jf951 1 #1 March 25, 2009 so i completed my AFF class a 2 weeks back thru and im pushing thru my student jumps at a pretty decent rate. and loving every second of it im wondering where i learn to pack. i was looking at another hot thred, how many jumps did you have before u started to pack, and it seemed like people started packing way before i thought they did. so my question is. can i learn to pack at my local DZ? should they have a class or a program where i can learn or do i just have to find someone willing to teach me? JoeyJump more, Bitch less. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,485 #2 March 25, 2009 Unless your DZ has some sort of formal packing training program, I'd have you learning to pack now. Ask your instructor on your next jump about packing. Some DZs only offer paid classes, while others do it on bad-weather days as an informal thing. Regardless, you'll want to be jumping often enough that you can remember from jump to jump, and, yes, going out on a bad-weather day to practice is a great idea. It's not something you pick up with one lesson, it does take practice. Wendy W.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theonlyski 8 #3 March 25, 2009 Quote so my question is. can i learn to pack at my local DZ? should they have a class or a program where i can learn or do i just have to find someone willing to teach me? Short answer: Yes. You can see if the dz has a packing class (usually a packer takes you step by step) Or, you could bribe your favorite packer (or the most OCD one) with a case-o-beer and have them show you."I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890 I'm an asshole, and I approve this message Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jsreznor 0 #4 March 25, 2009 I learned at 20 jumps on a high wind day. After load 1 where the tandems were flying backwards, I went to the head instructor, and after she told me students were grounded, I asked her to teach me to pack. By the end of the day, about 15 of us learned. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_music11 0 #5 March 25, 2009 I learned at about jump 15 or so... wasn't in the habit of packing for myself tho until I purchased my own rig as the rental rate for gear included the pack job. However, I'd reccomend learning as soon as possible and then practice, practice, practice... I still struggle with my packing @times, but has definatly gotten easier with practice.If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #6 March 25, 2009 If Lodi doesn't have a formal class, I'm sure you can get something out of a beer exchange. That would seem more in character for that place anyway, rather than charge their students $80 for a packing class like one of their neighbors. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pirana 0 #7 March 25, 2009 Got my lesson for a 12 pak of Heinies. Jam it in. It'll open, . . . most likely." . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
topdocker 0 #8 March 25, 2009 Ask Bill! topJump more, post less! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrewEckhardt 0 #9 March 25, 2009 Quote im wondering where i learn to pack. i was looking at another hot thred, how many jumps did you have before u started to pack, and it seemed like people started packing way before i thought they did. It used to be that experienced jumpers took it upon themselves to teach new jumpers packing and basic RW skills. It's a nice thing to do and keeps the sport alive as people retire. Skratch Garrison taught me and another jumper how to pack (in his living room) on the condition that we each teach two other jumpers. I brought some beer for good measure too. These days some dropzones have packers teach periodic group packing classes for $10+ a head. I learned to pack when I bought my own rig and made #13 on my own pack job. The next couple took a little assistance to help me remember stuff like the buritto thing you do with the tail. Quote so my question is. can i learn to pack at my local DZ? should they have a class or a program where i can learn or do i just have to find someone willing to teach me? This is where the two plus cases of beer you bought (one for graduating from AFF and one for your first solo) come in. You meet people. Combined with hanging around at the dropzone after jumping and during weather holds you should have a reasonable chance that some one will take the time to teach you packing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildWilly 0 #10 March 25, 2009 I had my first packing lesson after my first jump, and it didn't cost a dime. I think it was because the instructors didn't want to pack 5 student rigs at the end of the day. When all they wanted was that cold beer. I was kind of nervous the next day when another first jump student was suited up with the rig I had packed the night before. But it was all good. And jumped my own pack job within 5 jumps. There are lots of great people in this sport who are more than happy to pass on information they have gathered over years and decades in this sport. So ask your instructors, riggers and packers.( when they aren't stressed from a long days work) and you will pick it up fast. Beer always helps!!!Willy growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
knic 0 #11 March 26, 2009 I attempted learned to pack by shadowing the packers at my DZ. They were pretty fast and i didn't really pick up too much. I ended up asking on of my AFFIs to run me through a pack class. He did it free of charge and didn't mind any of my questions. I jumped my first pack job and survived! Glad i payed attention. You should defiantly ask around you DZ for assistance. The beer may be a good incentive.- Knic Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites