
Right sport for me??

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Do the right thing and set your goal to finish school.


Well, I deff plan on finishing school... am a senior in college this year, but if I dont get into grad school (which there is a good chance I wont...) then I just want to move somewhere cool and have fun. I mean, my whole life has focused on school. But thanks for all the good info. Cause youre right, I will need a life, and a job, so I can buy my dog treats to keep her happy.

or you can lie to uncle sam, say you're in grad school, get loans and spend them on skydiving like you were talking about before. :)

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Well, I deff plan on finishing school... am a senior in college this year, but if I dont get into grad school (which there is a good chance I wont...) then I just want to move somewhere cool and have fun. I mean, my whole life has focused on school. But thanks for all the good info. Cause youre right, I will need a life, and a job, so I can buy my dog treats to keep her happy.

Do you understand the irony in saying your life is all about school yet making spelling and grammatical errors and saying you won't make it into grad school? Your energy might be somewhat misplaced and you're not being totally honest with yourself. Spend a little time figuring yourself out :)

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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I say do it till you don't want to do it any more. I spent a large part of my life planning and waiting. Only to find out that life is what happens to you while you are planning and waiting for the right time to do things. Too many people are too busy making a living to have a life. It is ass backwards.

Can I do everything I want? No,but I can do most of the things I want to and have a damn good time. As opposed to what I used to do. First working for other people and then letting my business run me.

Don't forget to enjoy life while you are making all of those plans.

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Do you understand the irony in saying your life is all about school yet making spelling and grammatical errors and saying you won't make it into grad school? Your energy might be somewhat misplaced and you're not being totally honest with yourself. Spend a little time figuring yourself out :)

Haha, well, fuck grammar and spelling. :)

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Do the right thing and set your goal to finish school. Take up skydiving ONLY if it does not interfere with your education. You will need a life outside of skydiving...make it the best one possible.

This coming from the guy that lives on the dropzone.:D

Irony...ya gotta love it...:D:D
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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am a senior in college this year,

I was a senior in college when I made my first jump.

Still trying to figure out if I like it.

Figure it this way. If you spend your money on jumps you won't have it available to spend on drugs or other stuff that is easily as hazardous.

You'll wind up meeting some of the greatest people in the world, and traveling all over the world in their company.

You'll wind up with memories of sights that most other human just can't imagine.

You'll gain self confidence, as well as respect for the need to do things right.

Yes, it can get in the way of other things in life. But when you die, do you want to be saying "I wish I had," or would you rather be saying "I'm glad I tried?"

Welcome to the sky.

"Harry, why did you land all the way out there? Nobody else landed out there."

"Your statement answered your question."

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