since leaves much to be desired.

I think we're about ready to close this discussion out and re-focus back on Skyride in the other thread.

you advising someone to assume a more politically correct position is, umm, strange. are you feeling ok?

people, you are sensationalizing the most poorly conceived, spur of the moment, ridiculous non event in modern skydiving history!

long live cat aids!
well im not a skyride fan by any means, but this sport is and always has been rich in moraly questionable behavior. -parabuteo

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