
What am I gonna have to do?? Recurrency Q

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I finished my AFF jump 7 in September. After that I was supposed to be able to jump with out an instructor, just have to bring a coach here and there to accomplish certain objectives on my yellow card. I don't know if this program is necessarily AFF or AFP or what. Well I switched jobs and did not have health insurance for a while, so I was forced to take a break from jumping. I have health insurance again, and come April, I want to continue jumping and get my A license. Anyone know what I should be expecting as fa as when I start jumping again. Am I going to have to repeat the last level, level 7, or am I going to have to take a re-currency course, and do a re-currency jump? I can't afford to go through the whole course again. I just got to the point where jumping was cheaper, and to start all over would kill me. Also, I'm very nervous to start again, I know I just need to get back up there. Thanks.

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Probably you will:

Go through a Refresher Course which will review all Emergancy Proceedures, Equipment, actions in the Airplane and then your dive flow, to include the canopy control portion.

The freefall may be a repeat of an earlier jump in your training, it may be a repeat of the Cat C-2 or D-1 (in the courses pre-ISP it was called Lvl 4 and 5).

If the jump goes well you should go right back up to the point you where at prior to your break.


Page 108 of the 2008 SIMS.

Good luck and have fun!
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Well I switched jobs and did not have health insurance for a while, so I was forced to take a break from jumping. I have health insurance again, and come April, I want to continue jumping and get my A license.

The "technical" part of your question has been answered, but I'd like to commend you for making the choice not to jump without insurance. Good job.
Owned by Remi #?

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