
Jumping through cloud

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It's a cloudy day where I jump here in NZ and we have 13 tandems to do. Due to the fact that we operate in controlled airspace the cloud isn't an issue. How many other countries allow jumping through cloud?
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In NZ we can operate VFR. As long as the plane can get to jump height legally we can jump assuming the airspace is fully controlled and we have ATC clearance. This had huge benefits when running a skydiving business.

You can get some fantastic visuals at times.
2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.

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Agree! in the summer of 2006 we exited at 12500f from an AN-28 and passed through 4 layers of clouds. Those 3 spaces between created a surreal empty void feeling..it was awsome..Just a shame I had to few jumps to be qualified for jumping with camera....
"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return." - Da Vinci

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Yep, we do so here, clouds at least should be not lower than 1000m.

Rain clouds are "fun" to jump if you're a bellyflyer. Remember my very first: Pain in the face all the time down. Hurts like needles :S

Later, while sitting, it did not hurt the a** at all B|

It's great to jump into clouds, I really do enjoy it.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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I once got a nasty letter from the FAA for jumping through(near) a cloud, It was at an airshow and a navy base, the Air Boss said "go!", so we went. The letter said Don't do it again for two years "or else",
what ever that meant. I'm very proud of the letter, It's hanging on the wall next to next to my goldwings.

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They don't call it cloud where i jump, they call it industrial hase

God know's that's the oldest one in the book. But in the event of an incident, i don't think the investigating committe would get a laugh out of it.


... officialy it's frowned upon here.

As it should be. I'm not going to say i haven't done it. But it is ery careless and inconsiderate to others as well as your self.


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