
Good weekend for skydiving

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It was a good weekend for skydivers!

I have developed a habit of checking these forums every Monday. Do you know what for? Fatalities... I know its kind of morbid, but unfortunately they are so common lately that I feel the need to see if we have lost anyone else. Its really sad how many jumpers we have lost this year. Every time I see another post it gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. Sometimes they were freak accidents and other times they were preventable. No matter the circumstances they are all tradgedies.

Thank God no fatalities this weekend!
Please everyone be safe!
Well behaved women don't often make history.

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I wouldn't say "no incidents" ... I would just say none posted. One of our Tandem guys had a nasty ass cut away ---- see the weekend #s post ---- he ended up with rope burns around his neck. I don't think I have ever seen him with the "i am totally fucked" look before this weekend. I have a huge respect for these guys but it seems this summer our 2 most experienced tandem guys came down with the same look which left me saying "thank you god...for taking great care of my boys and bringing them home safe."
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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I fully agree with the observation that "no postings" does not mean "no incidents". I know of the following in the last ~12 months which DID NOT appear posted as "incidents":

--Student rode spinning mal to impact... fractured femur and pelvis.

--Student landed in power lines. Gear damaged, no injury.

--Collision between two jumpers at deployment time... No injuries, one canopy destroyed.

--Collision between two jumpers following deployment... No injuries, one harness destroyed, one canopy lost.

--Student made low turn... femur fracture.

--Swooper couldn't get out of "corner"... femur and pelvis fractures.

--Swooper stalled TINY canopy on landing... fractured wrist.

--Tandem with drogue which would not inflate after deployment followed by inability to release drogue.... tandem terminal speed reserve deployment... no injuries.

--Cutaway handle caught on doorframe upon exit and stripped out of harness. Jumper unaware of problem. Other jumper pointed out problem in freefall. Jumper deployed reserve and landed without problem.

--Premature main deployment during freeflying... fractured neck... permenant MAJOR disability.

Watching the "incidents" forum (or the incidents posting in Parachutist) will give a distorted impression of the real incident rate.

Of course, depending on your definintion of "incident", some of the above might not qualify. I figure that most folks define incidents that those that result injury or death. That may not be helpful... there is lots to be learned from "damn we were lucky" incidents where there was no injury/death, but could have been.

I figure that there are other issues that affect the reporting such as an effort to NOT attract negative attention to a drop zone. I figure that the contents of these forums will be scanned for background information about specific defendants by any bright attorney preparing a skydiving related suit.
The choices we make have consequences, for us & for others!

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If you go back and READ the original post you will see that it says "no fatalities". I understand that there are many skydiving incidents every weekend that are not on these forums. However if you know of any fatalities that didn't appear here PLEASE enlighten me.

As far as the 'incidents' you mentioned, most of them would be moved out of the Incident Forum to a different one. Generally the Incident Forum is for fatalities and serious injuries.

I apologize if I offended someone by feeling like any weekend without a FATALITY is a great weekend for us all.
Well behaved women don't often make history.

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