Sletzer 3 #1 February 13, 2008 I did my required hop and pop a few weeks back and was just wondering how that went for everyone else. Here's how mine went: Did high altitude H&P check jump with a decent exit. Planned on doing my H&P at 3500 on 1st try. First attempt- pilot forgot and went to 5000 before someone let him know, I got out around 5500. *side note*There's something about having 14 experienced jumpers staring at you when a)you've never spotted the airplane before, b)you're exiting the plane as low as or lower than you've ever even pulled before and c)holy f*cking sh*t the ground is right there! I climbed out the door and JUMPED a student style exit- found out later I almost hit the back stablizer (pilot had slowed down, so it was my fault), tumbled once and rolled left at the same time. Would have been a cool corkscrew if I had done it on purpose. Got stable and deployed, after burning 1500-2000 of altitude. I knew right off the bat I had fucked it up and I was PISSED at myself, but then I realized I was fortunate the pilot took me up higher than usual. Still would have been ok, but it would have been SCARY. Talked to coach about what I did, made adjustments, and.. Next load up, door opened at 3000, spot the aircraft, out the door just under 3500. Perfect exit & pull in just under 2 seconds (what my coach required), landed in target on ground. I was pumped because I nailed it, and I had bounced back from a shitty dive to a great one. Not to mention I hadn't ever "failed" a jump before, and I was able to get my shit together and pull it off. Was funny afterwords, my coach told me when I exited the first time everyone on the plane went "ohhhhhh shit!" because I fucked up and almost creamed the stabalizer. The second jump he watched the exit, turned and said "he passed it!" and everyone went nuts. I'm "sure" they were all cheering for my great accomplishment (Problably because they didn't have to sit though anymore crazy H&P's but it made me feel good none the less. I had another guy at my DZ say that he kind of freaked on his H&P and deployed his pc while flailing around on his back but got his main open at about 1200. Anyway, just wondering if anyone has any cool stories or memories from their first H&P back in the day or even from a few weeks ago....I will be kissing hands and shaking babies all afternoon. Thanks for all your support! *bows* SCS #8251 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WILDBILLAQR 0 #2 February 13, 2008 I'm still here So I guess smooth & silky ---------------------------------------------- "Thats not smoke, thats BUCKEYE!!" AQR#3,CWR#49 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virgin-burner 1 #3 February 13, 2008 well, pretty shitty.. got out at 4500, thought i was stable, but pulled on my back. PC came out inbetween my legs.. i did think i was gonna die, or some other bad shit.. turned around, all ok.. here its a requirement for the license, i did wait another couple of jumps for the next one tough.. “Some may never live, but the crazy never die.” -Hunter S. Thompson "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." -Yoda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragon2 2 #4 February 13, 2008 Mine went pretty good, I did the SL route but only had to do the c&p after a few jumps from 12k. Funny how the first one went ok, I sure f*cked up a lot of c&p exits after that I got a reputation for being a freeflyer, when I was doing CF!!!! ciel bleu, Saskia Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildfan75 1 #5 February 13, 2008 I did S/L so my 1st HNP was pretty much nothing different than my last three jumps (PRCPs). As a S/L'er I think hear AFF students getting so worked up about doing a HNP from 3500'. Congrats on nailing it the second time! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrBrant 0 #6 February 13, 2008 hehe, 2 seconds? You just wasted a good 9 seconds of freefall! Hop & pop are fun - enjoy! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AllisonH 0 #7 February 13, 2008 QuoteI did S/L so my 1st HNP was pretty much nothing different than my last three jumps (PRCPs). As a S/L'er I think hear AFF students getting so worked up about doing a HNP from 3500'. Congrats on nailing it the second time! I agree. My first H&P was no big deal - I did the exact same thing I'd done on the previous 3 jumps. They did take us up to around 4,000 feet though, and that made me a little nervous because at that time I thought higher was scarier! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
poe62 0 #8 February 13, 2008 I'm not a fan of HNP's. When they explained to me what I needed to do for my first, I was pretty wide-eyed and scared. My friend said, just relax, get stable, count to 5 and throw. I left the plane stable. I counted SO fast that there was a really good chance my pilot cute could have skimmed the plane not really...but I was laughed at for a month after that. I'm much better now. I swear. ~Nikki Irgity Dirgity Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KNewman 0 #9 February 13, 2008 Quote As a S/L'er I think hear AFF students getting so worked up about doing a HNP from 3500'. Interesting?? I think its......FUNNY. I guess since I spend my Army time jumping out at.........wait for it........ 1200' ........ Now thats really scary!!! I love H&P's they give you time to play with your canopy!!! Great job!!! Kevin Blue Skies and Stand-up Landings!!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheSecret 0 #10 February 13, 2008 The plan was to count a few seconds then pull but...I pitched so fast out the door....people callled it a POP & Hop Life is good Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lastchance 0 #11 February 13, 2008 It went great. Stepped off the 206 in a poised exit, watched the plane counted to 2 and pitched. Slower than normal opening because of lower speed but I had already been told to expect that. I have to admit I was scared before I did it but it came off without a hitch. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Butters 0 #12 February 13, 2008 I liked it and have gone on to do plenty more."That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
L.O. 0 #13 February 13, 2008 All right, I think it's kinda funny to listening to the AFF people to, But not really. The h&p is in there for your own safety. If you can't leave the plane and instantly be in a position to pull, you are a danger to yourself. Reserves are packed with care and precision but if you need 3-5 seconds to get stable before pulling,,,,.... geesh. If you have to get out of a burning plane at 800ft you don't have 3-5 and as your reserve pilot chute goes between your legs, who knows how it will open. I was another s/ler so my 3500ft h/p was higher then I had ever been and it went smooth as glass. I remember thinking this is just to easy. On jump number two (5 sec) I let go of the strut with my left hand and gave my jm the hang loss sign before letting go. I am glad you took the time to get it right, congrates. Sorry for bringing things down a bit, it's just a personal pet peeve. People should not be frightened of lower altitude. Maybe go do some BASE jumps, then you'll realize how much time you really have from 3500. HPDBs, I hate those guys. AFB, charter member. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZeG 0 #14 February 13, 2008 Have to do Hop´n´Pop soon and I do admit I am a bit worried... If I screw it up and use like 5 seconds to get stable and the main opens slow.. so another 4 or so. That gets me down to what? 1500?1000? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tbrown 26 #15 February 13, 2008 My first hop & pop was also my first freefall - and my first packjob. That was in 1974. It went great. I still remember having to punch the ripcord ( a 4 pin) a second time to get it to come out, but after that everything was perfect. Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icon134 0 #16 February 13, 2008 When I was learning exits for me didn't usually go so well. I generally wouldn't completely roll over (at least I don't think so...) but did try everything to get on my back. The video from my first Coach jump is awesome... I was in almost a Pike position but was still belly to the relative wind. My first hop & pop was done for a canopy control course when I had 19 jumps. I was an AFF baby so the first time I looked out the open door at 5500-6000 ft... I wanted to hollar to the pilot that we must be too low to the ground to get out safely (I'm quite comfortable getting out at 3000 ft now)... I had planned to exit as a hop out facing the front... and the idea was to toss after "clearing the tail of the plane" (something I'm quite cabable of now... but wasn't so much then) Now this being my first H&P there was a bit of aphrension to say the least and I ended up tossing my pilot chute while still a but unstable and within only a few miliseconds of leaving the door of the plane... (OK, I might be exaggerating a little bit...) due to this fact my bridal happened to wrap almost completely around my torso... so at this point I was fortunate to have managed to franticly remove said bridal from around my torso and had an uneventful opening. Needless to say my first H&P was a bit hair-raising. the remaining jumps for my canopy course were uneventful and frankly I now enjoy a fun H&P...Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragon2 2 #17 February 13, 2008 QuoteHave to do Hop´n´Pop soon and I do admit I am a bit worried... If I screw it up and use like 5 seconds to get stable and the main opens slow.. so another 4 or so. That gets me down to what? 1500?1000? Freefall time = 10 secs for the first 1000ft, 6 after that, so relax! ciel bleu, Saskia Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZigZagMarquis 9 #18 February 13, 2008 Well, you asked... "Back in the day" when / where I learned, they had a bit of a different program where one started out (basically) on the Static Line progression, did 5 static line jumps form 3500' (the last 3 included PRCPs) and then went to freefall; going to altitude and basically picking up on the AFF progression from there at the single jumpmaster point and last, but not least, your "graduation jump" was a hop-n-pop, back down at 3500'. In a nut-shell, the purpose of the hop-n-pop grad-X jump was too... 1) build confidence and 2) prepare you for a potential emergency exit... oh yea... and 3) get you to buy the up-jumpers BEER! The TLO for the jump was basically to exit stable from a poised position and get something coming off your back within 5 seconds... the later part being something that was lost on a lot of folks if not taught well by the instructor... from 3500', even if one goes "Arch Thousand", "Look Thousand" (back then "look" was part of it since you were on a rip-cord rig... now, look isn't usually taught because of BOCs and concern over the student breaking their arch)... "Reach Thousand", "Pull", "Arch"... you still had the PC coming off your back within 5 sec and were saddled above 2K, usually more like a tad under 3. Anyway, my hop-n-pop / grad-X jump went something like... get on the plane with my jumpmaster... am sitting back at the back of the plane again after getting used to being up front with the rest of the students and tandems... remember / understand what you talk about having all the (then) experienced folk looking at you... takeoff... get a bit past 1K and my jumpmaster (Jay) gives me a gear check... a little while later we move off the bench and onto the floor by the door at the back of the Otter... the way its going to go down is, when the green light comes on, Jay will ask me if I'm ready to skydive, I'll give the requisite "yes" and then he'll help me open the door and I'll spot, hit the left or right button (corrections) as required and then hit the cut-button, climb out, etc... well, plane turns on jump run, green light, Jay asks me if I'm ready to skydive, "YES!", he helps me open the door... I take hold of the bar with one hand and lean out a bit to spot, with my left hand on the buttons, give a left or a right or somethihng, can't remember exactly which and then hit the cut-button when I think I should... I look back inside and Jay is sitting back in the bench with his buddies that he's going altitude with to do a skydive... I pause looking at him for a second, and he saysn "Well, get the fuck out of the plane!"... ... I climb out... up, down, arch... arch thousand, look thousand, reach thousand, pull thousand, arch... it wasn't the prettiest hop-n-pop ever, I'm sure, but I passed and it was way cool watching the plane climb away after for those fist few seconds after getting saddled. Since then, done many hop-n-pops, some from lower altitudes... ... but none of that crazy low shit you hear some of the REALLY old grey hairs talk about from the stone ages... Its always interesting to see an AFF baby that hasn't exited at anything less than 12.5K nor done a static line, do a hop-n-pop for the first time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
millertime24 8 #19 February 13, 2008 My first H&P was on my first pack job. I think thats by far the most memorable H&P I have ever made. Come to think of it, its the only H&P I've ever made.Muff #5048 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sletzer 3 #20 February 13, 2008 I think that's the thing, for AFF it's terrifyingly low, for S/L students it's too high The manual said 5 seconds but my coach insisted on 2 for the reason you said- in an emergency you've gotto be out and ready almost immediately. But still, what a change from a 65 second freefall to a 2 second one! I will be kissing hands and shaking babies all afternoon. Thanks for all your support! *bows* SCS #8251 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #21 February 13, 2008 It went really well.... and I have done a lot more of them since then... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sletzer 3 #22 February 13, 2008 Watching the plane climb after I saddled out was a really cool moment for me, too. I won't forget it anytime soon. When I set up to land I realized there was 25 people looking at ME because everyone else was still in the plane.... time to pull it together and land that puppy I will be kissing hands and shaking babies all afternoon. Thanks for all your support! *bows* SCS #8251 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
countzero 7 #23 February 13, 2008 dove out and reached for my PC before i was stable almost went on my back. got stable and pitched. nowadays i love doing H&Ps from 5k. i like doing fun exits, taking a delay and then pitching. plus i get to work on canopy skills without alot of are a dawgs best friend Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yamtx73 0 #24 February 13, 2008 Let's just say that during AFF I was a 'problem child' for my instructors (and was told once that skydiving isn't for everyone), but I stuck to it and finally got to that hop-n-pop. Poised exit... looking up at the Caravan flying away as I reached to pull (very stable too!) I had to laugh... there were so many heads stuck out the door watching that I think only the pilot didn't watch... I LOVE hop-n-pops! The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virgin-burner 1 #25 February 13, 2008 but for a change.. this sunday i did some h n'p's, in order to get my landings dialed in. people were asking me if i started to get into swooping!? still on an altitude an aff would be required to pull, couple of seconds after you've left the plane, in whatever position, is kinda fun! only did it to re-assure myself of what i was being able to do. going pretty fast on higher loaded wings, is sometimes scary. it worked, i'm resting assured, i can do it! hop n'pops, other than swooping, do have a purpose i believe.. “Some may never live, but the crazy never die.” -Hunter S. Thompson "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." -Yoda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites