
Id like to down size but.....

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Id like to down size next summer but I am not sure what canopies would be best for me to to consider.
Currently I have 180 jumps. About 50 or so on my currant canopy. (Icarus Safire 2 150 wing loaded about 1:1) Before that I was jumping a 9 cell PD 190, then a Triathlon 175, then a triathlon 160. I really like the "semi-elliptical" feel of the Safire 2. Does anyone have any suggestions on what other non-square canopies might be good for a mid-range jumper?:)

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what other non-square canopies

You will be hard pressed to find a "square" canopy (and I'm not even trying to be funny about square vs. rectangular).

Pretty much all canopies nowadays have some sort of tapper to them, except maybe the Triathlon (not sure if Aerodyne has chnaged the basic design).

Wht do you like about the Safire? And why do you want to downsize?

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Id like to down size next summer but I am not sure what canopies would be best for me to to consider.
Currently I have 180 jumps. About 50 or so on my currant canopy. (Icarus Safire 2 150 wing loaded about 1:1) Before that I was jumping a 9 cell PD 190, then a Triathlon 175, then a triathlon 160. I really like the "semi-elliptical" feel of the Safire 2. Does anyone have any suggestions on what other non-square canopies might be good for a mid-range jumper?:)

Strange progression. A 160 to a 175 to a 190, then to a 150?;)

But seriously, ask a good smattering of the seasoned veterans (a.k.a. the old guys) and rated instructors who have seen you jump and land regularly.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Strange progression. A 160 to a 175 to a 190, then to a 150?

While I can see you you might have interpreted it that way, I think he's trying to say that his first canopy was a PD 190, his 2nd was a Triathlon 175, his third was a Triathlon 160 and now he's on his 4th canopy, the Safire2.

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I'm on a safire2 159 loaded @ 1.5, love the canopy. It has a great glide and I can still wingsuit with it, and it snivels for DAYS (i like that). I plan on another slightly smaller safire before fully elliptical. Anyway, the more you load the safire the more fun it gets, I say stick with it as you already know it's basic flight characteristics.

That said, let's hear what the pros say :)

So there I was...

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I said next summer I plan on downsizing, not now. By then I will be ready for something a little more challenging. I have pretty much honed my skills on the safire2 149. And I am at about 95 jumps on it now. that particular canopy was my Husbands first, he passed it on to me after I got my second rig (which came with a stiletto that I was not quite ready for) Anyway he doesn't really like the worn out stiletto, and wants his safire 2 back. So, I need to arrange something for me to jump. :ph34r: I enjoy the safire2, I may get another one but smaller. I was just wondering what else is out there.

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Im not sure I see what you are saying? I said a 190 to a 175 to a 160 to a 150 what's so "strange" ? :S

Unless you guys are skinny as hell or really small, that sounds like a bit too much downsizing in about 200 or less jumps that you guys have.

I currently jump a 175 and have jumped a 160. I've been told that I wouldn't notice much difference with a 150, but keep in mind... I believe it's 150s or anything smaller than a 150 is considering a high performance canopy? In which case it would just be a no no... Am I right?
Rodriguez Brother #1614, Muff Brother #4033
Jumped: Twin Otter, Cessna 182, CASA, Helicopter, Caravan

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How about instead of downsizing you try switching planforms to a mild fully eliptical? I love the Nitro/Nitron, they're quicker than a semi-elliptical but not as twitchy as a Stilleto.
"If it wasn't easy stupid people couldn't do it", Duane.

My momma said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, so I became an a$$hole.

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This is nothing short of brilliant and should be your guideline to changing canopies (downsizing). We even hand this out to all of our AFF students as reading material.


BTW, "50 jumps on a canopy does not an expert make"

I coined the phrase, "Land any parachute, anywhere, anytime." When you can do that, then you are a true canopy pilot.

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Strange progression. A 160 to a 175 to a 190, then to a 150?

While I can see you you might have interpreted it that way, I think he's trying to say that his first canopy was a PD 190, his 2nd was a Triathlon 175, his third was a Triathlon 160 and now he's on his 4th canopy, the Safire2.

Yes; hence the smiley and "But seriously . . ." statement.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Just some food for thought. Even though the canopy wingloading may not be horrific when you downsize again, you may want to hold off for a while because then next size down you are getting into smaller line sets, and the canopy will become a whole heck of a lot more responsive. Also if you have improper body positioning on opening with the shorter lineset it will become more apparent.

There is a very good acrticle on teh PD website about this. http://www.performancedesigns.com/docs/wingload.pdf

If you want to make you canopy feel faster just gain some weight ;)

Edited to add URL

Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Im not sure I see what you are saying? I said a 190 to a 175 to a 160 to a 150 what's so "strange" ? :S

I was funning you for the ambiguity of the grammar. From a purely grammatical and logical perspective (which are concerned with structure and not content) the statement is ambiguous (and open to interpretation). Using the content it was obvious what you meant (unless it really was a strange sequence).

Forget about it; it's an occupational habit (and not always a good thing) that I sometimes pick things apart (and use too many parentheses).;)
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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How about instead of downsizing you try switching planforms to a mild fully eliptical? I love the Nitro/Nitron, they're quicker than a semi-elliptical but not as twitchy as a Stilleto.


I agree that there might be another 150 out there that might prove more of a challenge to you, but just jump different mains - but don't be too quick to write off semi-ellipticals or 'even' boring old squares.
You'll know when you've found your soulmate ;)

Not that I'm an instructor or anything, but people told me the Spectre could do nothing but fall out of the sky really fast. Being the stubborn eejit that I am, I still tried the Spectre (WL 1.1) and was pleasantly surprised by a canopy which could provide snappy turns, yet still get me back from a long spot if I yanked on my rears and be forgiving enough to make all those upjumper mistakes and live to tell about it..

Size isn't everything - it's what you can do with it that counts.
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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i dont know if I fit the "really small" category but im athletic and weigh in at about 140. So, I dont really think that a down size from a 150 to a 135 (providing the canopies are of similar performance ) is such a drastic downsize. especially when I have the go ahead form the old experienced guys at the dropzone, But thanks for your concern :)

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