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So, my instructors covered most everything en route to my A license. But one thing I don't recall them telling me about was etiquette on loading on a plane. Where does one single flyer go amongst the bunch on a load? Would I load first or would I load last? I know if I were to do a hop and pop that obviously I would load last. My first outing on my own, I was put somewhere in the middle - couple of groups went before me and then it was my turn and then there was at least another one or two smaller groups behind me. So how does this work? How is it determined where a solo flyer is placed on a load?

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First to load on the aircraft, wingsuit flyers and high pulls, then tandems, aff students, smallest group of free flyers to largest group of free flyers, smallest group of belly flyers to largest group of belly flyers, hop'n pops. Thats the way we load at our dz. As to why?.... Ask an instructor
See ya in a minute. Peace out!

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Where does one single flyer go amongst the bunch on a load?

Depends on a range of things at my DZ. Often load last/exit first, but also in the middle is common (e.g.if student are often put in the middle as it gives them the best spot).
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." -- Albert Einstein

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It's called Exit Order.

There is a common standard, as mentioned twice above but there are a few DZs that, for one justification or another, choose to be different.

For a great learning tool about exit order, go to John Kallend's web page at:
and scroll down to the powerpoint presentation for a good view of why the standard. There's some physics behind it.

You would serve yourself well to learn about Exit Order. You would be doing yourself and others a great service if, at every DZ you visit, you ask before you jump what the exit order is at THAT dropzone.

I hope that answers your question. If not, come back and we'll all discuss it some more.

There are serveral threads out there already discussing Exit Order. Do a search.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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your question has been answered in previous posts but

please do ask, and pay attention when loading, it is a real pain in the ass trying to move "that one idiot" around once the plane is loaded
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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Don't be afraid to say something like, "I'm doing a solo and pulling at 4000. Should I go after you?" It lets the others know what you're doing, gives you an opening to meet some new people, and maybe one of them will invite you to jump with them on another jump once they find out you're doing solos.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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As a student I found one part of this topic confusing... My instructors and the books talked about EXIT order. However, what I really needed was to learn the BOARDING order (which is the exact reverse of the exit order). :S

The choices we make have consequences, for us & for others!

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Exit order? The guy spotting climbs out to the end of the step, the number 1 position gets out next to him, the guy behind the pilot climbs up in the v on the strut, and the midget in the back dives the door;) Oh wait, noone jumps those ratty old 182's anymore!:P Being a fat guy, I am either spotting, or up front. Hey Glide, I had the same issue the 1st time climbing on the twotter. If the above forementioned is all your used to, going turbine can be a little nerve racking.

What you say is reflective of your knowledge...HOW ya say it is reflective of your experience. Airtwardo

Someone's going to be spanked! Hopefully, it will be me. Skymama

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As a reply to all of you here, I appreciate the responses, I really do. At this particular zone since I've been jumping there as far as who loads first it usually goes tandems, students, and then 'real skydivers' as I liked to call them - the ones I wanted to be like when I grew up...or graduated...lol; and allowed myself to daydream about jumping with them or at least the day when any one of them would ask me to jump with them. As for preference - I have gotten to where I actually LIKE to be the first out the door whereas before I was content watching everyone else go before me - kind of like I was letting them test the air for me and when I seen they were going then it must be okay for me to go. But I realize, and especially after this last jump of mine, that there is order, and I allowed for these guys to place me on the load because I had no clue where I should go and was starting to assume that I would just be the one to go out first as I was one of the few solo flyers on that load. WRONG! And I had no idea how to go about telling them what I was doing, ect. It sucks being painfully shy and easily intimidated. Anyway...this was just to kind of give you guys an idea of how it USUALLY works at that particular zone from my observations.

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Don't be afraid to say something like, "I'm doing a solo and pulling at 4000. Should I go after you?" It lets the others know what you're doing, gives you an opening to meet some new people, and maybe one of them will invite you to jump with them on another jump once they find out you're doing solos.


Smart skydivers have that discussion before the plane lands and they are already lined up in the correct loading order before the plane stops in front of them.

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Don't be afraid to say something like, "I'm doing a solo and pulling at 4000. Should I go after you?" It lets the others know what you're doing, gives you an opening to meet some new people, and maybe one of them will invite you to jump with them on another jump once they find out you're doing solos.

+1, That's one thing I like about doing video, at boogies you can just wander up to a group and they'll usually let you jump with them. It's a great way to meet lots of people, even though I don't know most of the people that I've jumped with names'.

At my home 182 dz if you say you want to do a solo, they probably won't let you, unless you have a good reason. They would much rather jump with you, no matter what kind of flying you want to do. I feel sorry for the turbine newbies that feel they have to jump by themselves because they aren't good enough to go with the "good" groups.
"If it wasn't easy stupid people couldn't do it", Duane.

My momma said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, so I became an a$$hole.

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As a reply to all of you here, I appreciate the responses, I really do. At this particular zone since I've been jumping there as far as who loads first it usually goes tandems, students, and then 'real skydivers' as I liked to call them - the ones I wanted to be like when I grew up...or graduated...lol; and allowed myself to daydream about jumping with them or at least the day when any one of them would ask me to jump with them.

That is a very sad post.
Every DZ should have a few up jumpers willing to grab the young jumpers & say I'll make a jump with you, you don't learn much doing nothing but solos!

But, sadly, this is not the case at all DZs.


I am NOT being loud.
I'm being enthusiastic!

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At my home 182 dz if you say you want to do a solo, they probably won't let you, unless you have a good reason. They would much rather jump with you, no matter what kind of flying you want to do. I feel sorry for the turbine newbies that feel they have to jump by themselves because they aren't good enough to go with the "good" groups.

thats what I like about smaller DZ's, more homey and the students seem to learn alot faster because people are always looking for someone to fill that last slot and it's all fun.
Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward

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I found that out in Illinois! Such warm and friendly people there! And I even had one guy over hearing me talk to someone working behind the counter about how some zones aren't as warm and friendly as that place was and he agreed whole heartedly and said that was why he liked jumping there more than anywhere else - and thought it too, was sad that the bigger zones aren't as warm and friendly - to busy being a 3 ring circus and got a lotta hot doggers - no offense all, just repeating what was said.

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My main problem is getting other jumpers to go for a 2 way with me since most B holders will usually be doing 4 ways (at my DZ anyway). They usually call each other up before hand so it's harder to a 2 way going specially when you have to wait like 5 loads every time you jump and I still need to do a couple 2 ways to get my B (CSPA says I need 15 2 ways)

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Not just group size, but orientations as well. Belly fliers usually go out first (largest groups to small) then vertical fliers (largest groups to small). Then your bird men and high pullers. (sometimes varies by dz)

But but but. What about the skysurfers? Me thinks Eric Fradet would have a say here. ;)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjmR2OnBrek
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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I've only seen one skysurfer so far, he got out first. They're probably too hard to maneuver inside the plane.

Did quite a few w/ Eric.(loads) ALWAYS first. The board is a pain in the ass on a full load.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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So, you list your city as Tucson. Do you jump at Eloy? There are very experienced skydivers who post here who could help you find groups to jump with. I'm thinking they also do organizing there too. Of course, there's a big boogie going on right now that would be a perfect way for you to find some fun jumpers. Just let us know if you want some help, we'll hook a brother up!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Lol at your final sentance there skymama. In answer to your question, yes, I jump at Eloy. I know of at least 2 people I would jump with that aren't instructors but I don't have their contact info and I don't know their last names. Hell I've forgotten one of 'ems name since I haven't seen them in forever. PLUS I didn't realize that when trying to obtain a B license that you HAD to jump x amount of times in 2 ways or whatever....course that may vary at Eloy as well, I have no clue and I haven't asked since I wasn't sure if I wanted to pursue a higher ranking. I just want to do so much out there and sometimes I get overwhelmed by how much it's going to take to get there. But it would help to meet people, get to know some, and find some I can jump with. I hate being a wallflower and I REALLY hate jumping alone - especially since my shoulder went out on me a little over a year ago. I would feel so much more secure with others around should anything happen (God forbid). But yes, to know the load order and to find people to jump with would be great. I'm just so afraid I'll end up jumping with people that are so much more experienced and expect me to be able to do what they do (sit fly, head down, ect). And I know that I will end up jumping with more experienced people I just don't want to be looked at like I'm just a boring belly flyer. I just hatched and got my A for Gods sake!

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Hi, I'm headed to Eloy in a couple of days. Since I don't have a lot of jumps yet, I'm always looking for people to do 2 ways with so I can work on basic skills. I'll be there until the 4th and I'd be glad to jump with you if you don't mind jumping with an old lady. B| Just let me know.

"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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