
Young Skydiver

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Hey guys I am 18 years old and just graduated AFF and did my low solo and high solo. My main problem is that its hard to find common ground to talk with the other skydivers because most of them are much older then me. You guys have any advice on what I can talk about or a conversation starter or maybe a dz with people my age?
Live life with no regrets

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Hey guys I am 18 years old and just graduated AFF and did my low solo and high solo. My main problem is that its hard to find common ground to talk with the other skydivers because most of them are much older then me. You guys have any advice on what I can talk about or a conversation starter or maybe a dz with people my age?

Motorcycles, guns, cars, skydiving, snow sports, your favorite spectator sports teams, the government loaning $16,000 per tax payer where the collateral is questionable.

A lot of guy friendships are built around shared interests. While getting older changes how much money you can spend on your hobbies (getting farther into a career nets more money; breeding and sending kids to college means less money) a lot of the interests don't change.

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theres a guy at our DZ who started RAPS when he was 16. he is now 18 and has near 400 jumps is a cameraflyer, has FS1 and FF1, nearly FF2. i started when i was 18,now 21 and only have 120 jumps :S

Dudeist Skydiver #170
You do not need a parachute to skydive, you only need one to skydive again

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all you need to do is smile, listen, and be very serious when you have your rig on. try to hang around the older jumpers, and keep you mouth shut and your ears open. skydivers love to abuse the punks and mentor nice kids. be the nice kid. At your age if you work hard and listen your skills will come quick. much quicker than those not trying as hard as you. it wont be long before those same guys who are willing to help you with skydiving will be more than willing to corupt your young mind.B|

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Its probably not due to your age but being new to the DZ. DZs get a lot of skydiving "tourists" that come and go. Stick around, chip in for the weekend hamburger cook out, help shag tandems and the like. You'll make friends.

There are 18yr olds on my DZ and I'm friends with them, although I'm only 10yrs their senior. I'm not an "old guy" yet (at least I don't think I am).:D

The advice above about keeping your mouth shut and your ears open is very sound. I wish I could have done that back then and I wish I could do it now.:P

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Do something completely and ridiculously stupid that will earn you a nickname and make you a legend. Then they will come to you. Seriously.

If you don't wanna go that route though, just talk to them about whatever. Just cause they are old doesn't mean they will hate everything you like. They may, but they may not.

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I'm 21 and tend to do a lot of just listening when those over 35 at the DZ are having a conversation. At the same time, though, I don't feel uncomfortable talking to anyone, regardless of how many decades younger I am. I find that as long as I'm not a pain in the ass, everyone is very willing and eager to offer me advice with whatever particular thing I'm struggling with.

If your DZ has much in the way of a nightlife after the jumping has ended, stick around for the festivities. Someone is bound to do something stupid, and then at a later date when everyone is reminiscing you'll be able to contribute to the conversation. Just try not to be the one doing stupid things... or else you might end up with a nickname like "puke girl" that some just won't let go of :D[:/]

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Do something completely and ridiculously stupid that will earn you a nickname and make you a legend. Then they will come to you. Seriously.

If you don't wanna go that route though, just talk to them about whatever. Just cause they are old doesn't mean they will hate everything you like. They may, but they may not.

skydive naked during the winter?
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Hey Eddie - We share the same home DZ. There's tons of young people around, mostly dudes, of course, but mostly everyone I've met there has been awesome.

If you can, stick around for a drink (non alcoholic, of course since you're 18 ;) ) after the sunset load and people will talk with you. That's how I got into the mix of things and I've made some wonderful REAL friends that without skydiving I probably would've never gotten the pleasure to meet.

I have a feeling you'll be fine in no time. B|

Always be kinder than you feel.

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I'm 24, was 23 when I started skydiving. Start listening to people and then pitch into the conversation when you can, ask questions and definitely hang around after sunset. thats how I met Lucky!

And it was all downhill from there! ;)

Ali is one of the nicest, funniest fuckers I've met so far!

See? You'll be in the mix in no time!!!
Always be kinder than you feel.

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