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WFT!!!!!!!! $59.00 for a rig???????? go to cheaperthandirt.com search parachute. Why do they even sell this things in this condition. no lift web etc.


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French Military Parachutes, Red Pack Twin Chutes. Shroud Line Cut 28' Diameter
2 Customer ReviewsOur Low Price: $59.97
List Price: $89.96
Your Savings: $29.99(33.33%)

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Tell a Friend Manufacturer: Military
Item: MIL-1600

Original French military, main and back-up parachutes are packed in a complete harness assembly. Each rectangular personnel parachute measures 20x9', and the shroud lines and harness shoulder straps have been cut. Set includes a red harness, one red parachute, one red and blue parachute, and loads of para cord. These are great for covers or temporary shelters, used in good condition. Non Returnable.

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Why do they even sell this things in this condition. no lift web etc.

1) to make sure the equipment isn't jumped, as it is not skyworthy

2) The parts might be used for spares, decoration, collections etc.
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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Why do they even sell this things in this condition. no lift web etc.

They sell it because they have it. They sell all sorts of goofy stuff.

The real question is why someone would buy it.

Some will buy it for the parts, some will buy it because they collect that sort of thing, some will buy it to hang on the wall and impress other whuffos.

Some people will buy anything
There was a thread on here a while ago asking about returning one of these to service:D:D
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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French Military Parachutes, Red...

I thought that the French only used white chutes, so that they could surrender as soon as they got to the ground.



The usual expression is "WTF", which stands for "What the fuck?" But the way you've abbreviated it, transposing two letters, it instead stands for "What fuck the?" And that is an entirely different kind of question.

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I thought that the French only used white chutes, so that they could surrender as soon as they got to the ground.

:D:D:D:DThat there is some funny shit!

Kinda like the ad for Italian military rifles...never fired, only dropped once.

or how in the old days the British officers wore red uniform jackets so their troops couldn't see the blood if they were wounded...same reason the French officers wore brown pants!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Doh...eyes ain't what they use to be! ;)

It does say that the harness is 'cut at the shoulder' in the ad though right?

they meant to say that the RISERS are cut :)

So you bought one?

What kind of snaps are those...gotta better pic?

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Such snaps been used on old rigs made by para Flite years ago (belly mount) and still in service in several corps. I do not know who is manufacturing them.
Jérôme Bunker
Basik Air Concept

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I thought that the French only used white chutes, so that they could surrender as soon as they got to the ground.

:D:D:D:DThat there is some funny shit!

Kinda like the ad for Italian military rifles...never fired, only dropped once.

or how in the old days the British officers wore red uniform jackets so their troops couldn't see the blood if they were wounded...same reason the French officers wore brown pants!

I like the french Tank- only 1 gear forward but 5 in reverse!!!

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Hi twardo,

Those snaps or a version thereof have been around since the '60's. I first saw them in photos taken during international competitions, used by the Eastern bloc countries.

Just so you know . . . . . . .


Hi Jerry~

I guess I never noticed them before...I like 'em!

Lay flatter than my B-12's ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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What kind of snaps are those?

...If ya look at the pic you can see the MLW is cut and missing on the left side.

For the price, you do get a lotta hardware worth LOTS more than the asking.

Very true. I bought one and relined it so i could mess around with it on windy days at the rigger shed when nothing else was going on. Fun times for a decent price.

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