
Who's saving up for New gear this spring!?!?

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I was cruising all the hormone-driven threads in the Bonfire for the last few hours, and it got me thinking about my Skydiving Fantasies. I'll bet 1/2 of you are planning on some new gear in the next few months... What's on your mind?

I'm too broken to run and fat (its amazing how fast you grow when you can't exercise) for the main I usually jump, so I might find something nice in the 135 size range.

Or if walking fast is out of the option, I might just stick to the big seven cells and skip the new gear, except I like a .7 wing loading to get a nice sink which will also call for something bigger there too.

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I got rid of my old container over the summer and finally got around to ordering the new one in Dec. Will be coming in sometime in March.... can't wait! Been waiting five years for this-- stupid college.

Attached is what I ended up going with after a year of toiling with designs.


I'm saving up for my first complete rig...but unfortunately I must wait for 1 1/2 years until I can purchase it because of stupid grad school. I've already rode out 6 months, but sadly I have another 18. It makes me want to cry At least by that time, I will have enough cash to pay for all 7 levels of AFF, my first rig, other equipment, and several jumps immediately.

Just wanted to vent...no one else understands my longing to be in the sky...they just think I'm crazy in the head and will literally die.

I haven't read through all of the posts on this and I am sure other ppl have already touched on it, but I would seriously wait until you even think about getting gear; especially if you haven't even started AFF yet! You'll learn so much about gear after you start, your tastes will change, and you'll want to buy something for a canopy size you will jump for a long time. I had a friend purcahse brand spankin new gear before he even got off AFF, and a year later here he was with like four to five hundred jumps with his huge (but new and pretty) container jumping a 220. He was pretty sorry he didn't wait. [:/] Def. rent gear for a while, dude.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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Just got word that my Pilot 168 will be here tomorrow!!! I am so excited :)Will post pics when I get it.

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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I've got a brand-new fully tricked-out Wings Vision on order - Plus a new main - New pair of DaKine FF pants here, a couple 2nd hand Tony suits on the way (a FF suit and a camera suit-) Plus will be putting in my order for a new Tony RW suit shortly. Everything should be coming together a month or three after this pesky neck operation. Pure coolness.

All that, and with this hellacious snowfall we're getting today, I've started looking at a Yamaha wave runner - The FX SHO Cruiser -

Easy Does It

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the parachute arrived today and it is beautiful......it is at the riggers and I did get some pics but have to get them downloaded. Will post shortly;)

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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I've got a brand-new fully tricked-out Wings Vision on order - Plus a new main - New pair of DaKine FF pants here, a couple 2nd hand Tony suits on the way (a FF suit and a camera suit-) Plus will be putting in my order for a new Tony RW suit shortly. Everything should be coming together a month or three after this pesky neck operation. Pure coolness.

All that, and with this hellacious snowfall we're getting today, I've started looking at a Yamaha wave runner - The FX SHO Cruiser -

WOW! whatever you do to pay for the habit is going well.

I dont have much room to talk cause i just bought a " new to me" rig and a new wingsuit, plus a few trips which I could not afford..but what the hell. I am young. enjoy all the new gear everyone. And by the way, whatever gear you have ... is the best looking gear around.... be proud of it.

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Careful investing!! Actually just some disciplined saving and jumping second-hand equipment for a few years. This will be my 2nd new container in 7 years and the "beer" new canopy.

Any rig is as good as you take care of it. I jumped a used black Racer when I first started - put well over 300 jumps on it. I kinda miss that sweet thing. It fit very nicely and carried me through my one and only cutaway.

Enjoy that wingsuit! I've got one on m wish-list.

Easy Does It

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I have a new gear dream.
Javelin Odyssey (made to fit me) Navy with red, green and yellow on reserve flap ........135 Sabre 2 main .
Optimum reserve.
Navy jumpsuit with booties (made to fit me as well) ..................I am waiting on a sweeet red Odyssey right now. It is used.......... but very nice....has PD reserve no main or AAD......so I guess my big dream has to wait..................a while anyway. need to get that main and AAD............

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Here is a pic of my new pilot....it is at the rigger's getting put in as we speak. Can't wait until I can actually jump it now.;)

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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I just faxed in ma order form a few minutes ago. It's a tingley feeling....:)

Wait until you get it!!! Tingles galore:o:o:o:o
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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