
How extreme a skydiver are you

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I am not sure what i think is more funny the replies on this thread or the fact that you drew a storyboard to plan your jump

Its all funny, i'm a funny guy......

Written to be read quietly (just so you know, when planning a comercial, thats what people do, its so people in different countries who are on your team know whats going on)

(so in actual fact that part is not funny, my crappy drawing is funny, but the fact of showing people what they were signing up for, not so much)

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Written to be read quietly (just so you know, when planning a comercial, thats what people do, its so people in different countries who are on your team know whats going on)

Add little cartoon balloons for two guys.
After the high-five, one says "Dude"
and the other says, "Sweet".

That would be so extreme... ummm... Dude.

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I was going to add

"this is fucking amazing"

very point break i thought

Well, Fournier should break the freefall time record set in the movie Point Break. :D:D:D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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And if you are looking for more attention, you should start another thread asking the canopy experts here what they think about you jumping at a 1.5:1 wingloading with 185 jumpsUnimpressed (From your profile)

Boy, did you hit it on the head. Why do we keep entertaining these future wetspots.....eerrrr.... .I mean, cool novice skydivers looking for legit advice? :S
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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thanks for the advice guys, yeah... my loaded canopy, errrrr... i don't know what to say really.... errrr.....i remember now, You've never seen me under canopy so you really don't have a clue about whether its apropriate or not for me!!!!

I've now Jumped at Deland, lilo, chatiris, hinton, langer, ocana, sibson, headcorn, royan.

Do you really think (really think about it) that during my kit and doc check that i would be allowed to jump at these places, if the CCI's or riggers had concerns whilst seeing my log book and "canopy of death" (drum roll)
Nope no problem there...

It could have somthing to do with attending lots of canopy contol courses.. quite possibly... i would imagine.. maybe...surley

or it could be that they want me to die!!!!;) cause that really raises the profile of a dz

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as could be said with anything anyone ever does.....

If your honest with yourself and your friends you'll let them know what antics you get up to and that you do risk your body in these things..

I may be called selfish in what i do.. but its my life and i will live it how i feel apropriate... it may offend you.. but i will not hold myslef back to avoid offending people who don't know a thing about me.

My parents are ready for the mop up, in the worst case senario.. and they are pleased (sometimes worried though, don't get me or them worng) that i am making the most out of it..

I have a limited time left on this planet, so I will push fwd with the things i enjoy.. b4 the bug takes hold

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Jumping with a barbers chair and shaving a guys beard off whilst he was in the chair, which was being held aff style by a couple of guys to keep it stable.

I though i'd make it clear so i edited it a bit

Just to clarify! As far as i know, you were not on this jump and as for the shaving, you might want to admit the fact that no one is stupid enough to use a razor with a blade in it!
LittleDJ!!- There is no such thing as a perfectly good aircraft!!!

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thanks for the advice guys, yeah... my loaded canopy, errrrr... i don't know what to say really.... errrr.....i remember now, You've never seen me under canopy so you really don't have a clue about whether its apropriate or not for me!!!!

Hmmm.... let me guess. What are you? About 18? Maybe 20 years old? You sound like it right off the bat (not that I'm saying every young person is like this) You think you're young and invincable and it doesn't take me seeing you under canopy to know what a hot dog 100 jump wonder packs skill wise under canopy. I have a hundred-something jumps too and I'm in a similar boat to yourself, so I think I can see where you're coming from. I'm not trying to down you dude (or us for that matter, since I too have the low jump numbers), I'm just trying to shed some light and be a little realistic and on the safe side.


I've now Jumped at Deland, lilo, chatiris, hinton, langer, ocana, sibson, headcorn, royan.

Do you really think (really think about it) that during my kit and doc check that i would be allowed to jump at these places, if the CCI's or riggers had concerns whilst seeing my log book and "canopy of death" (drum roll)
Nope no problem there...

Congrats on getting around to different places in the world so young. Good for you. Instead of of using those experiences of a what a dropzone here or there did (or didn't do) about your kit, you should really stop to take a look at whats going on around you and listen to the collective group of experienced jumpers, not just the manifest girl or S&TA who talked to you for 30 seconds and thought your logbook looked alright. Years ago, a dz I was jumping at let a guy jump a Kata120 (or something similar, I can't exactly remember what it was.) when he had 200 jumps and no eliptical canopy experience because he had a cool log book with him and he was from a foreign DZ. Well, this guy ended up a vegtable after that jump and needless to say, they tightened their standards a bit after that. All because the CCI or S&TA (who at a foreign dropzone has never seen you under canopy either, just as myself) says its OK still doesn't mean it's the best decision.


It could have somthing to do with attending lots of canopy contol courses.. quite possibly... i would imagine.. maybe...surley

I think getting all the training you can is part of being a smart skydiver as long as you don't walk away thinking, "oh, I've had training, so I can do what I want and thats that." I worked at Skyventure and have about 9 or 10 hours tunnel time, but it doesn't mean I am going out on a big way freefly on my next skydive and think it's OK to do, but instead stick with the stuff I should be doing with 150 jumps and just know that the training I have has helped make me (and others) safer at this point and the rest will come when it comes.

I'm sorry to take this thread off topic, even though it does kinda respond to how 'extreme' your actions are; not just in this thread, but in previous ones as well. I'm probably not the person to give you advice either, since I too don't have a lot of jumps, but I can offer my opinion and the experiences I have had. I've been around the sport for five years and try to listen and learn as much as possible to be as safe as possible and hope you could be as safe as possible too; not just for yourself, but for everybody else on the load. Have you ever seen somebody go in under canopy? Have you ever helped give CPR to somebody who beefed it in bad? Hopefull you'll be fortunate and be around for enough time to be unfortunate enough to witness an accident like that, because maybe thats what it will take to turn you around. Seeing somebody's femur poking through their skin is enough to humble a person real quick. I know people have said their piece to you in other posts similar to everything I've said above, but I just had to get this out. Again, I'm not trying to be harsh, just realistic and as safe as I can be, which sometimes means raising my opinion of a red flag to a fellow jumper that could one day be on the same plane with me and do something stupid enough to endanger me and friends I'm jumping with.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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Jumping with a barbers chair and shaving a guys beard off whilst he was in the chair, which was being held aff style by a couple of guys to keep it stable.

I though i'd make it clear so i edited it a bit

Just to clarify! As far as i know, you were not on this jump and as for the shaving, you might want to admit the fact that no one is stupid enough to use a razor with a blade in it!

What kind of razor do you use then... a razor without a blade that is pretty dumb... maybe thats why you have a tash :o

If you look at the start of the clip you'll see me.. i'm the guy in the blue who meets with andy, and hands over the razor and shaving gel to him, ask bryn for the clip, as he shot it.. but you must know that :$

I'll pm the rest to you

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28 and i am invincible!!!!

I've broken enough to know better....funnily most bones except my femurs (thankfully as i have seen a few broken ones on others)

BUt yes people should go at there own pace, and definetly not endanger other people, and listen to those who know better.

I have said simular things to bikers, boarders and the like, and they have not listened and then seen them broken or dead, i understand your point.

Thanks for your concern, but i'll be just fine.

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Thanks for your concern, but i'll be just fine.

or not, but if you are weighing up the risks and go ahead anyways
BOOYA, go fot it:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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After all of this talk I really thought I was going to see something crazy. But no. Somewhat unique, perhaps. But truly EXTREME? Nah.

Fun to watch but there could've been more closeups of the dude in the chair. Why does the video guy fly so far away?

Could've picked a day with better lighting too.

Can't say I hated it. It's cool. But really, after five pages of this thread, I was really expecting something great.

Was kind of like EXTREME Jello.
"Any language where the unassuming word fly signifies an annoying insect, a means of travel, and a critical part of a gentleman's apparel is clearly asking to be mangled."

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I am not extreme at all. I have flown on my belly for 100 skydives. I pull at 4500 feet (because anything lower scares me). Hell, I hardly ever jump with people because even that scares me. :D

Rodriguez Brother #1614, Muff Brother #4033
Jumped: Twin Otter, Cessna 182, CASA, Helicopter, Caravan

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See you havent learnt not to take things to heart yet sam!

As for the advert, as i said on my PM, i think its genius. I was advised you were not actually on the jump and the razor did not have a blade in it and if this is not correct, i apologise.

As i said in my PM, just be careful! No one wants to hear someone they know has gone in for trying some stunt that went horribly wrong!
LittleDJ!!- There is no such thing as a perfectly good aircraft!!!

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