
so what can i expect on safety day?

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Each participant will be assigned a schedule from the agenda below in order to divide participants into three groups. (Excluding tandem instructors in session one) Participants will regroup at 3:30 for an open forum discussion.

10:15 - 11:15 Tandem Instructor Procedures All Tandem Instructors
A Canopy Flying Sue Fraley

B Skydiving Equipment Moe Viletto

C Hanging Harness/Partial Malfunctions Michael Swartz
11:30 - 12:30 B Skydiving Equipment Moe Viletto

C Hanging Harness /Partial Malfunctions Susan Saxon

D Alternate Landing Areas Jeff Reckard
12:30 - 1:15 WORKING LUNCH Pizza & Wings - Watch Instructional Videos
1:30- 2:30 C Hanging Harness /Partial Malfunctions Craig Cushing

D Alternate Landing Areas Jeff Reckard

A Canopy Flying Sue Fraley
2:30 - 3:30 D Alternate Landing Areas Craig Cushing

A Canopy Flying Sue Fraley

B Skydiving Equipment Moe Viletto
3:30 - 4:20 Round Table Open Forum Jeff Reckard & SP Staff
Review Queries Posed to the Question Box
Emergency Procedures - Aircraft, Freefall, Etc
4:20 - 4:45 This Coming Season - General Stuff - Awards Jeff Reckard
4:45 - Beer, Beverages, Videos, Etc

This will be my beer Safety Day as well, and this is what my DZ is doing.
I can't see us jumping, either. It's going to be cold as hell and snowy.
I've already started the list of what beers I'm going to bring:
Boddington's Pub Ale, for the people from across the pond, Sierra Nevada, Great Lakes Brewing, Victory (gotta represent one of the finest breweries in the world), and maybe a Brooklyn or two.
Suggestions welcome.
I've also managed to talk my hospital into giving me a few neck braces to add to our first aid stuff.

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DZs have different ways of doing it. Where I used to jump, it was a pretty normal day interrupted by a safety seminar between jumps. Where I jump now, they set up booths, each one presenting a different topic. You can move from booth to booth throughout the morning, listening to a different seminar at each one. You also get a card with each topic on it, and get it signed off by the presenter at each station. At the end of the morning, all completed cards get turned in for a raffle. One of the stations is the hanging harness... all jumpers are expected (if not required) to get in it at least once a year. Last year was my first safety day at this DZ and I was VERY impressed compared to what I've seen elsewhere.


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