
I promise.............

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HEY Everyone! Can I have your attention please???

Tomorrow is Safety Day in the US.
[Check with your local DZ because some of the northern DZS move the date to later in the year.]

I want you to promise me that you will make every jump you do this year a successful jump.

Stand up, raise your right hand and repeat………

I promise I will decide by 1000 feet where I will land.

I promise I will PLF when the landing looks to be too fast.

I promise I will look at the ground or altimeter more than a snively canopy or other malfunction.

I promise to execute emergency procedures by my hard and fast altitude of ______ feet.
[USPA recommends 1800 feet for B-D license holders and 2500 feet for students and A license holders.]

I promise to do three gear checks on every jump. Before donning. after donning and before exit.

I promise to triple check my chest strap threading on each and every jump.

I promise to only get on loads that are within my abilities.

I promise to read the owner's manual of every piece of equipment I own.

I promise to ask questions about things I do not understand before I NEED to know the information.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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Hardy, har, har, har...:$:)
If that's the worst I do, I think I'm doing ok. :D

Just in case:

I promise (to Ed) that I will ALWAYS hang onto something while I gear up so that I do not injure myself before I even get on the plane.

If it weren't for dorks like me, who would we have to laugh at!!! :P

Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.

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I promise.

Now that I've promised, can someone tell a newbie what this is:
"to triple check my chest strap threading on each and every jump."
I've not seen that mentioned before...


"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. Liberty is two wolves attempting to have a sheep for dinner and finding a well-informed, well-armed sheep."

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Literally: Make sure your chest strap is threaded through the buckle properly and then stow the excess (ask your instructor to show you how if you aren't sure).

Figuratively: Don't ever get complacent.

Do your gear checks before you don it, after, and in the plane before the door opens.

If you notice that someone else's gear doesn't look quite right, point it out (but don't touch!).
Worst case scenerio is they will explain how their gear is different and that is how it should look (you will learn something).
Best case scenerio is they might not have been as diligent during their gear check, missed something, and you may have just saved their life (you will both learn something).

Watch as I attempt, with no slight of hand, to apply logic and reason.

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