
Travelling To/From Moscow - Airline pops the reserve

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There is no way in hell I would ever check my rig.

Why not ? ...

Since Target doesn't sell custom replacement skydiving rigs, the airline loosing your rig may ruin your vacation and mean up to a six month wait to get your gear replaced in your size, preferred brands, and colors.

When you check your underwear instead and cary on your rig and they loose your lugage, you get a new pair and a new tooth brush.

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There is no way in hell I would ever check my rig.

Why not ? ...

Have done it dozens of times ... no problem

You'll change your tune when you go on a jumping trip and you've got no rig. Happened to me and plenty of people I know. One guy was away for 2 weeks and British Airways were kind enough to give him his bags back to him at the airport when he was on his way home.

May Contain Nut traces......

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The maximum insurance on most baggage is somewhere around 1/10th the value of a rig as well.

The insurance included in your ticket price is, but for domestic travel you can usually buy up to $5000 per person in excess value coverage for 1% of the policy value each way.

IOW, when moving with my favorite rig in the cargo hold I paid $50 to insure it.

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$50? You might as well just ship your rig UPS or with FedEx. Then you don't have to mess with it in baggage, the TSA and have less chance of it getting lost.

Well, he said he was moving, so I imagine he had other things.

But that brings up the point that shipping your rig might be a good way to go.
They don't really care to much about what's in there, and for $50 you could ship your rig most places, fast, and with insurance.


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I think you'll find its a bit more than $50 nowadays...

Well, USPS from California to Lost Prairie3-day delivery with $3000 of insurance is about $64
with $4000 of insurance is $74

For parcel post(7 days to deliver) your looking at $63 for shipping with $4000 in insurance:

So, that's not a lot more than $50, particularly considering that some airlines are starting to limit the weight of the carry-ons and bags, and that a repack is a hassle and expensive. Shipping it is something I'll be considering on the next.

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There is no way in hell I would ever check my rig.

The TSA and airlines don't have to let you on with it as carry on, so you might reconsider when/if they inform you of the options you actually have, as opposed to the right to carry it on that we wish we had.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I flew Delta about 6 months ago and had the letter in hand.. They can run a bomb test. it sniffs for chemicals that are comminoly used and if it passes that they cant stop you from having it as a cary on. My uncle is a pilot for U.S. Airways and he informed me that this has to be requested and if it passes your golden.. And there is no way i would ever ck my gear... Im takeing it with me for a reason;)

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>they cant stop you from having it as a cary on.

Sure they can. I was flying to WFFC one year and someone from the flight crew said "you are NOT taking that on this airplane." I complained, pilot said the same. He's in charge.

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You can request to speak to the regional director i had to when i flew because i ran into the same prob the pilot said no so i requested a phone call to the director and it was over ridden i was at the airport 5 hours early because i knew i was going to have to go through some hoops but they passed it all through the only requirement was it had to stay stowed in the overhead the entire trip.

Also bring a description of how your aad works and a printout of the x ray prior to going to the airport this is all information you will want to have ready prior to the trip unless your willing to trust UPS with your entire vacation.. But hey what ever works There are ways around everything. Just like you can bring needles on a plane if you have proof your diabetic the pilot can say no all he wants but he will get over ridden now me if i tryed to take needles i would be tackled and hauld away in a cop car as a terriorist;)

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>the pilot said no so i requested a phone call to the director and it was over ridden . . .

Cool! But again, there is nothing that says you will always be allowed to carry on your rig. An airline can require that you check it for no reason at all. (It is, after all, their airline.)

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I always print on paper the information usually provided on the website of the airlines which I intended to use.
(i.e. delta last time:http://www.delta.com/traveling_checkin/baggage/special_baggage/fragile_bulky/sporting_goods/index.jsp)
In addition to make sure that some unfamiliar/uneducated on/with skydiving gear security guy won't stop me, I send an e-mail to the airport from which I'm going to fly with request and all references to the information on the airlines website attached + all other typical stuff (TSA, AAD, etc.)
usually this works. however if the weight limit is exceeded, there is little to do, except to say that this is not a security issue (at security check point).
I remember Jeffro coming to Poland last year to do a canopy course without missing luggage (his rig, cloths but with laptop only;).
Back to Poland... back home.

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I've traveled with my rig a couple of times in the past year or two, and never had any problems carrying it on. The closest thing I've ever had to a problem carrying it on is when they see it on the x-ray machine, they usually wave several other screeners over to show them what a parachute looks like!

On the flight to Eloy last year the people I was traveling with and I occupied the flight attendents almost the entire 3 and a half hour flight showing them skydiving videos on our cameras :D

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