
question about making a living

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Not much! :D

Figure $40-50 per instuctor jump and then $30-45 per video jump. To do video you need 500 jumps to go with a tandem. That is a base investement of $10,000 plus gear. For video, stills, rig, helmet, etc figure another $5500-6000 at least.

To get your tandem rating it is still 500 jumps and then you need the coach and tandem courses.

AFF is 6 hours freefall but exceptional skills.

Full time instructors make 20-50k depending on where they are, what they are rated for and how busy the operation is. Hawaii/Vegas jumps just about 7 days a week, go to middle of Indiana and you might only have the 2 days on the weekend and 5-6 jumps all week.

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Lodi ?

Last time I checked (sometime last year) Lodi paid only $20 or maybe $25 per tandem and $5 per tandem pack job. But then again with their sheer volume you are still making more than most dzs.

The TI's also make good tips with the gratuity packs the student gets when they pay for the $100 tandem. With the tips it's more like $35-$40, now add the volume. They aren't hurtin' ;)

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Its weird how CA seems to pay less while cost of living can be the highest. I was a TM there full time getting 25 a jump, moved to Florida and was paid $30 with no state income tax and way cheap cost o living.

If you want money, find a hand cam DZ. But dont complain about doing 15-20 jumps a day. Factory divers only.

The only way to make $3000 to $4000 weekly.

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