
Level 5 AFF!

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So I did my level 5 yesterday. I had a slow left turn going on during my level 4 but it wasn't too bad but still I wasn't quite sure what to expect yesterday being let go again and having to execute 360 degree turns. I did great, got a glowing review from my instructor, and had a blast but that's not the point of my post.

With only one instructor on level 5 I had nobody outside the Otter door, only my instructor inside, so at the door there is nothing between you and the ground. Before I 'Check in!' I looked down and sort of wanted to shit my pants. In a good way (if there is such a thing). The second instructor always kind of blocks the view out of the door but since he wasn't there it was all me. And it was fan-fucking-tastic. After every jump I think 'That was rad. How can this get any better?!' and then the next level blows me away.

I feel like yesterday I actually got a small taste of why all you people do this. And I'm hungry as hell now.

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After the 1500 it's gonna cost in AFF alone I'm sort of banking on that!

Holy Hell! Where you training at?!? The cheapest I've found around here (granted, not a lot to pick from) is closer to $3,000, if not more. Still waiting for email response from a few, but still...at $1,500, I'd go camp there for a week and be done with it!
"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return." Da Vinci

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I don't know where the hell you guys did your AFF but it only cost me $1400USD.

and to address the original post: it gets better once your off student status! work towards your A and try new things! once you start jumping with other people the skies the limit (well, i guess really the ground is but you know what i mean).

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Too come back to the topic... Just wait it gets A LOT better. My best/most exciting/mindblowing jump, was when i was jumping out of the door the firsttime without the instructor holding on to me or grabbing me in freefall. The whole time by yourself. It is AMAZING!!!

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By the way I discovered during my AFF is that I am allot more stable alone...having the extra dudes during the early dives made for some interesting exits. After first solo exit it was like....wow just like on TV.. almost like I knew what I was doing ! The good Arch is critical however.:S

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Yeah, I did level 6 this past Saturday with my first solo exit. I think I flipped over on exit but went right into a nice stable arch. It happened so fast I can't say I relly remember what happened.

But you're right. The first exits were "different" to say the least.

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It ends up being a minimum of $1250 USD at Taft if you don't fail any levels. I'll have spent $1425 by the time I'm done because I already bought an Altimaster and had to replace my 1/2 inch plugs that flew out of my ears on level 3 (I actually bet they didn't fly out on freefall because my helmet covers my ears but I went up with them and they were gone when I got back on the ground)!

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