
Being Cool on the DZ

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Make sure you get the cool gizmo's like swoop pants, shades, beepers etc etc. Some teva's maybe but i think those are 2006 and out of style now.

hth ;P

Sport sandals are way cool, as long as they use a tradional method of retention. Buckles are best (real metal ones, not those plastic squeeze clip things), velcro would be right out. Elastic is acceptable, if you HAVE to.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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the Mini cancels out the Bluetooth so your ok :)

The Mini is a winner. But please, tell me you did not get it with a "racing" stripe that goes any further back than the hood.

A stripe that covers any area other than the hood exposes you to anybody who knows about such things as a poser.;)
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Um, when I got my 318ti, it cost less than an Accord. And I got 4 years of total maintenance protection with it as well. It didn't cost as little as a Saturn, but those things had awful performance. There is such a thing as minimally acceptable performance. (Plus it was the only rear wheel drive I could find in a non-truck. And I wasn't ponying up for the Audi Quatro. And no, I wasn't going to get the Cadillac either. "Land Yacht").

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My mom says I'm cool...[:/]

Pirana- SHUT UP! You're letting our secret out! I like to think my Z06 says- 'I'm on the right track, but maybe one day, maybe one day...' :P

I will say, I have met some rich montherf*ckers that just refuse to put 100K on the street- so they settle for a plethora of mercedes, porsches, and some classics from back in the day. cheap bastards...

So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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Wow, you really know everything about everyone that decides to buy what they want - but doesn't please your senses...for whatever reason they want to buy it. Who are you to judge the person that drives a $40K+ car?? I don't immediately assume that someone who drives a jalopy or low-budget car is poor or liberal or whatever. I own a Q7 and a Scion....depending on what I drive on any given day you'd judge me differently??? Idiot!!!

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Wow, you really know everything about everyone that decides to buy what they want - but doesn't please your senses...for whatever reason they want to buy it. Who are you to judge the person that drives a $40K+ car?? I don't immediately assume that someone who drives a jalopy or low-budget car is poor or liberal or whatever. I own a Q7 and a Scion....depending on what I drive on any given day you'd judge me differently??? Idiot!!!

Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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