
Jump Prices Lowering With Fuel Prices?

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I really think that if fuel prices stay low that they will keep these jump prices through the spring to try to make the margin a little better and maybe get closer to breaking even. Then in the spring I would not be surprised to see some all you can jump for one price type boogies.
Thats just my opinion.

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I doubt Perris (which owns the airport and also retails fuel) pays "pump" prices since they buy Jet A by the truckload at what must be wholesale figures . . .

It may be entirely different in the US but here from what I understand there isn't a lot of markup on the fuel. Considering an A340 takes about as much fuel as most jump planes burn in a month the margins are probably quite slim.

chris-ottawa - who is charging $38 for 10k?


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Has anyone out there seen the price of altitude go down yet? I sure haven't $27 cash to 12,500 here. Regular auto gas today was $2.11. The last time gas was this cheap I believe I was paying $18 per jump.

Mile-Hi had gone up to $27, and even had a little DZ 'pow-wow' for the DZO to tell us why the cost of jumps were going up. About a month ago, they lowered them back down to $26.

Last week, it went back down to $25.

I, for one, definitely didn't expect that. But am definitely appreciative of the gesture, since it would be easy for the mgmt to just consider the excess as 'extra profit' now (especially with as little competition as Mile-Hi has).
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"I, for one, definitely didn't expect that. But am definitely appreciative of the gesture,"

Good job to your DZO. I suppose we will pay what ever it takes to keep jumping but yes it is a nice gesture. And even though the cost of fuel might be dipping I know the cost of everything else just keeps going up. I wonder if our DZOs can get in on the BIG BAIL OUT? LOL... Somehow that ended up being a pun.
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JetA prices have fallen a little but not much. They are still upwards of $3.99 per gallon at the tap on most airports if not more at some. At their high point this summer they were around the $5 mark and higher so they have only fallen by 25%.

If you want to see the cost of JetA locally take a look at http://www.airnav.com/fuel/local.html
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