
traveling with gear

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everyone talking about carry on or not with your rig. so o.k. if I have a carry on duffel with my rig in it. I'm still allowed 2 pieces of checked luggage. anyone what the max size allowed for a checked bag.?? i think I've been told it has to weigh less than 45 lbs. but could i check a big ass empty cooler with like a tent sleeping bag pillow blankets shit like that as long as I kept it under the 45 lb mark??? anyone know off the top of their head?
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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everyone talking about carry on or not with your rig. so o.k. if I have a carry on duffel with my rig in it. I'm still allowed 2 pieces of checked luggage. anyone what the max size allowed for a checked bag.?? i think I've been told it has to weigh less than 45 lbs. but could i check a big ass empty cooler with like a tent sleeping bag pillow blankets shit like that as long as I kept it under the 45 lb mark??? anyone know off the top of their head?

Charges for checked bags (even the first two) have changed and are different among the airlines.
Under the old rates:
The cutoff weights were 50, 75 and 100. Expect about $50 per increment. ie $50 for over 50# and $50 for 3rd piece, total $100.
In the US, sometimes it is cheaper to ship ground via FedEx or UPS than to pay the excess baggage charges, especially if you are over the 50 lb limit. You have to plan ahead on that though. Remember you can always get a cheap cooler at just about any grocery store for a couple of bucks.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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The last flight I was on, the ckecked baggage was limited to 62 linear inches. That's the sum of the length, width and height of the object. It may vary by airline. The weight for a piece of luggage to now be charged an extra fee was $50. Your best bet is to check with the airline you plan on flying on.
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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I'm still allowed 2 pieces of checked luggage. anyone what the max size allowed for a checked bag.?? i think I've been told it has to weigh less than 45 lbs. but could i check a big ass empty cooler with like a tent sleeping bag pillow blankets shit like that as long as I kept it under the 45 lb mark??? anyone know off the top of their head?

NO. If I recall, each checked-in luggage should not weight more than 22.5 lbs. If it exceeds it even just for one lb , then you have to pay extra. The 45 lb mark is for the total weight of the two luggage. If you have only one luggage which weights over 22.5 to 45lbs, they will make you pay extra. Tricky, isn't it? On my last trip, I have one Dakkine split luggage which allowed me to balance the weight ( this luggage was designed for that purpose )The airline company twas trying to make me paid for an extra pound in one luggage.
Compagnies may have different lbs mark. check with them. I also heard that some companies make you pay now for the second checked-in luggage>:(>:(>:(>:(

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I'm still allowed 2 pieces of checked luggage. anyone what the max size allowed for a checked bag.?? i think I've been told it has to weigh less than 45 lbs. but could i check a big ass empty cooler with like a tent sleeping bag pillow blankets shit like that as long as I kept it under the 45 lb mark??? anyone know off the top of their head?

NO. If I recall, each checked-in luggage should not weight more than 22.5 lbs. If it exceeds it even just for one lb , then you have to pay extra. The 45 lb mark is for the total weight of the two luggage. If you have only one luggage which weights over 22.5 to 45lbs, they will make you pay extra. Tricky, isn't it? On my last trip, I have one Dakkine split luggage which allowed me to balance the weight.( that luggage has been designed for that )The airline compagny twas trying to make me paid for an extra pound in one luggage.
Compagnies may have different lbs mark. check with them.

Wow, what airline is that so I never use it. All the ones I use have a 50pound limit on EACH piece of checked luggage with extra charges for anything over. (United, Alaska, Southwest, US Airways)

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Wow, what airline is that so I never use it. All the ones I use have a 50pound limit on EACH piece of checked luggage with extra charges for anything over. (United, Alaska, Southwest, US Airways)

So you mean that you can have two checked-in luggage with total weight of 100lbs. If one weights 53 lbs and the other 47lbs, then you pay for the 3 lbs extra. Correct? you're alright, Sorry I mixed up pounds and kilos, not quite the same...:( but we've got the idea now. I also heard that some airlines now make passengers pay extra for the second checked-in luggage.>:(>:(>:( So confusing. The best bet is to check with the airline.

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Wow, what airline is that so I never use it. All the ones I use have a 50pound limit on EACH piece of checked luggage with extra charges for anything over. (United, Alaska, Southwest, US Airways)

So you mean that you can have two checked-in luggage with total weight of 100lbs. If one weights 53 lbs and the other 47lbs, then you pay for the 3 lbs extra. Correct? you're alright, Sorry I mixed up pounds and kilos, not quite the same...:( but we've got the idea now. I also heard that some airlines now make passengers pay extra for the second checked-in luggage.>:(>:(>:( So confusing. The best bet is to check with the airline.

Almost. You cannot make up the extra 3 pound by adding to the weight of the second. The first bag if over 50pds will will incur the charges even if your second is only 20pds. Also most airlines now are charging a fee ($25-50) for the seond checked bag and some (US Airways) charge $15 for each of your first two checked bags.

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You pay the 3lbs extra unless you can transfer it to the other bag. Now it's crystal clear. Thank you.
I always prefer to take my 20 lb rig as a carry-on, and now have only one luggage (50 lbs maxi) to check in . That way, I may not have to pay extra (?????) depending of course on the rules of each airline.

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