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Quotelook at the jump tickets when skydiving started out, 3, 4 dollars for a lift, now its 25 to 30 in places.
Something else affecting the cost of modern day skydiving...
From what I have read of skydiving history, most drop zones that charged $4 per lift in the old days were flying 5-6 jumpers in single engine Cessnas. Now days, we ride up in half the time in big, fast climbing turbine airplanes that are much safer to jump out of, all the other variables being equal.
Speed (and safety) costs money, so the age old question is-How Fast Do You Want To Go?
just lets not forget to adjust for inflation.
$4 in 1965 is worth $27.50 in 2008
I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!
Txflier 0
Lets not let the DZO's know how high we will go before they start loosing business. Put $25 up there and everybody revote
I'M am getting very tired of the DZO's being made out as the bad guys. Most DZO's are doing everything possible to make skydiving as cheap as possible for everyone. DZO's are not the bad guys they are only trying to survive and maybe make a few dollars. Personally I will always skydive regardless of the cost as I personally love skydiving and I know the DZO is trying as much as possible to make it affordable to me
He's dead Jim
Anchoring a balloon over land, or perhaps a natural span to get the height easier means a pretty easy way to get enough altitude it's no longer a base jump. Free floating balloons and blimps remain an option - not sure how much of the cost is the fuel versus the airship cost. We can always befriend gliders to take us up to high altitude. Or embrace the BASE side, of course.
I love the slingshot approach too, but with a bit more altitude than that success at Perris.
Here at my home dz we are paying actual 36$ for 11483 feet (3500m) and the prices will never go lower.
In a few years skydiving will be in the most cases a hobby for higher-income earner.
most of my jump buddies, with over 70 jumps per year are
university graduates or self-employed or make payed jumps.
QuoteTurbines will run on bio-diesel. There are already STC conversions putting turbines (Soloy) and diesel (Thielert) engines in Cessnas.
No way to cover the demand without to affect on the food prices.
Starvation in the 3. world would be one result.
and what's with the doom and gloom about oil scarcity? there is research going on for alternative fuels and engines for anything that currently runs on petroleum based fuel, including planes.
Txflier 0
QuoteI'M am getting very tired of the DZO's being made out as the bad guys. Most DZO's are doing everything possible to make skydiving as cheap as possible for everyone. DZO's are not the bad guys they are only trying to survive and maybe make a few dollars. Personally I will always skydive regardless of the cost as I personally love skydiving and I know the DZO is trying as much as possible to make it affordable to me
I'm just sayin if 100 people go into a car dealer and tell them they were willing to pay $2000 dollars over sticker price how long do you think it would be before the price of the car went up? Not that I think that the DZO's will raise prices based on this thread I was just makin a joke.

DON321 0
$25 jumps at another dz already feels to high, but i guess i would pay whatever the cost to jump but maybe just have to cut back a bit, maybe when the prices skyrocket (hopefully not) I will have to learn how to base jump......
Im interested in seeing if the electric powered planes make it into our sport, hopefully the cost is cheaper....
billvon 3,031
>higher-income earner.
While I think that costs will go up, I don't think it will be a big change. The airline industry will be affected far more than we will be, since at turbine DZ's it's generally a little over a gallon per person per load. So even if it goes to $10 a gallon (which would nearly shut down the airline industry) that's only an additional $6.
>No way to cover the demand without to affect on the food prices.
True - but that's true whether you jump using oil (oil costs directly affect food costs) biodiesel (competes with other crops) or eat meat (1 lb of meat requires 16lbs of corn.) That's a better topic for Speaker's Corner though.
Chubba 0
They're $40 to 10k, $45 to 14k at the moment.
I'll pay whats fair. Fuel prices are down over 1/3rd in the past few months, I would like the prices to drop.
tetra316 0
QuoteI'M am getting very tired of the DZO's being made out as the bad guys. Most DZO's are doing everything possible to make skydiving as cheap as possible for everyone. DZO's are not the bad guys they are only trying to survive and maybe make a few dollars. Personally I will always skydive regardless of the cost as I personally love skydiving and I know the DZO is trying as much as possible to make it affordable to me
So says someone who pays for maybe 10 jumps a year

tbrown 26
Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !
When I think of it that way, $30 seems pretty reasonable for a skydive.
I voted $80. I'd still jump at 50, 60 dollars, but much fewer jumps. What is a lift ticket at a ski resort now? Around $75?
Txflier 0
QuoteYeah but at a ski resort your skiing all day long, including rides to the top. Can't really compare the two
Maybe thats how you see it. For me, when I go to the drop zone, I stay all day long (just like skiing). I do all kinds of things from jumping, to learning to socializing to drinking beer. So I CAN compare the two.
ozzy13 0
Txflier 0
QuoteQuoteYeah but at a ski resort your skiing all day long, including rides to the top. Can't really compare the two
Maybe thats how you see it. For me, when I go to the drop zone, I stay all day long (just like skiing). I do all kinds of things from jumping, to learning to socializing to drinking beer. So I CAN compare the two.
Easy killer no need to get all capital CAN on me. Of course you CAN do whatever you want. I just don't see how the two relate. When I go skiing I'll take at least forty runs, Hang out at the lodge, drink, socialize, Mmm chili bread bowls, hot tub at the end of the day etc. Damn I wanna go skiing now.
But I really don't feel like getting in a debate I'm tired from studyin all day. If you see the relevance more power to ya.
Both sports are great and i won't stop doing either. I think the price right now for both are not so bad. Though I do remember when you could get a all day ski pass for $20.

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