
USPA - Jan Meyer Impeachment??

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The more I hear about the USPA BOD over the last couple years.. and now with this kind of stunt.. I do think there is far too much in the way of conflict of interest..

I quit jumping at DZ's that have affiliations with Skyride... OR the ones that take Skyrides business model and pull the same kind of crud on their customers that they learned at the feet of Skyride.

We have members from all walks of life. I know there have to be some insurance people who can steer us in the direction of telling us what we really get for our insurance that we get from USPA.. if anything has ever been paid out and what kind of alternatives there are.

I also think it is time for a new organization where integrity rather than what I am seeing here is the norm.
Personally I have not seen a benefit for the money I am spending on USPA dues.

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Scott Smith created the agenda, and he represents all USPA members regardless of locale. I e-mailed him (and Sherry) to ask who had requested that 8-A be put on the agenda, so that I could get more information and provide input to BOD members.

From uspa.org:

The actions of each working committee must be approved by the full Board before becoming USPA policy. Each Director has one vote at BOD meetings. Voting responsibility includes not only making business decisions and setting policy, but also the establishment and modification of the Basic Safety Requirements (BSRs) and Recommendations. BOD members cast their votes based on the input they receive from their constituency (the membership) and their own judgment.

- David
SCR #14809

"our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe"
(look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)

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This may be a silly question, but have any of you called Glen B. and asked why the impeachment is on the agenda?

You know, I have not called Glenn about this.
I figure, if he wants to impeach me he ought to be the one paying for the phone calls and at least have the balls to tell me WTF he is so upset about.
Besides - he does not answer phone calls from me anyway.

But if any of you get any extra info, please send it my way. 951-658-3526

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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Scott Smith created the agenda, and he represents all USPA members regardless of locale. I e-mailed him (and Sherry) to ask who had requested that 8-A be put on the agenda, so that I could get more information and provide input to BOD members.

Sorry but your post is not correct. Please check again with Scott and Sherry.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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Et All...

So where is the "Imeachment" process defined as it applies to USPA BOD members??

I'd have assumed... yeah... yeah... I know what that means... but I'd have assumed it would be in the USPA By-Laws??

I went looking on www.uspa.org, but couldn't find it... :S... but I probably didn't look hard enough.

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Et Al...

So where is the "Impeachment" process defined as it applies to USPA BOD members??

I'd have assumed... yeah... yeah... I know what that means... but I'd have assumed it would be in the USPA By-Laws??

I went looking on www.uspa.org, but couldn't find it... :S... but I probably didn't look hard enough.

From my 2003 pdf of the USPA Governance Manual, Section 1.1 Constitution and By-Laws, Article III Board of Directors, Section 4 Impeachment: "Any USPA Director may be removed for cause by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any BOD meeting, provided that such action was contained in the proposed agenda for the metting."

I speculate that "members present" means board members, not USPA members present in the gallery.


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Just a general question to everybody.
1. How many of you have ever been to any BOD, S&TA, Gen Membership, DZO, or group membership meeting held by the USPA?Can't afford to fly to fla.
2. Have you read the lawsuit that was brought against the USPA by Skyride?I've read pieces of it.
3. Have you ever contacted your RD for any reason?many times by email since I have not been to California in a bunch of years I don't have personal access. HE's never answered my email and I dont know how else to contact him.
4. Do you even vote in the USPA elections?Yes

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Funny I see your name,........ Jan you been doing those under age tandems again, your such a boat rocker. Oh and when are you going to change out your gag for duck tape? We can still hear you muttering.;):P

you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Thanks Jan,
So let me get this straight. They are going to try to boot you out, but don't have the common courtesy to speak with you about it in person. No reason given, just go...gutless and classless by the board.
Maybe this will stir up a bit of a hornets nest and get more jumpers involved.
It's time to take USPA in a new direction. And yes, I vote and speak with my RD on MANY issues affecting the membership each time we speak.
What help do you need from us, the USPA membership?

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3. Have you ever contacted your RD for any reason?many times by email since I have not been to California in a bunch of years I don't have personal access. HE's never answered my email and I dont know how else to contact him.

They do have phone numbers: http://uspa.org/contact/bod.htm


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I used the info on the parachutist.
I think I may have tried to call him once but I can't be certain. It's too late for the issue I was going to ask about but I will remember to check for phone contacts next time.
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>I do. How bout we start another "USPA?" Maybe, USSA...(U.S. Skydivers Association).

Might work. I suspect it would get even less support than USPA, which gets very little as it is. I have an image of three guys who meet once every two years, sending out emails saying "here's what we talked about, and please please someone come to the next meeting!"

But if it is to work, it will happen because someone like you just does it. So go for it.

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Scott Smith created the agenda, and he represents all USPA members regardless of locale. I e-mailed him (and Sherry) to ask who had requested that 8-A be put on the agenda, so that I could get more information and provide input to BOD members.

Sorry but your post is not correct. Please check again with Scott and Sherry.


Sorry, I thought Scott was the "Member-at-Large" of the Executive Committee.

The PDF of the agenda shows Scott as the creator.

My mistakes, I guess. All I asked him for was the name of the person who asked that 8-A be added to the agenda. That was based on the PDF information.

Good luck, I guess we'll know the answers soon enough.

- David
SCR #14809

"our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe"
(look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)

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I just sent an email to my RD asking if she has any information she can share.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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They are going to try to boot you out, but don't have the common courtesy to speak with you about it in person.

This is a typical action from a corporate perspective, and once emotions are removed from the discussion, it is fairly prudent. Do you know it's a "they" vs a "he" or "her?" From what I've read here it seems to be proposed by one.


No reason given, just go...gutless and classless by the board.

Perhaps the board hasn't been given a reason either. In other words, it's an item that as part of the by-laws, must be on the published agenda in order to be heard. Apparently one person promoted it from an idea to an action item on the agenda. Somewhere, the reasoning will be made public at some point.

Not defending USPA, I admire Jan tremendously for what she brings to the table and has fought for on a variety of fronts, and I'm probably the least knowledgeable of all the history in this community. she's also helped me in a couple of situations.
But...USPA is not entirely unique from a corporate org chart, and the rules for these meetings are fairly set in stone. It's required to be on the public agenda for this very reason; it allows those that will be voting to look to their resources, invites commentary through appropriate channels, etc.
I've sent my RD an email, I'd recommend anyone interested in the outcome of the agenda do the same.
Phone calls are nice, but emails can be verified, printed, and shared verbatim.

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While I like your sentiment, I think it's time for a "Take Back the USPA" movement.

Let those "in power" know where the power really lies (with the members) and those that refuse to answer to the members that we're watching.

I'm making a list, and I'm checking it twice.....
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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You know, I have not called Glenn about this.
I figure, if he wants to impeach me he ought to be the one paying for the phone calls and at least have the balls to tell me WTF he is so upset about.
Besides - he does not answer phone calls from me anyway.

Glenn must still be mad about you having a more current version of the Robert's Rule's of Order book.:S:D

Good Luck Jan!

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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While I like your sentiment, I think it's time for a "Take Back the USPA" movement.

JP, this is for everyone, but your idea of USPA members taking back our organization from those with special interests is of course the best advice.

USPA Members:
It is time for you to step up to the plate and help your National Director that has worked so incredibly hard for you.

There is only one thing that will work, and that is to contact your Regional Director with your opinion. Anything less and you are simply all talk and no action.

(However, contacting the full BOD will insure that the members of the BOD that support Jan are aware of all of the emails sent to those who do not. A CC: might be in order.)

Use uspabod@skydivehard.com to contact the entire BOD. USPA headquarters turned off the email address fullboard@uspa.org because one or more BOD members asked them to, because they do not want to hear from USPA members.

I have already created a special folder in my email program to store these messages. Please think carefully and compose a good message.

Also, I extend the offer once again for anyone who wants to talk about this issue or other USPA issues may call me at my office, 9-5 central, (800) 435-1975.

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Unfortunately, I don't plan on seeing more than 10-15 people who post/ bitch on DZ.com there...

And that is 10 to 15 more than was there the last time. Its a start.

And hopefully 15-30 at the next and 30-60 at the one after that.

I think at the next meeting we should put this on the agenda:

New Business:
A. $10 per jump tax for any jump out of a turbine

I bet that would move people to action.

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Yeah, I know, it was phrased badly.... I was sleepy when I posted that... but Whoever got USPA into the lawsuit situation (and USPA's actions regarding Skyride were pretty indefensable from an anti-trust stance), really should be accountable for it.

About getting involved... I've never been to a board meeting, I HAVE read as much as possible from the lawsuit (what I can find publically, anyway), I love our new RD because he actually jumps in our region and talks to jumpers, so yes, talk with him frequently, and I have voted in every election since I started jumping 4 years ago.

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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How bout we start another "USPA?" Maybe, USSA...(U.S. Skydivers Association).

Might work. I suspect it would get even less support than USPA, which gets very little as it is....

Been tried before - I am told that Roger Nelson disagreed with USPA and started the WSA (World Skydiving Association)

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