
Recurrency Traing?

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I know all my questions will be answered this weekend at the DZ, but what is or is there a standard for student recurrency traing? I have twenty jumps and most of my A-Card filled out, but I haven't jumped since December because of the winter. What should I expect to need to do to get current?

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There is a vague standard for recurrency training in the SIM, but it depends on your instructor's/DZ's interpretation of it and what fits you best.

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It also depends on what kind of student he was.

Hope it goes well for you. Winters suck for skydiving unless you live in a warm place or travel.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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From the SIM, section 5

1. All students who have not jumped in 30 days or more should receive refresher training:

a. Review all standard procedures which were-or should have been-previously acquired.

(1) physical skills

(2) theoretical knowledge

b. Practice emergency procedures in a harness simulator under the guidance of a rated USPA Coach, Instructor, or Instructor Examiner.

c. A student should repeat reserve deployment training once each month until obtaining a USPA A License, including the use of a harness simulator and the pull of an actual reserve ripcord while in the training harness.

2. IAD or static-line method students on freefall status but not yet cleared for freefall self-supervision who have not jumped within the preceding 30 days should make at least one satisfactory jump in their initial training method, with a successful practice deployment, under the direct supervision of an appropriately rated USPA Instructor, before returning to freefall status.

3. IAD and static-line method students cleared to self-supervise in freefall but who have not jumped in the preceding--

(1) 30 days: should make at least one jump under the direct supervision of a USPA Instructor until demonstrating the ability to start and stop turns, maintain altitude awareness, and maintain stability during deployment

(2) 60 days: should make at least one satisfactory jump in their initial training method, with a successful practice deployment, under the direct supervision of an appropriately rated USPA Instructor, before returning to freefall status

4. AFF students cleared to self-supervise in freefall but who have not jumped in the preceding 30 days should make at least one jump and demonstrate the ability to start and stop turns, maintain altitude awareness, and the ability to maintain stability during deployment, with a currently rated AFF Instructor.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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