
Perris Valley Ticket Price...

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Where I jump the price just went up to $23.00. The DZO said if we could convince the airport to give him free fuel then he would give us free jumps. Everyone call the airport manager and see how fast we can get kicked off. :):)


"Don't! Get! Eliminated!"

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I believe tickets now went up to $25. Thats why Ive been jumping at elsinore lately ($24). Yeah I know, the dollar makes a huge difference. :ph34r:

I think for what you get, Perris is worth the extra buck. Besides, their overhead has to be higher. Anyway, both Perris and Elsinore have discounted blocks of tickets for $1000. elsinore also offers a $500 package and both DZ's now offer blocks of hop & pop tickets as well (for canopy swoopers, I guess).

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I wouldn't grumble too much.

The formerly awesome fleet at Cross Keys (Skyvan, Otter, Caravan, Porter, and Helicopter) seems to have been reduced to a single Cessna 182

You're kidding, right? When I was last at X-Keys a couple of years ago, they had a Skyvan, two Super Otters, two Caravans, a Porter, a PAC-750, a helicopter, and a biplane and they were literally doing 200+ tandems a day.

How on earth did a DZ of that size turn into a single 182 DZ in less than two years? I can't imagine they're still doing 200 tandems a day out of the 182.

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I knew the Skyvan had timed out but where did the rest of the planes go for Cross Keys?

Yeah the skyvan just ran out of time.

I think the otter is down south and will hopefully be back soon.

All the rest of them who knows? Porter been gone a long time. Had a King Air for a bit but that seems to be gone. Dont know where the helo went but I didnt see it fly at all in the past year and havent seen the caravans for a long time.

The 2nd Otter was from another DZ and if there was ever a PAC-750 there it was also from another DZ.
Cross keys never owned one.

I never saw them do 200 tandems in a day :)
They have had nothing but a C-182 flying for quite some time...

My mighty steed

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Yup, it's only 182 for cold winter months.
We were doing 150+ tandems a day on weekends last summer so it's not that bad. Flying 2 Otters (or one sometimes)
AFAIK, Heli is gone, Skyvan is gone (but may be back in the future), Caravan is broken and I belive will be sold. Biplane is getting a new engine built, Porter is coming back and the Otter is in FL (I think) but is coming back.
So this year should not be that bad :ph34r:. We will probably have 2 Otters (and a Porter?)

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